Tuesday, November 3, 2020

U.S. Elections -- Live Blogging

03:26 EST: Calling it a night. 

03:24 EST: Too early to call this election. President Trump is in the lead, but a lot of votes still need to be counted. Former Vice-President Biden does have a chance to win the Presidency, but  he needs more votes in these remaining races to close the gap.

03:13 EST: I have been following the trend lines for Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania for the past three hours. President Trump has been consistently keeping his lead in Wisconsin and Michigan. Former Vice-President Biden is gaining ground in Pennsylvania, but he is still 670,000 votes behind President Trump.

If President Trump loses Pennsylvania, he will still win with 270 electoral votes. Talk about a close election.

03:00 EST: They have not called North Carolina or Georgia for President Trump. Both are close races, but former Vice-President Biden has a lot of ground to catch-up on. In Georgia President Trump currently has a 102,000 vote lead with 94% of the ballots counted. But there are still a lot of votes that need to be counted around he Democrat stronghold of Atlanta.

In North Carolina 95% of the votes have been counted, and President Trump has a 77,000 vote lead.

02:55 EST: This election is going to come down to the following states.

Wisconsin: With 91% of the vote counted. Trump 51.3% (1,501,009 votes). Biden 47.2% (1,382,676 votes).

Michigan: With 72% of the votes counted. Trump 53.3% (2,063,209 votes). Biden 45.1% (1,746,963 votes).

Pennsylvania: With 74% of the votes counted. Trump 55.7% (2,956,7910 votes). Biden 43.0% (2, 283,656 votes). I expect this count will get closer as more votes around Philadelphia and Pittsburg come in.

Mail-in ballots for all three states will take extra time to count.

02:28 EST: The NBC anchor just interrupted President Trump calling him a liar. The NBC crew are clearly upset that President Trump has called them out on not calling these states.

02:25 EST: Ditto on Pennsylvania and Michigan.

02:24 EST: Complains that Georgia and North Carolina have not been called by the networks, even though it is statically impossible for the Biden campaign to catch-up (which is true).

02:23 EST: President Trump vows that those who voted for him will not be disenfranchised. 

02:22 EST: President Trump is at the podium.

02:15 EST: This is interesting. Democrats should not take the Hispanic vote for granted.

02:09 EST: Seven counties in Pennsylvania have called it a night. They will resume counting tomorrow morning. Trump currently has a 695,000 lead in Pennsylvania.

02:00 EST: The NBC reporter at the White House has just said that President Trump will not concede the election ?!?!?!?

01:55 EST: Bloomberg spent $100 million to help the Democrats in Florida. That is money down the drain.

01:39 EST: President Trump's lead has been cut in half in Georgia. But with only 7% of the votes left to count, it is going to be difficult for Joe Biden to catch up to the President. The New York Times is predicting a Biden victory?!?!?!

01:31 EST: Reporters on ABC News are now finding excuses on why the Democrats have not performed as expected. They are some angry people there, and it is skewing their analysis. Switching to the other channels.

01:18 EST: The TV pundits are still saying that there is still hope that Joe Biden will win Georgia. I do not see it. With 87% of the votes counted, President Trump is ahead by 250,000 votes.

01:03 EST: President Trump will be making a speech later tonight.

00:58 EST: You can tell that President Trump is ticked-off with Joe Biden's speech 15 minutes ago.

00:52 EST: It is fun to watch the pundits on TV explain all of this. On ABC News they have someone talking that Wisconsin is still in play. That votes from Democrat rich Madison will shift the numbers. I just checked the Madison count. Over 90% of the vote for Madison has been counted. A lot of people on the panel are in denial. Everything that the panelists are saying are not true. 

00:47 EST: This is strange. I watched Biden's speech on Newsmax. NBC did not cover it.

00:43 EST: Joe Biden has announced that they are on track to win the Presidency. That it will take a few days when the mail-in ballots are counted.

00:42 EST: Joe Biden is taking the podium to make an announcement.

00:08 EST: It looks like the Republicans are going to lose two senators (Arizona and Colorado), but gaining two senators. One in Georgia and one in Michigan.

23:59 EST: There are 1.9 million absentee ballots that need to be counted in Wisconsin (link here).

