Wednesday, November 11, 2020

What Will Be Joe Biden's Approach To Handling North Korea?

National Interest: How Will Joe Biden Handle a Nuclear North Korea? 

"For a President Biden, the reality would be that North Korea will not, under any circumstances, denuclearize, no matter what concessions the United States might offer as part of any future ‘principled diplomacy.’ Biden must work on the basis that North Korea is a nuclear weapons state in every sense of the term." 

The inauguration of presumptive President-elect Biden on January 20th, 2021 will usher in another chapter in the United States’ fraught relations with a nuclear-armed North Korea. 

The Trump Administration tried summit diplomacy from 2018 through to 2019, after a year of high tensions in 2017, in which threats of ‘fire and fury’, and nuclear brinkmanship rose to alarming levels. The summit diplomacy – as expected – failed to reverse Pyongyang’s continued determination to build up its arsenal of nuclear weapons and long-range ballistic missiles. 

WNU Editor: The South Koreans want Joe Biden to do this .... South Korea urging Biden to prioritize denuclearization talks with North (The Hill). But after their phone call this evening, Joe Biden is only offering reassurances to form stronger ties, regional security, and climate change .... Biden reassures U.S. allies in calls with leaders of Japan, South Korea, Australia (Reuters). 

My prediction. 

President Obama told President Trump on inauguration day four years ago that his biggest foreign policy challenge will be North Korea. Four years later. North Korea will probably be Joe Biden's biggest foreign policy challenge during his term. But that is OK. I have said more than once that North Korea is a long term problem and must be viewed through that prism. Keep the lines of communication open, and listen to what the South Koreans are saying. They know more about North Korea than anyone else.


RussInSoCal said...

I think the likely scenario is that the Biden admin will simply ignore the North Koreans. For as long as possible and enjoy the compliant media blackout of any bad behavior - IE: missile tests and/or especially new nuclear tests.

Its not like Biden will have to answer any tough questions on the matter.

It'll be just like the Obama admin. Simply flounce from one foreign policy disaster to the next with no conscience or coherence - and then be lauded for all the "great works" supposedly done. (kick the can down the path for an adult to deal with)



Anonymous said...

"ounce from one foreign policy disaster to the next with no conscience or coherence"

Democrats called George W. Bush, John McCain and Trump racists. Many Democrats have no memory or deny having done so. You get into the way back machine and dig up their words and they simply ignore you.

If you take the Democrat out of the playground, can you take the playground out of the Democrat? As a psychologist I say "No."

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You take the Democrat out of the playground,

but can you take the playground out of the Democrat?

Anonymous said...

I hope he nukes them. And "accidentally" drops a few on China too.

Anonymous said...

like calling him rocket man did a lot !!!

Anonymous said...

Calling Kim rocket man got Trump the summit. The summit got at the very least no more missiles launches over Japan.

Anonymous said...

As for 10:57's comment I am still viewing the NK/US situation as an open door, just on hold. If biden prevails then I presume the door is closed. He had his 8 year chance when obamma was in and neither one did anything memorable or otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Obama care was not memorable?
Trump care is?

Anonymous said...

Obama care was memorable. People could not afford it.

Trump made some inroads on Obama care.

As to doing more, Republicans sat on their hand the 1st 18 months due to the Brennan coup. They thought Trump was toast. This summer the truth of the Brennan law breaking and oath breaking came clear.