Friday, December 18, 2020

Banks Look Nervously At One Of The Biggest Cyber Hacks In U.S. History

Bloomberg: Banks on Alert After Sweep Finds No Evidence of Major Hack 

(Bloomberg) -- Bank executives have said for years that their worst nightmare is a successful cyberattack against the industry. Now they’re watching one unfold across government agencies in what could be one of the biggest hacks in U.S. history. 

So far, no evidence has emerged that Wall Street was a victim of the attack, which also hit Microsoft Corp.’s systems. Still, experts say it will take many months, at a minimum, to determine the extent of the infiltration, a stark reminder of the risk that hangs over an industry that’s spent billions to bolster its defenses in recent years.

“Based on what we have seen as of today, there has not been specific focus against the financial sector, nor have we seen reports indicating negative impact amongst our members,” the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center, a network of financial firms sharing information about cyber threats, said in an emailed statement. 

WNU Editor: The nightmare situation is what happens if the banks shut down because of a major data breach. A shut down that may last for days or weeks (or longer).


Anonymous said...

Picking up with Russians where the democrats left off with Hillary 's prior efforts.

Xyz said...

It's all 666

Xyz said...

Reserec the beasts u fools

B.Poster said...

Anon (9:06),

It's nice to see people are starting to catch on regarding the various Russia hoaxes. I've been warning about these things for years. At this point, I think the so called "hack" didn't actually occur. Someone needs a distraction.

Anonymous said...

Sure Imposter

Fort Meade is in on it. So is known Trump supporter General Milley.

Anonymous said...

"known Trump supporter General Millet"

Anonymous said...

It was sarcasm.

If Trump was making it up, don't you think General Milley Vanilley would call him out on it?

B.Poster said...

Anon (7:37)

"Sure Imposter"

To the best I can tell Trump hasn't said much about the do called "hack." Nor has he publicly blamed Russia for it. I think he would prefer to analyze the evidence first assuming he has access to any of it. I'm thinking he's pretty well frozen out of the loop at this time.

When news of the "hack" first broke along with the accusation that Russia was behind it, many people including posters on this blog expressed skepticism. Had this story broken three years ago there would've been howls to enact retribution on Russia from pretty much every quarter. Now there really isn't so much. My assertion that people are catching on to this stands. Was there really a hack? I think someone needs a distraction. As to Fort Meade or General Miley, they may well be a part of it.

As usual you have bo argument so you must insult me. Kindly slink away to where you came from and not spoil this for this for the intellectually honest who are trying to constructively discuss these issues.

Anonymous said...

Remember sarcasm is a two edged sword.

Anonymous said...

The Imposter part was not meant as sarcasm.

B.Poster said...

Anon (9:31)

Your analysis is weak. Insulting me is all you have..

Now it is my contention that before we authorize aggressive actions against anyone evidence needs to be presented. So far all we have are accusations by an entity that doesn't have a good track record. A number of Americans agree with this assessment. As I stated, people are catching on.

Accusing me of being an imposter is NOT appreciated nor is it warranted. In case you missed it, here's my contact information: Robert Foshee, Certified Public Accountant, company website:, email: for the fastest response. You can also email to Facebook is "Rob Foshee." You on the other hand hide behind "Anonymous." Either add something constructive here or STOP TROLLING!! While you can make the effort to contact me, I seriously don't think you will. I'm skeptical that you have the intellectual honesty to make such an effort.

Anonymous said...

No trolling. Calling things as I see them.

B.Poster said...

How you "see things" is obviously inaccurate and you know this. Yet you persist in slander. This makes you a troll.

As you haven't made the effort to verify your claims about me, at best you are lazy and most likely intellectually dishonest. I've made it very easy for you to contact me yet you haven't done so. At this point, perhaps I should stop feeding you as feeding trolls like you isn't productive.