Monday, November 2, 2020

WHO Is Helping China Block The Search For The Origin Of The Coronavirus


A much-anticipated scientific investigation into the origins of the coronavirus began on Friday, but only virtually, as an expert team assembled by the World Health Organization (WHO) met online with its Chinese counterparts to launch the inquiry which has been called for by more than 100 countries. 

The mission, a WHO-led collaboration between international and Chinese experts to uncover the animal origins of the pathogen, was expected to include a visit to the central Chinese city of Wuhan, the outbreak’s first epicentre. 

But when that will happen remains unclear. WHO health emergencies programme executive director Mike Ryan said on Friday that he “fully expects” the international team to “deploy on the ground”, but the virtual meeting was an important first step in a “politically intoxicated environment”. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Why am I not surprised. China will not want people that it does not control snooping around Wuhan to discover the origins of the coronavirus. It is going to open doors that China will not want open.

Update #3: NY Times: How China Blocked A Search For The Origin Of The Coronavirus With The World Health Organization’s Help (Hot Air).


Anonymous said...

Anyone abiding China in this cover up, will be hung publicly.

It is the largest crime against humanity

The largest theft of wealth and economic destruction

I pity anyone involved. May a slow death and hell await you

Anonymous said...

4 Possibilities

1.) Wet Market is the cause. Despite what people ahve been opining since the 1980's that the next cure for cancer or whatever will be found in the rainforest, physical chemsitry is developing far enough that we don't need the rain frest. We never really did. I still want the rain forest over the concrete canyons of Tokyo or New York city, but we just don't need the rain forest.

I also doubt that the virus came form the forest. The best brains of the Lunatic Left have devised a sophisticated function that shows if push back the forest x amount we get y amount of novel diseases? Hogwash. I would like to see the amount of forest to stay constant or maybe even grow some, but we could get rind of all forest and it would not open up a Pandora's box worth of diseases.

2.) Accidental release

I would blame the CCP and not the people. The Left would get around to hunting Chinese.

3.) Intentional release

This does not make sense, since ground zero was Wuhan. Unless the CCP wanted a cover story. I give this one change in hundred or 1 in a thousand.

4.) Just natural mutation coming from a pathogen in a human population. Face it, human populations are big enough reservoir for pathogens for any number of mutations to occur.

Anonymous said...

1. Nope. It's a gain of function viral, man made construct, the wet market WAS a cover story
2. Maybe, but it happened EXACTLY when the trade war heated up and even Chinese citizens started to openly talk about the removal of Xi, as their economy was collapsing
3. Most likely especially since point 2 and point 1
4. Nope

People do not seem to be able to comprehend that China, right now, TODAY, is executing people, has 3 million in concentration camps and conducts ethnic cleansing programs. AND THOSE ARE CHINESE CITIZENS THEY KILL and wipe off the map

Further China was weirdly prepared, bombarded the west with propaganda videos to amplify t the terror and lockdown in our populations and now buys up properties and companies underneath the owner's in the west who are ready to hang themselves. There's a multi trillion dollar motive even.

It's obvious we are under attack
The biggest benefactor is China and even the CCP has declared it will "sink us in the mighty waves of the Corona virus".. they said this back in February. Go check.

I am a EU citizen and I demand death penalty for those involved in this cover up.

Anonymous said...

You claim to be a EU citizen . You could be a troll. Chance are that you would not be called up to fight. Last I checked Europe had no armies worthy of note. Europe will fight who?

Or you could be a Russian, Iranian or Chinese troll.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I could be, but I'm not. Been on this blog for years and I'm the one who gave our parrot his nick name. But nice thought

Anonymous said...

Who indeed?

Anonymous said...

I am just real upset with people, who seem to want war and yet have not fought in one and will never fight in one.

You seem way too gung ho and over the top.

If you have gone to war it means that you have already lost. You still have to fight and win, but it is a smaller return than trying many other means.

I think Peace studies are sham as as useful as unicorn farts for renewable energy.

Sometimes not going to war is is worse than going to war, but we are not there yet.

Anonymous said...

@628, I agree and don't want war

Here is what I want: justice

-- Justice for the million dead and living in fear
-- justice for the trillions that China stole prior to this
-- justice for the additional estimated 30 trillion this will cost by 2022
-- justice for the 3 million China has in concentration camps
-- justice for the millions that were eradicated through ethnic cleansing

If you do not stand up now, when will you?

I'm scared to die as anyone. Scared to get wounded even more.

But I'll not stay silent on this

If it was an accident, fine. Pay up and apologise.

Otherwise it will be war, it is inevitable. The destruction is too great, the misery the Chinese caused its is too large, too inhumane.

Ffs, they even beat priests and burn churches, mosques, synagogues.

I don't want war. I want justice.

Anonymous said...

The most interesting things said about the novel corona virus was a cleavage site. Once a protein is cleaved , the 2 parts can fold. Depending on where the original protein is cleaved the 2 new proteins will fold differently.

The protein is more "effective" now?

It mimics another natural protein better or exactly?

If you ever go to an American airport, pay attention and abstract.

Anonymous said...

The timidity of WHO's suits was exposed very early in this situation. Also china's thwarting the CDC's attempts to gain information in March.
I cannot say the chinese government caused this virus to be developed for offensive purposes whether economic or military but an observer of the actions of the chinese authorities would be hard pressed to convince me they did not.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, ..

People have such trouble believing China would do this...oh no, not China, we love Chinese food, they're good people..


-- just a couple months back, China ambushed Indian soldiers at the border, killing 20 or so with clubs and stones on order of their general
-- TODAY China has 3 million unwanted Chinese in concentration camps
-- TODAY China conducts and ethnic cleansing and forced sterilisation program. The women of unwanted ethnicity can avoid being sterilized IF they can afford to pay the equivalent of 3 year salary. None of them can. The fee is purposefully set so high that it's impossible for them
--- TODAY, last week, last month, last year and the entire decade prior, the Chinese have burned down churches and synagogues and mosques, spy on, beat up and intimidate priests
-- to this day, China has stolen tens of trillions of dollars through IP theft, copyright theft and used the stolen money against the West and our culture by
-- funding Confuscius institutes around the World that specialize in cultural warfare, pushing agendas of systemic racism, maoism, Marxism and all that shit on gullible youth
-- China on top is at almost war with India and Vietnam and has border conflicts and territorial disputes with at least 5 other nations including Australia , Japan (often beating Japanese fishermen to pulp after ramming their boats and taking their fishery)
-- have threatened the US to drown them in the mighty waves of the Corona virus
-- have amplified the spread of the virus with misinformation regarding its mechanism of spread and on top sold defective PPE , most notable to Italy
-- engage in massive destruction of the environment. I've been to China many times.. the air can be so thick, especially towards Beijing and further north, that you have trouble finding your parked car

But what's most troubling. The Chinese I know feel no remorse and see this as a good play by Xi. Payback for the trade war.

These are Chinese living among us in Europe, mind you. They don't integrate, many don't pay taxes and send the mindy straight home. They don't even feel remorse.

This is not a normal situation that can be forgotten or resolved as the Chinese never ever ever will say sorry and never ever will pay back the stolen money or pay for the destruction and misery they've caused. They see us as second class citizens, at best, in what that believe is inevitable.

And if you don't stand up and push back hard and make them pay, they'll come for more. Mark my words.