Thursday, November 12, 2020

What Is The Kremlin's Opinion Of Joe Biden?

© AFP / POOL / Andrew Harnik 

Russia has made no contact with representatives of likely US President-elect Joe Biden, and has no plans to get in touch. 

Earlier this week, the Kremlin announced it was holding off on congratulations until official confirmation. Speaking to news agency TASS, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov explained that Moscow has a low opinion of the Democratic candidate, after Russia was accused by his party of influencing the US election in 2016. 

“We have not had any contacts with representatives and staff of Joseph Biden,” he said. “We treat this as a change in weather outside the window.” 

WNU Editor: Unlike President-elect Trump's contacts with Russia through Michael Flynn during his transition in 2016, no one in Russia expects the same type of willingness to better ties to occur with a Biden administration. In a certain way everyone expects a re-set back to before the 2016 US Presidential election. But there are a number of policy issues that the Kremlin does agree with Joe Biden. Lessening tensions with China, Cuba, and Venezuela. The Biden administration's commitment to put restrictions on America's energy industry and to transition away from fossil fuels to meet climate goals .... a huge win for Russia's oil industry and OPEC. And a freeze on the Pentagon's budget.


Anonymous said...

"And a freeze on the Pentagon's budget."

While Jo Jo Biden is moving toy soldiers around a world map at the White House America's enemies will be conducting R&D and fielding new weapons and tactics.

When the body bags come back form Jo Jo's adventures, the price of Jo Jo artificially putting a cap on the Pentagon budget and R&D will come home to roost.

It was during the O'Biden regime that Iran was gifted an American drone intact. Maybe Jo Jo forgot about it being very busy with setting up Hunter's business interests.

RussInSoCal said...

The Kremlin is correctly convinced that they can buy - if not blackmail - Joe Biden into any concession or policy they demand.

I believe Biden is so deep into the pockets of every US competitor and adversary that he is utterly compromised and corrupted from the go.

Anonymous said...

Surrender Dorothy

Igor said...

You believe? yep. and proof? nyet

Anonymous said...

Hunter's sex tapes are proof enough.

RussInSoCal said...

Hunter's sex tapes - while disgusting - aren't even relevant. They just show a spoiled rotten, out of control 50 year-old adolescent destroying his life.

However documented money transfers from the mayor of Moscow's wife in the amount of $3.5M. And $80K per month salary from the Ukrainian oil concern, Burisma are relevant.

Hunter was awarded a $1.5B management contract from Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai). This was a payoff. Receipts collected show a blatant influence peddling scam. Someone called "The Big Guy" was to receive a large percentage of the money. So Biden can claim he never received direct funds from these countries. Because his son did, then payed off dear old dad.

Anonymous said...

The sex tapes are relevant. They leave Joe Biden open for blackmail.

Chinese girl? Geez. You don't think Chinese media could not whip their population into white hot rage?

Chinese media can stoke and they can bank it. Xi will give Joe a choice.