23:52 EST: They are now talking about why the Electoral College is unfair to Democrats on ABC News.

23:45 EST: Reporters on NBC are quoting Biden officials that they are very confident that the mail-in ballots will shift in favor to them, and that they will win Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

23:44 EST: There are 3 million absentee-ballots in Michigan (link here).

23:42 EST: The people on NBC and ABC look very glum. They are now talking about future elections.

23:38 EST: 3,098,947 mail-in ballots were requested in Pennsylvania.

23:34 EST: Bookies are now saying that Trump has been re-elected.

23:30 EST: Arizona and its 11 electoral votes have flipped to Joe Biden.

23:22 EST: Mail-in ballots for Michigan will be announced on Friday. Wisconsin is not going to announce tonight. Pennsylvania .... no one knows when that will be announced.

In Pennsylvania Trump leads 55.4% vs. 42.1% (without mail-in ballots).

In Michigan Trump leads 54.5% vs. 43.5% (without mail-in ballots).

In Wisconsin Trump leads 51.6% vs. 46.9% (without mail-in ballots).

23:19 EST: The international money markets have just passed judgement on the results of this US Presidential election (i.e. the re-election of President Trump).

22:08 EST: It looks like Trump is going to lose Arizona. But he is still in the lead in Virginia!!!! Nah. I will be very very surprised if Virginia flips to Trump.

22:04 EST: The polls were all wrong!!!!! With the exception of the ones that I follow (link here). There has to be a reckoning. This is the second time that they have been completely wrong. 

22:59 EST: Democrat operatives are now talking about voter suppression and racism on TV. 

22:48 EST: If President Trump loses Pennsylvania and Arizona. He will have 273 electoral votes, and will be re-elected as President of the United States.

22:45 EST: FOX News is predicting the Democrats will gain 5 seats in the House (link here). 

22:37 EST: There is a problem in Philadelphia. Officials are suspending the count of mail-in votes (link here). Another Philadelphia official is saying that for every Republican mail-in ballot, there are sixteen Democrat ones !!!! (link here). 

22:31 EST: Thousands of protestors are converging on the White House (link here).

22:28 EST: Clashes reported between BLM/Antifa protestors outside the White House. (link here). 

22:20 EST: If this trend continues. And looking at how the votes are distributed. This election cycle will be a repeat of 2016, and President Trump will be re-elected as President. 

22:18 EST: It looks like Trump is going to win Ohio. With 80% of the vote counted, he leads by 250,000 votes. 52% vs 46.6%.

22:12 EST: Trump has taken the lead in Pennsylvania. With 29% of the vote counted he has 50.8% of the vote vs. Biden's 46.3%. But 80% of the Democrat rich counties around Philadelphia have not been counted yet.  

22:08 EST: Trump has taken the lead in North Carolina (the three counties that have not provided their vote count just did). With 90% of the votes counted, Trump is at 49.7% vs Biden's 49.1% for a lead of 30,000 votes.  

21:58 EST: Biden's lead in North Carolina is shrinking. With 87% of the votes counted, he leads Trump 49.5% vs. 49.3%. Or by 9,000 votes. But there are still three counties that need to be counted, and they voted Republican in 2016. This is going to be a squeaker, and I will not be surprised if the lawyers are gearing up for a recount.

21:55 EST: Trump has taken the lead in Ohio. With 74% of the votes counted, he leads Biden 50.6% vs. 48.1%.

21:35 EST: North Carolina is very close. With 83% of the votes counted Joe Biden is ahead with 60,000 votes. There are 5 counties that have not produced their results yet. They are also Republican rich counties. The only way President Trump will win this state is if these five counties have a turn-out significantly higher from 2016.

21:14 EST: Joe Biden is doing better than what Hillary Clinton did in the states of Ohio and Pennsylvania. Biden is positioned to win these states and the state of North Carolina. If he succeeds, the odds of him becoming the next US President increase significantly.

21:10 EST: I am surprised by Trump's showing in Virginia. With 38% of the vote counted, he is in the lead with 58%. But the votes from the Democrat strongholds of Richmond and Norfolk are now starting to come in.

21:07 EST: With 77% of the votes counted, Biden leads with 51% of the vote. He is well positioned to pick up this state.

21:05 EST: Polls have closed in Wisconsin. 

