Saturday, November 28, 2020

Tough Times For The Russian Economy

Financial district of western Moscow. Kirill Zykov / Moskva News Agency 

The economic consequences of Covid-19 are becoming clearer, and they aren't good. 

The number of Russians in poverty is projected to grow by about a million by the end of 2020, with the overall economy due to fall as much as 4.5%. 

That's according to the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and former Finance Minister Alexey Kudrin, who revealed on Saturday the current projections for the state of the country's finances. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I have seen and experienced worse. At least Russia is doing significantly better than the European average (8-9%)


B.Poster said...

Tough times for the US economy as well. I'm pretty sure Russia and pretty much everyone are doing better than the US is now. None of them had to endure the destroyers of all that is good in the likes of Fauci and Birx!!

Once the US recovers from this adversity, it will be stronger. None have had to endure anywhere near what America has had to endure from either the government response or the virus itself that America has had to endure. None have shown us mercy. All around the world have rejoiced at our suffering and wished us pain and suffering.

Perhaps America will emerge from this stronger than when we went in. As a decent people, we will be decent and kind where such wasn't shown to us and WE WILL purge those from us whp rejoiced at the suffering of those locked down while they lorded over their suffering!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...