Thursday, December 10, 2020

Are Chinese Military Bases About To Pop-Up In The Caribbean?

Of concern to US security interests is China's seaport expansion project at Kingston, Jamaica, as well as at Freeport, Bahamas, China's possible new base of operations 90 miles off the US coast. The projects are an opportunity for Chinese Communist Party intelligence operatives to suborn the sovereignty of Caribbean countries by luring them into "debt trap" economic dependency on China. Sri Lanka's inability to pay back loans for Beijing's modernization of the port of Hambantota (pictured) has resulted in the South Asian country's effective loss of the port. (Photo by Lakruwan Wanniarachchi/AFP via Getty Images) 

 * China also seems to have a military agenda in the Caribbean region... Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe already is on record expressing China's willingness to deepen military cooperation with Caribbean countries. 
 * Of more concern to US security interests is the ongoing seaport expansion project in the already commercially important port at Kingston, Jamaica, as well as the port at Freeport, Bahamas, China's possible new base of operations 90 miles off the US coast. 
 * China is clearly not a government that honors its agreements.... The US can ill afford any Chinese drive to place under threat any Western Hemisphere country, much less the United States. 

China's Communist Party (CCP) seems to be implementing a multidimensional strategy in the Caribbean, reaping economic, political and potentially military gains a few miles offshore the United States. China's ultimate objective of its Caribbean strategy may well be to confront the US, not only with its presence near the mainland US, but also with a situation analogous to America's military presence in the region of the South China Sea. There, China created new islands in the sea, pledged not to militarize them, then went and militarized them. 

It is important to remember that China also promised Hong Kong autonomy until 2047, then, in 2020, jumped the gun by 27 years. "Hong Kong will be another communist-run city under China's strict control," US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared in July. China is clearly not a government that honors its agreements. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: It will be easy for China to get anything they want from many of these Caribbean states. Many of them are already heavily in debt to China .... China’s Opaque Caribbean Trail: Dreams, Deals and Debt (CJIN).


RussInSoCal said...

Appears the US is also in deep debt to China. Courtesy of our Chinese-owned Democrat party.

Biden push back on China? LMFAO!



kidd said...

666 the number of the beast well i see how

kidd said...


Scott said...

19 states

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Trump: there is the Monroe are in charge when this is being done


B.Poster said...

Team Biden knows that the Chinese in their hubris think they own the US. He also knows that China thinks he is weak and its pretty much a given by everyone that China has so called dirt on Hunter. Additionally, I'm pretty sure he believes the Democrat party propaganda regarding both Russia collusion and interference in our elections. Add to this the insult of not congratulating team Biden on the election yet. At least it is going to be perceived as an insult.

Things get more complicated from here. Both Hunter and his brother Joe are being investigated. I'm pretty sure as POTUS who won't face much media scrutiny he can and will easily make these go away. Foreign powers such as China will not be so easy to manipulate into submission in this area.

Adding to the headaches the only people who believe the election was not stolen are 1.) Democrat party partisans, 2.) those afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome, and 3.) those who are not paying attention. While there are vast oceans of those simply not paying attention, government leaders, corporate executives, and other people that a team Biden will need to work with are not in this class. Some of these people do have TDS but they have jobs to do so this won't cloud their judgement in a material way. What this means is anyone of importance team Biden works with whether they him as POTUS or not will know they stole the election.

In this environment, I loom for team Biden to want to establish their toughness straight away and for a father to do what fathers do. They protect their children. China's got the dirt so look for preemptive aggressive action against China straight away to try and mitigate this. We may be going to war against China not to protect Taiwan, not to safeguard the territorial claims of "allies" in the region, not to right woefully one sided trade arrangements that benefit China, and certainly not to hold them accountable for their actions or lack thereof with regards to COVID. Instead we are going to war to protect Hunter's honor and the Biden family name. I wonder how many "allies" are going to sign up for that. Biden may open a two front war with Russia. There's scores to settle there too!!

B.Poster said...


