Sunday, November 1, 2020

U.K. Ministry Of Defense Says Over 1,400 ISIS Militants Have Been Killed Or Wounded By Drone Strikes In Syria And Iraq Over The Past Six Years

© CC BY 2.0 / Cpl Steve Bain ABIPP 

BRITISH military forces have taken out more than 1,400 ISIS terrorists over the past six years by drone strike, it has been revealed. 

Figures released by the Ministry of Defence show how bombing missions by pilotless aircrafts were effective. 

The flight logs reveal how RAF MQ-9 Reaper drones, which are controlled by military crews in bunkers located in the UK, have been deployed on 4,107 missions in Syria and Iraq since 2014. 

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WNU Editor: If the UK was able to take out 1400 ISIS militants, you have to wonder how many did the U.S. take-out with their massive fleet of drones. 


Anonymous said...

Does it matter, if 1,400 were taken out but 1,600 recruited?

It might or it might not.

B.Poster said...

It's hard to say how many the US would have taken out. It's going to depend upon a multitude of factors. Just to mention a few. 1.) How good is the intelligence. US (un)intelligence is unreliable. Sure they will get lucky from time to time but the return on i vestment is poor. 2.)How much support is their within a government to conduct a sustained military campaign. The US is infiltrated with ISIS supporters. As such, ISIS will likely be warned in advance of many attacks blunting the effects of any drone attacks. 3.) Due to a series of fruitless and pointless military operations around the world military training and morale have suffered which will affect the drive program further diminishing the effectiveness of an American drone program. 4.) What is the collateral damage? Given the poor nature of US Intelligence it is most likely quite high.

I'm pretty sure the results of the drone program are far less as a percentage than that of the UK program and is probably of negative utility meaning its results create more ISIS followers than it eliminates.

We have been able to have positive results in the fight against ISIS when they've overreacted and "worn out their welcome with the locals." These are examples of "unforced errors" on their part which has been hugely beneficial to us.

Caecus said...

High casualties don't mean much against an enemy who is seeking martyrdom

Anonymous said...

Poster, what drives your comments? Any links you'd like to share with the rest of us?