Monday, November 2, 2020

USC Final Poll: Most Accurate Poll In 2016 Shows Joe Biden Ahead By 11+

President Trump finishes a campaign rally Sunday in Dubuque, Iowa. Since 2016, he has retained many followers but lost ground among key groups, a poll shows. (Charlie Neibergall / Associated Press) 

President Trump heads into the final, frenetic 48 hours of campaign 2020 having lost ground among key groups that powered his drive to the presidency four years ago, the final USC Dornsife poll of the election shows. 

Former Vice President Joe Biden leads Trump by double digits nationally — 54% to 43% in the poll's daily tracking, a margin that has remained almost unchanging since summer. 

Biden's support has ticked down just slightly from the high it reached after the first debate between the two candidates in late September; but overall, the poll has barely budged since USC began its daily tracking of the race in August. 

That's consistent with most other major surveys. The final NBC-Wall St. Journal poll of the campaign, for example, shows Biden leading 52% to 42%, a result nearly identical to what that survey found in January. 

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WNU Editor: We will know if it still accurate by Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

Hahahahaaaaaa Good one

Anonymous said...

Polls are surveys done in less than 10,000 people. Have you seen the real rally? Its more than 20,000 people. The rest stayed in the house

Anonymous said...

Trump pulled 57k in Pennsylvania in one rally alone, you couldn't see the end of the crowd for crying out loud

Biden at the same time pulled less than 500, many of them paid staff, security and media ghouls.

No way Biden wins. Not a chance.

Anonymous said...

Polls under the table. Done deal. Bidens Nature. We should not be surprised for easy money and poll results.