19 states... While this is off topic, it appears more are considering joining. The PA response to this has stated the claims made by TX and those who have joined are "meritless." If they are "meritless," this many states are not going to be joining in. This does not necessarily mean TX and the other states are necessarily going to prevail but the case clearly has "merit" or these other states are not going to be joining in. As they say in golf when faced with a mid range put, "there's meat on that bone." This means you have to put it!! It's no give me!! There's clearly "meat on that bone." PA and others are going to have make a serious legal argument to support their position if they are going to prevail. I don't merely hurling personal insults at the opposition is going to cut it at this point.

B.Poster said...

"A Moscow misfit." My analysis is sound and is based upon much experience with observing the personnel involved. Attacking the messenger is what you have to do because you offer nothing of value here. I'm known as troll by you. You are the troll now please slink away back from whence you came and allow the adults to discuss these situations uninterupted.

"The shit about Biden." I've explained multiple times what I think he will do and why. It helps if you actually read what is posted and think about it before commenting. I assume you are capable of that.

I think you understand very little about JFK and the Cuban situation. Essentially part of the deal was the US isn't to interfere in Cuba. Each side was able to get some of what they wanted. Essentially a "face saver" for us (the United States) and JFK. Such hubris and misunderstandings cause people to miscalculate much like the Chinese are going to miscalculate regarding team Biden who will likely be the next president.

B.Poster said...

Russia is NOT being justified. Please take the time to read the posts and think about what has been written before commenting. I will try to spell this out for you specifically with regards to this thread. 1.) No evidence of significance has been submitted regarding either Russia collusion or interference in our presidential election hence the expression they believe their own propaganda. 2.) With regards to JFK I think you are referring to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Things are bit more complicated than "JFK kicked them out." I suppose part of the face saving is someone can claim this. When we misunderstand historical events and the present situation, we are very likely to miscalculate. None of this could be construed by an intellectually honest person as justifying Russia.

Please try to read carefully and think things through before commenting and perhaps you can contribute here. In the meantime, I have very little time today to feed trolls.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Biden will strongly push back against China and Xi!

Anonymous said...

WASHINGTON —You have a deadly virus that’s grown out of control in this country. (In just the past week, more than 16,000 Americans have died, and the CDC director says we’re going to have more daily deaths than 9/11 over the next 60 to 90 days.)

You have congressional leaders who’ve been unable so far to come to any agreement on providing new economic relief to Americans who’ve been hurt by the coronavirus.

And you have a Republican Party that’s been split into two — Republicans who’ve come to accept that Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election, versus those who believe (falsely) that it was stolen from him. (And that divide is happening less than a month before the Georgia runoffs that will decide control of the Senate.)

What these three different stories all have in common is a lack of leadership, all starting with the president of the United States.

B.Poster said...

Actually I don't think he is going to pushback per say. He is going to go preemptive in my considered opinion. With all that is going on, what he knows China and the other major powers think of him, the dirt China likely has on Hunter, and the other investigation regarding his brother. He's going to want to protect his son, distract the American people, and show how tough he is.

Hopefully the people he is trying to surround himself with will prove to be more competent than their prior experience suggests. There may well be sound reasons for forceful confrontations against China, Russia, or another major power up to and including a military one but I don't think protecting Hunter's honor, the Biden family name, or trying to show how tough one is qualifies.

Anon (1:37PM),

Actually the evidence for systemic irregularities (fraud) that benefited the Democrat candidate is overwhelming. One just needs to a cursory search. Was it enough to alter the election? My observation would suggest that yes it was. Biden needs to prove it did not occur nor did it benefit him enough to change the election.

Paragraph 1 of your post: The government personnel involved are slow walking approval of the vaccine for political or some other persons while people are continuing to get sick. We should have already had this!! POTUS called them out on this but his powers are limited.

Paragraph 2: Time honored Democrat strategy has been to delay and stuff bills with things unrelated to what needs to be accomplished and then blame the Republicans when the bill isn't passed while the media carries their water. Republicans either eventually cave giving the Democrats 99% of what they want or they blame the Republicans for failure to get something done. Will that work now?

Duties call!! I will post more time permitting.