Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Will President Trump Fire CIA Director Gina Haspel?

Donald Trump said Gina Haspel showed courage in the face of "very negative politics". (Photo: Reuters)

President Trump is likely to purge head security officials that bothered him 

Just one day after the firing of Defense Secretary Mark Esper, CIA Director Gina Haspel headed to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office for a meeting on Tuesday. 

Haspel met with the Kentucky Republican, who has backed President Trump’s recent litigation push in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election results, but who was also against the firing of Esper in the lead up to the inauguration, Politico reported Saturday. 

Haspel and McConnell met for roughly 20 minutes, but neither of them could be reached by Fox News to confirm Haspel’s future as CIA director.

WNU Editor: If President Trump does not fire her, there is a very good chance that the Biden team will terminate her. Because of her involvement in the CIA’s torture program during the George W. Bush administration, she has few if any supporters among the Democrats .... Gina Haspel Hangs On At CIA, With Little Support From Trump Or Democrats (The Intercept).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A) Gina Haspel is looking for political support against prosecution/persecution by the incoming regime.

B) McConnell may want Haspel to slow walk declassification for whatever reason.



1) the act of inflicting excruciating pain as a means of getting information


It seems our English department have been busy promoting Critical Race Theory, changing the language, and other mischief.

The word torture is inexact or its usage is lazy. You should be able to distinguish between what was done to John McCain and what happened at Guantanamo. John McCain went thru through pain and Shiekh Khalid Mohammed went through pain. The similarities end there. MaCain lost use of his arms. He does not have the full range of motion. He lost nearly half of his range of motion. His wife does not call him to screw in a light bulb. He literally couldn't. Anyone see John McCain in a pull over sweater? John McCain lost weight. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed gained weight.

Point is that McCain was permanently injured such that a doctor, physical therapist or other could measure.

The three methods of torture that the CIA used in Guantanamo were sleep deprivation, sitting for long periods on hard surface (In America this is known as school. Granted it was at Guantanamo, but the two are similar.) and waterboarding. Has anyone taken picture and alleged physical scars?

Sleep deprivation is torture. We are told this. Democrat Party soldiers have inflicted sleep deprivation on citizens in Oregon, Washington, New York and D.C. Maybe liberals and other retards want to be careful with what they wish for.

Some points

If we cannot get information from these captured combatants, what is the point of capturing them? You can always plan a battle where the other side does not have time to raise their hands.

What is the point of adjectives in the English language such as light, moderate, heavy or severe?

If you do not distinguish between torture that breaks bones, leaves scars or leave some physical permanent injury and torture that does not, what are you prepared to do? Sean Connery's character asked that on the Untouchables. Can a liberal watch that movie approvingly and with enjoyment. I would, say they cannot. They could enjoy the movie Untouchables, if they are a hypocrite or on Al Capone's side.

If liberals are going to be that way, then maybe see something say something means you slow walk the information the DHS if the target is going to be a venue filled with liberals. You might have to order a book from Amazon to translate a word, because you would not want to falsely accuse a terrorist. That might be racist.

A Russian speaking talk show host traveled to The City of Big Shoulders and was walking around town. He was walking about the same speed as two men and overheard their conversation. The men assumed that since he was a dumb gringo that their conversation on a public street was private. He found out that they were illegals. What is the point of the story.

Two points. First, you might actually overhear something in public. In this case it was that immigration law which was broken. It is not likely that you would hear more, but it is possible. If you did, you could slow walk it. Second liberals fall into two camps. They are dumb believing that illegals are just coming up through the southern border or they know that they come from everywhere and simply do not care.