Thursday, November 26, 2020

Will Biden End The Yemen War?


Since 2015 the Saudi coalition which has been bombing Yemen back to the stone age with the close cooperation of the Pentagon has essentially gotten a "free pass" by the mainstream media, despite the United Nations within the past two years classifying the war as the world's "worst humanitarian disaster". 

International rights groups and press reports commonly estimate the death toll at over 100,000 and with some putting it at up to a quarter million people killed, with a large percentage being civilian deaths. 

WNU Editor: This is a war that was suppose to end very quickly. After five years I do not see this war ending anytime soon even if the incoming Biden administration tries to end it (which I doubt).


Anonymous said...

No Biden administration. Do some research

Anonymous said...

"Obama’s Gotten The U.S. Stuck In Yemen. Is He Looking For A Way Out?" - HuffPo

"Why Obama still calls Yemen a success" - Washington Examiner

If Yemen was declared a success during his 2nd term, why does Obama need to revisit the Yemeni situation during his 3rd term?

Of course the Boy King has claimed many untrue things. It is his way.

Obama Has Touted Al Qaeda’s Demise 32 Times since Benghazi Attack

From which beach mansion is Obama making his imperial announcements this week, East coast or West Coast?

Anonymous said...

Did Trump end it?

Anonymous said...

"Christopher Steele was an agent of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, also known as MI6, during the time that he was working for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the DNC, according to several current and former US intelligence officials."

Hillary Clinton and John McCain need to be tried for treason. McCain gets a free pass, since that Benedict Arnold died of arrogance. Hillary is still around to make court dates.

Anonymous said...

Does the U.S.A. or the U.S. president have to end any and all civil qars around the world?

Where is it written? In the UN charter? The U.S. Constitution?

There are no U.S, troops permanently station in Yemen. Other that an occasional raid against AL Qaeda or ISIS i Yemen we are not fighting there and are not taking casualties. So we are n or losing American lives in Yemen on a regular basis daily, monthly, or yearly.

It does not makes sense to fight in Yemen while sucking the dick of Iran, which 1/2 the political establishment wants to do. Obama made damn sure the Yemen War that the war persisted and grew when he gave Iran over 1 billion dollars in unmarked bills in the middle of the night.

Obama gave the Iran a fiscal shot in the arm January 19, 20916 and Iran turned around and gave the Houthis a fiscal stimulus 16 months after the civil war started.

As it stands now the Gulf States have the Houthis more or loss at a standstill. The attritional war looks like it is going against the Houthis judging form the UN's dire warnings. Why spend blood and treasure when the Gulf states will do it.

Beside butt head , you overlook the obvious. Obama loudly claimed to have ended the warring in Yemen. Trump did not. We are measuring Obungles by his own self proclaimed yard stick.

Next time put your 1st grade thinking cap on. You will get farther and sound more intelligent.

Anonymous said...

getr over it. Trump withdrew from the world stage, granting full access in Syria to Russia! small wonder. you can not tell what Biden might or might not do when he is not even the president as yet. So why not wait instead of dumping all your vindictive shit because BIDEN WON BY MORE VOTES THAN ANY AMERICAN PRESIDENT HAS EVER GARNERED.


Anonymous said...

"Iran, Russia, and Hezbollah support the Syrian Arab Republic and the Syrian Armed Forces militarily, with Russia conducting airstrikes and other military operations since September 2015."

Your main man, Obama, der Brave, Did nothing about Russian involvement from September 2015 to January 2017. That is over a year and a quarter.

Maybe 4:24, my fancy pants, could have the UN order Russia out. Oh wait, Syria is a nation in good standing in the UN. As such they can invite the Russians in.

Many American on the Left do not want us in Stria and call the American presence illegal. Never mind that Assad is a dynast and not legitimately elected. These are the same people that protest nonstop from 2003 through 2008. There are several hundred thousand of them people and they may number a few to the low tens of million.

Striking Syria Is Dangerous and Illegal

Striking Syria: Illegal, Immoral, and Dangerous

These people are part of the Left and are supported by the Democrat establishment. Look for the Act Blue button on the bottom of the editorials.

I know you are not American, but a foreign troll. Here is a hint Alfalfa. 90% to 99% of the readers of WNU only read the headlines, skim the story and move on. Most do not read the comments. Of those that do, you have not had any effect except to confirm them in their previously held beliefs. But keep bailing baby!

BIDEN won by more legal and illegal votes than any president.


Anonymous said...

illegal votes/ a true trumpian dumb comment. how many cases has he lost in how many courts when his lawyers said what yu have said. And withn no evidence. the cases get tossed out each time trumpsters try to claim illegality. And you swallow that shit too! prove it. prove it. prove it

Anonymous said...

Getting affidavits and other evidence in three weeks is tough work, They have done it and are still doing it. Gore went 37 days. The lawsuits dropped Wednesday. Fireworks are about go off.

Anonymous said...

Clerky you're losing!