Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Who Will Win The Critical State Of Pennsylvania?

PJ Media: Is The Biden Campaign Nervous About Pennsylvania? 

Maybe I’m reading into this, but it sounds like the Biden campaign is worried about Pennsylvania.

According to Charlie Spiering, White House correspondent for Breitbart News, Trump’s Director of Battleground Strategy Nick Trainer told reporters that the “Biden campaign just outlined on a zoom call that said Trump was within one state of winning” the election. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I think the 55,000+ pro-Trump rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday shocked a lot of people. But Joe Biden's vow to "transition out" from the oil and gas industry and eliminate the high-paying the jobs that this industry has created in Pennsylvania via through fracking .... yeahhhh .... that admission probably sealed his defeat in this state. Bottom line. If Biden loses this election by less than 20 electoral vote, and Pennsylvania is a win for President Trump, this will be the reason why.


RussInSoCal said...

If the Dems re worried about PA (and they should be), why would they but Biden next to one of the loudest anti-Frackers, Lady Gaga - at a rally in Pittsburgh?

(Aside from being a completely tone-deaf, ideologically blinkered campaign)

Anonymous said...

"tone-deaf" bingo Russ!

Anonymous said...

There's massive election fraud going on on the Democrat side, especially in Pennsylvania not letting in poll watchers lol omfg even in India, the largest democracy, you got poll watchers everywhere

Anonymous said...

But 8:54...India doesn't have the dim-o-krat clinton, obamma, dynasties to foul their voting endeavors.