20:45 EST: With 10% of the votes counted in Philadelphia, Joe Biden has 94% of the vote?!?!? In 2016 Hillary Clinton got 82.5% of the vote.

20:35 EST: Is North Carolina in play? Joe Biden is doing better than I expected. With 66% of the votes counted, he has 53% of the vote. But some Republican rich counties have not reported yet. But it is close.

20:32 EST: In Ohio with 42% of the votes counted, Biden leads with 55.2%. Trump has 43.6%. But many counties that lean Republican have not reported their votes yet.

20:25 EST: Joe Biden has large leads in Texas (52%), South Carolina (51%) and North Carolina (56%). But with large Republican counties not reporting, I will not be surprised if these results start to change in favor of President Trump.

20:20 EST: With 89% of the votes tallied in Florida. Two Republican rich counties that still need to record their results. And with Trump leading by 170,000 votes. I am calling it. President Trump has won Florida.

20:07 EST: With 31% of the votes counted, Biden has 58.5% of the vote. But none of the Republican rich counties have reported in.

On the flip side Trump has 58.9% of the votes in Virginia (31% of the votes have been counted). But Democrat rich counties are just starting to report their numbers.

20:00 EST: Polls are now closed in Michigan, Texas, and Pennsylvania. It is going to get interesting now. 

19:55 EST: Trump and Biden are now tied in Florida. But Democrat rich Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach still have about 17% of their votes that need to be counted.

19:48 EST: Polls are closed in Ohio. Biden is in the lead with 64% of the vote out of 18% counted. Most of these votes though come from Democrat urban centers like Cleveland, Columbus, and Dayton. Republican rich counties have not reported their numbers yet.

19:42 EST: It looks like Joe Biden has a very good chance to win Florida. With 74% of the votes counted, he has a lead of 140,000 votes. The polls in the northeast of the state are closing in 15 minutes. They vote Republican. But will it be enough?

19:30 EST: Joe Biden is doing better in the other counties of Florida making this a very close race right now. He now leads with 51% of the vote (59% of the vote counted). 

The polls in the north western part of the state close at 8:00 EST. They are Republican rich. But will it be enough? With the exception of Miami-Dade, Joe Biden is doing better than expected in Democrat rich counties. 

19:24 EST: Georgia's polls are now closed and Joe Biden is in the lead with 55% of the vote with 3% reporting. But most of these votes are from Democrat rich Atlanta (Cobb county).

19:20 EST: Joe Biden is in trouble. In 2016 Hillary Clinton received 63.68% of the vote in Miami-Dade county. With 84% of the vote tallied, Joe Biden has only received 54.2% of the vote. President Trump is doing 10% better in this Democrat dominated county than what he did in 2016.

19:05 EST: The polls have closed in Florida. 

President Trump has 49.3% of the vote Joe Biden's 49.8%. 23% of the votes have been counted. This tally  includes Democrat vote rich counties like Broward and Miami-Dade.

In 2016 President Trump received 49.02% of the vote in Florida.

18:55 EST: The polls closed in Indiana and Kentucky an hour ago. 

In Indiana President Trump received 56.47% of the vote in 2016. With 7% of the votes in, he has a lead of 64.6%.

In Kentucky President Trump received 62.52% of the vote in 2016. He now has 54.2% of the vote with 16% of the votes counted. But it should be noted that almost all of Biden's numbers are from Fayette county that voted heavily for Hillary Clinton in 2016. Jefferson county gave the most votes for Hillary Clinton in 2016. Their numbers have not been reported.


RussInSoCal said...

Trump is trending up in FL. Now at 49.8% Biden, 49.4% Trump.

/and here comes the scotch...

Anonymous said...

"With 10% of the votes counted in Philadelphia, Joe Biden has 94% of the vote?!?!? In 2016 Hillary Clinton got 82.5% of the vote."

Banana Republic Time.

Anonymous said...

It's election fraud time in America lalallaaa

Anonymous said...

Guys, I'm a white man.

Anonymous said...

"20:45 EST: With 10% of the votes counted in Philadelphia, Joe Biden has 94% of the vote?!?!? In 2016 Hillary Clinton got 82.5% of the vote."

The voters in Philly were very impressed with Joe Biden's confrontation with Corn Pop.

