Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Top Pentagon Officials Are Starting To Leave The Pentagon

The Hill: Pentagon sees flurry of resignations after Trump ousts secretary 

A slew of Pentagon officials resigned Tuesday, a day after President Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper, spurring a leadership shakeup at the Defense Department. 

The new resignations came from the Pentagon's top policy official James Anderson, the agency's top intelligence official Joseph Kernan and Esper's chief of staff Jen Stewart. All three submitted letters announcing their resignations, effective immediately. 

“I want to thank Dr. Anderson, Admiral Kernan and Jen Stewart for their service to the nation and the Department,” acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller said in a statement. “Over their careers each has contributed greatly to the national defense and the future of the Department of Defense. We wish them the best in their next endeavors.” 

WNU Editor: The main stream media are in panic mode .... ‘Devastating’: Top Pentagon leadership gutted as fears rise over national security (Politico). More here .... Trump administration removes senior defense officials and installs loyalists, triggering alarm at Pentagon (CNN). But resignations of top officials after an election loss is nothing new. It has happened all the time, and the officials who are replacing those who have left are their subordinates who know what needs to be done. It looks like Joe Biden will be President on January 20. Will the media react the same way when all of these officials are fired the following week so that a Biden administration can put their own people in these positions? I am willing to bet that Politico, CNN, etc., will praising such a purge.


kidd said...

truth is king u fools not the gun or pen u wright on

kidd said...

soon u will feel my words

Anonymous said...

just kidding