Tuesday, December 8, 2020

A US Navy Helicopter Pilot Will Become To The First Woman To Take Command Of A Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier In 2022

Capt. Amy Bauernschmidt will be in command of one of the Navy's 11 nuclear aircraft carriers in 2022

Daily Mail: 'Wolfpack' Navy helicopter pilot will become the FIRST woman to command a US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier 

 * Capt. Amy Bauernschmidt, a helicopter pilot, will be in command of one of the Navy's 11 nuclear aircraft carriers in 2022 
 * In 2016 she became the first female executive officer of nuclear aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, second-in-command of a crew of a 5,000-strong crew 
 * Bauernschmidt graduated from the Naval Academy in 1994, the same year women were allowed to serve on combat ships and planes 

A woman is to command a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier for the first time in U.S. Navy history. 

Capt. Amy Bauernschmidt, a helicopter pilot, will be in command of one of the service's 11 nuclear aircraft carriers in 2022. 

Although it is not yet known which of the vessels she will be at the helm of, Naval Air Forces have confirmed that the selection of a woman is historic. 

The appointment is the latest in a meteoric rise for Bauernschmidt who made history in 2016 when she became the first female executive officer of a nuclear aircraft carrier, the USS Abraham Lincoln, and was second-in-command of a crew of a 5,000-strong crew. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: That is quite an accomplishment. She is currently the commanding officer of the amphibious transport dock ship USS San Diego. 

 More News On A US Navy Helicopter Pilot Becoming The First Woman To Take Command Of A Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier In 2022 


Anonymous said...

Are they bending the rules? Helo pilot?

Why not a C-2A Greyhound or E2C Hawkeye pilot?

"She is currently the commanding officer of the amphibious transport dock ship USS San Diego."

That is the usual billet (ship type) for someone prior to being selected for a carrier, so that part is standard and good.

Rodger Ramster said...

Letting women into combat roles was a huge mistake, and placing women into high command roles is even worse. The military is playing with the lives of its troops by appeasing the politically correct demands of the left, who actually want to destroy the US military. This is sickening.

Anonymous said...

8 Other Nations That Send Women to Combat

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

2:53, 4:48 aka parrot breath,

New Zealand



German troops are in Afghanistan. Germany picked the province of Afghanistan furthest away from Pakistan and Iran and thus from the heaviest fighting.

Is New Zealand a real country? I thought it was a county, province or, shire of Australia.

Australia left Afghanistan in 2013. They were not in it for the duration. How many shielas served in Afghanistan? Were they trigger puller? Did they patrol?

In any of these armies how many of the women are trigger pullers and patrol on foot?

How many women served in Artie? Oh right, you actually have to be capable of lifting something? I don't remember seeing any female gunners.

Who I do take my hat off to is women who patrolled Baghdad, MSR's and ASR's on a regular basis, where there was the real possibility of IED's and ambushes. That is serious.

Of all the women "warriors", if I had to choose it would be an Israeli female soldier over the careerist Nordic or feminist.

Please note bird brain that 4:31 was making fun of 1:10 and 2:22. It is called sarcasm. It is also true that old farts typically lose the ability to see it. So when you posted your outrage, none of us were ... uhhhhh ... like actually shocked.

You might want tot take pause and consider what other cognitive abilities you lost besides the ability to spot sarcasm.