Thursday, November 12, 2020

Will U.S. Troops Withdraw From Afghanistan Before President Trump Leaves Office?

The Week: Trump's Pentagon purge is reportedly an attempt to get troops out of the Middle East before he leaves office 

President Trump is reportedly scrambling to fulfill a campaign promise at the last possible second. 

Trump campaigned in 2016 on the assurance he'd bring U.S. troops in the Middle East back home. That still hasn't happened, but some new hires in the Pentagon are aimed at getting that task done before Trump leaves office, Axios reports. 

Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper and other top Pentagon officials on Monday after months of tension. Esper said he didn't want to be the "yes man" Trump was looking for, and a senior administration official told Axios that firing Esper and others was "part a settling of Trump's personal scores." 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Joe Biden has already said that he will keep US forces in Afghanistan. Even if US forces are removed from Afghanistan in the coming weeks. They can easily be brought back. More 

News On Reports That Recent Changes In The Pentagon May Mean A Quick Withdrawal Of US Forces From Afghanistan 


Anonymous said...

Afghanistan... what is the purpose of staying there at this point?

RussInSoCal said...

12:24 AM

Exactly. And I disagree a bit with WNU in that troops can be brought right back in. If forces in any large number are returned to the US, it is not just a matter of turning the transports around and sending more personnel.

In mil parlance, its called, "Unassing". Meaning you extract ALL the people and donate or destroy what materiel and land vehicles you can't bring with you.

If Trump actually does a wholesale Operation GTFO AFG, the logistical train to restore the exited forces will take ~3 months. And I believe the pushback against a re-invasion of Afghanistan would be large.

Trump should absolutely order a strategic cessation and removal of force from Afghanistan.

Like 12:24 AM said, what is the purpose of staying there at this point?

Anonymous said...

Swamp creatures of he Potomac cannot tell us when we will win. They will say it is unfair.

They are FUCKED in the HEAD!

In Iraq to inform and to get by in. mod grade officers gave presentation to JO's of who the situation would unroll in Iraq.

They aid look the Iraqi Army is patrolling this small strip of land in this province. But over time they will take over this and this area. They showed the progression of of control and responsibility be taken over by the IA until they took over the whole thing.

It was pointed out that the Poles and Ukrainians were in Iraq to assist. No Germans or Surrender Monkeys.

Joe does not have such a detailed plan. He does not have any plan. He does not have a plan to deal with the Pakistani support for the Taliban.

If Joe was in a Q&A with the public, would he call a female vet a dog faced pony soldier all over again?

Funny how the press forgets that, but calls Trump mean.

Taking troops out put an easily discernible stake in the ground that makes it apparent that Jo Jo Biden owns it. That all casualties and bad things that happen are his. Well not his, because he is a puppet. That all those bad things belong to the Democrats and the plutocrats.

Anonymous said...

“68% of Americans think elections are rigged.” Vox post on July 14, 2014

“That’s because they are.” - Klain

Anonymous said...

Trump’s latest promises to “bring the troops home” were immediately exposed as empty rhetoric by a Pentagon press release on October 11, announcing that the Trump administration has actually increased its deployments of troops to the greater Middle East by 14,000 since May. There were already 60,000 troops stationed or deployed in the region, which the Congressional Research Service described in September as a long-term “baseline,” so the new deployments appear to have raised the total number of U.S. troops in the region to about 74,000.

Anonymous said...

8:53 aka idiot

We see how you have to stretch the rubber band there with you weasel words of "Greater" Middle East. Why don't you stretch that rubber band farther on your Middle East description and include Nepal, Bhutan or Tajikstan.

Already that region described by you literally borders China, which is East Asia.

As I started typing I reread the 8:53 AM post and the stench was overpowering. I smell Parrot.

Given the proper capitalization and punctuation and yet smelling parrot that could only mean one thing.

Another Parrots Copy and paste job by a PhD. Makes you wonder if the PhD's thesis wasn't copy and paste. Maybe that is why Parrot kept its head low? They did not have computers easily available to search for such things back in the day. What if all the theses from the 19o0s through the 1990s were online and searchable. What might we find?

Back to what Parrot copied and pasted from Counterpunch.

Disengaging form failed wars of landlocked countries where our MSR's run through hostile allies is prudent. Argue otherwise without a cut and paste geezer.

Kurdistan is not a country, but the region is landlocked and the MSR runs through a hostile ally, Turkey.

Afghanistan is landlocked and our MSR runs through a hostile ally, Pakistan.

Bureaucratic Potomac Swamp trolls have not expressed a great desire for an independent Kurdistan. So why are we there?

Liberals: "We are there for reasons ...!"

Is it to back the Syrian non-Kurdish Sunni? Why? So they can set up Sharia? And here I though Democrats were for women;s rights! Not so much.

Maybe Trump is juggling Syrian drawdown, Afghanistan drawdown, Brennan, the election, COVID and the economy that it is really hard to control the DoD when they go rogue ad do whatever the fuck they want.

Parrot can you link your thesis online? I would like to do a search.

Anonymous said...


Parrot linked an article by Medea Benjamin!

It take a fake Jew to know another fake Jew.

Y'all went fascist and left you Judaism in the dust a long time ago. But you still have the ribbons to show you care. So sweet.

Anonymous said...

Counterpunch article had a picture of The Donald returning a salute.

Very good salute by DJT.

It was not that arthritic look by Obama.