Anonymous said...


Where was Bush?

Win or lose some never Trumpers will have to jump ship or walk the plank and become Democrats. I don't think many of them would be happy in the Democrat party due to real or perceived loss of stature. The pie has already been cut over on the Democrat side, so any refugees/interlopers will not be looked kindly on.

SO I expect these RINO and Never Trumpers to be talking heads, pundits and others of the lowest sort trying to hang onto relevancy and a living .

They want Trump to be civil when they went with the pee story for 4 years.

Anonymous said...

GWB was civil he reached acorssd the aisle to Teddy Kennedy along with McCain to get No Child Left Behind done n a bipartisan fashion. All I heard during that time was "Impeach him". I thought they would. So much for civility.

When a Demofuck talks about civility, it means they want you to give up your values and take up the values of the DNC and kow tow.

Anonymous said...

Come to think about it fuck the lawyers!

They will argue over ballots.

Which means nothing with all the electioneering, ballot stuffing and driving of poll watchers that goes on beforehand.

If Lawyers meant anything, people would no better than to deny poll watches entry, know better than to electioneer and we would not have pictures of people lading up cars with ballot boxes.

Anonymous said...

22:37 EST

It is called fraud, It is worse than Florida. I see the Dims pushing hard and Penn going for Biden. It won't be honest, but it will be legal might over right.

Dims took a virus that we could only really test for in mass in the last decade and blew it up all out of proportion for greed.

Nancy will get 2 more 6 figure freezers for her ice cream.

Anonymous said...

PJ Media looks cocky to me.

Way to early to tell with mail votes, fraud and lawyers.

As close as it is in the vote totals, the double digit lead pollsters need to be left to dissipate from want of customers.

Those polls were not prognosticating but propagandizing.

Anonymous said...

If Trump wins, it is still a stolen election. The Dems will have stolen at the margins.

We know in 2018 they stole 7 Republican seats in California.

Big city should not be synonymous with ballot stuffing. It is.

Anonymous said...

Democrat operatives are now talking about voter suppression and racism on TV.

Fuck Democrats,

Voting has gone on for 2 months now. No one is suppressed except whites and Conservatives across the nation at polling places and at work and is at their homes.

Spouse is member of the largest ethnic group of 51 ethnic groups. Well soon to be 49 ethnic groups, but that is what happens when Democrats always hover at 45% to 55% (or more) of total power in DC.

I look for racism. I concluded a long time ago that it would be Democrats practising rampant racism back then m now and into the future.

I counted on the fact that Democrats were and remain racist mother fucks.

Anonymous said...

I have enough pop corns, who want some?

Anonymous said...

China is gaining a senator in Arizona.

Let's call it like it is.

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 4 more years seal it @ count of 10

Anonymous said...

Looks like a Biden win. It is well within the margin of cheating.

We already saw a guy carrying a ballot box out to a private car in Philly. Once you do that you can let the poll watchers back in. Ha ha

Anon said...

taking shape Trump 4 yrs more. - Trump states

RussInSoCal said...

PA is spinning up the fraud machine. Which means its leaning heavy Trump.

RussInSoCal said...

The AZ call was premature. Still 750,000 votes to count there.

Anonymous said...

Mark Kelly

American Astronaut and Chinese Senator elect.

Anonymous said...

PA is spinning up the fraud machine. \

Banana Republic.

Anonymous said...

maintaining the gap for red states on the way to 4 more years

RussInSoCal said...


"Oregon becomes the first state to decriminalize possession of ALL drugs including HEROIN and COCAINE"

Crusader said...

Magnificent effort tonight, Mr WNUs. Appreciate it. Couldn’t be bothered watching any other site. You said it all. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you WNU you did awesome tonight!

anon said...

Agreed. Thanks WNU. Not just for tonight but also the commentary in the lead up to the election.
And from Australia, congratulations to our American brothers on what seems to be a Trump victory. Here's hoping that your next 4 years will be less turbulent than the past 4.
Well done. There's many Aussies proud of you tonight.

Anonymous said...


It is close, if you consider all the fraud by Democrats.

B.Poster said...

While the fraud will need to be proven in these instances, it is consistent with peior Democrat behavior. I'm sure team Trump will be studying this.