Thursday, November 19, 2020

Will President Trump Trigger A Military Conflict With Iran In Order To Tie President-Elect Joe Biden's Hands?

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman at the G20 leaders summit in Osaka, Japan, June 28, 2019. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque/File Photo 

 * European security officials are worried that outgoing president Donald Trump will trigger a military conflict with Iran in order to tie President-Elect Joe Biden's hands, sources tell Insider. 
 * They also fear that Israel and Saudi Arabia may see the departure of Trump as a ticking clock they need to beat. 
 * "Both countries are run by immature leaders who have been screaming about the need for war with Iran for so long it's possible they really believe that a Biden administration will be followed by an Iranian nuclear attack," one source told Insider. 
 * Trump has elevated hardliners on Iran inside the Pentagon. 

European intelligence officials are alarmed about the possibility of military action towards Iran in the waning days of the Trump administration.
 Concern that Trump — who has pushed for maximum pressure on Iran — or a combination of Israel or Saudi Arabia creating a military confrontation in the waning days of the administration has been a concern for over a week, according to three European intelligence officials who spoke with Insider. 

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WNU Editor: If these anonymous sources are true, it just reveals on how out of touch these security officials are. If you are going to attack Iran, you will not be doing this .... US To Withdraw 2,500 Troops From Afghanistan And 500 From Iraq By January (November 17, 2020). My focus would be on what will Iran do in the coming months, instead of labelling Israeli and Saudi leaders as immature as the above author claims.


B.Poster said...

The short answer to this question is "no." The more sensible answer is actually an explicative. Now the longer answer to this question is no because, if the legal challenges fail, Trump is either planning a run again in 2024 or he is planning on picking the successor. As such, he understands the political realities in America right now. Essentially any POTUS especially during an election cycle who ends up in a hot war with a foreign country with suffering crushing defeat at the hands of the electorate as will the party he is affiliated with. As such, he is going to do all he can to avoid such a conflict becoming hot as doing so would leave him open to yet more impeachment proceedings in the event the legal challenges succeed and would all but ensure Republican defeat in 2002 nor could he run again in 2024 or be the "kingmaker" who selects the next Republican nominee should his health be such that he is not able to run again.

As for Iran, there calculus may be different on this. Understanding America's domestic political reality were I an enemy of America and opposed to a POTUS running for reelection or one whose in a tight race I would go out of my way to try and draw the United States into a shooting conflict. This would all but ensure the POTUS I opposed loses reelection and will place a spotlight on the incoming POTUS to act to end the conflict. This ending of the conflict will likely entail huge concessions on the part of our side (the Americans). While such a strategy on the part of our adversaries does have certain risks inherent with it, given the anti war sentiment of Americans now the probability that it would work seems high.

Maybe the Iranians started such rumors hoping to undermine president Trump. Another possibility is that Trump's political opponents are stirring these rumors in concert with Iran or perhaps understanding the domestic political reality Trump's political opponents are doing this of their own accord hoping to undermine Trump. Either way they are going to need defuse the conflict at some point. They can then present themselves as "peacemakers" effectively sinking Trump's prospects at avoiding impeachment should the legal challenges succeed or being any kind of force in American politics if they don't. Of course in the "peacemaker" role will mean huge concessions to an intractable enemy that Iran currently is.

Anonymous said...

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has done 2 things wrong in the yews of the West.

It would be worth noted that the Prince's mentor was a UAE sheikh. He has bee mentored longer than Mitch Prothero was fed propaganda K thru 12 and college. Mitch is immature not The Prince.

Anonymous said...

Israel could simply aid the Iraqi and Syrian Kurds. Does that not have an eqwual or bettere chance of being Israel's COA than starting a war.

You could tie up a lit of IRGC and allies down in Syria and Iraq and make those coffins flow back to Iran like a Mighty Mississip.

Anonymous said...

Folks...did ya notice these nameless ones are only "sources" and not "experts"? I'm so let down. I want the straight stuff, not conjecture. Everyone knows experts are the way to go. They're the winning team.

Or something.