Monday, November 2, 2020

Tweets For Today


Anonymous said...

Masha and Ukraine wasn't enough to get me to cast a jaundiced eye. However the machinations of the State Department in Guatemala is.

What proportion of the U.S. State Department is honest, intelligent, and moral.

Anonymous said...

Fauci that little rat spread so many lies , made so many mistakes and paints such a dystopian picture...I wonder if he's part of the Chinese thousand talents program. He even has connections to the Wuhan lab...

The USA is under attack from outside and within. And it is treason.

The USA needs to clean deck. Any one who works for China, must be trialled and hung publicly. And I mean it. Trillions lost. Millions of lives around the world will be lost and China makes money off the World's misery. Enough.

Anonymous said...

If Mr. Fauci is smart graduating top of hos class and working for the government for 90 years, how come the drugs that he backed as a corona treatment are a bust?

Anonymous said...

Suits for clothing do not always indicate competence.