Saturday, December 19, 2020

A New Covid-19 Surge Is Now Sweeping Across Latin America

NPR: Chart: COVID-19 Is Now Leading Killer In 5 Latin American Nations COVID-19 has become the leading cause of death in five Latin American nations and the second most common cause in six others. The World Health Organization's "Americas Region," which stretches from the Canadian Arctic to Cape Horn in Chile, has been hit harder by the pandemic than any other part of the globe. The region currently accounts for 48% of the 1.65 million COVID-19 deaths reported to WHO so far worldwide. While the United States is a major contributor to that trend with more than 300,000 deaths, Peru's death rate from the disease is actually higher than the U.S. COVID-19 now surpasses coronary heart disease as the No. 1 cause of death in Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Panama. Read more .... Update: New Covid-19 Surge Sweeps Across Latin America (WSJ) WNU Editor: And it is getting worse .... Rising Hunger in Latin America Due to COVID-19 (Borgen Magazine).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Six (6) deaths yesterday in the tri-county area. Five (5) were nursing home residents. All were in the 70's or 80's.

A relative as old as China Joe rode shotgun for a portly teacher with a new born (maybe 9 months old now) all semester. The portly teacher telecommutes. No problems.

Don't be overweight

Take sugar out of your diet (less chance to get diabetes or cancer). Given systems reliability you are all but guaranteed to get cancer or diabetes is the last year or so of your life. But you can stave if off a few decades.

Get some sun. No pasty white legs. The hard part is if you are colored. You might have a problem determining in if you got enough sun and it might be more difficult if you are build for the tropics and live in an urban environment where it is cloudy. Real problem. but if you are serious you can catch on faster than that poser Fauci.