Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Chinese Space Probe Returns To Earth With Moon Rocks


 * The Chang'e-5 space probe has returned home after launching to the moon 
 * It touched down on Earth at 1:30am local time Thursday in an open area 
 * The probe is carrying soil and rocks from the moon's surface 
 * These are the first samples returned since the Soviet Luna 24 probe in 1976 

Chinese Chang'e-5 probe has officially completed its mission - the return capsule touched down in the Siziwang district around 1:30 local time Thursday. 

Stowed on board are lunar rocks and soil for what is the first mission to retrieve samples from the moon since the Soviet Union's Luna 24 project in 1976. 

The 661-pound structure performed a skip re-entry by bouncing off the Earth's atmosphere over the Arabian Sea to reduce its speed before passing through and floating down attached to parachutes. 

Read more .... 

 More News On China's Moon-Space Program 


RussInSoCal said...

The Chinese Communists declare that it has returned with Moon rock samples.

But did it really?

Anonymous said...

I am hoping giant space spiders emerged from their craft and began eating their Space Force.

Anonymous said...

the Chinese will attempt to weaponize the moon rocks if it is possible

Jac said...

What a marvel!!!! China bring 4 lb of lunar rock....51 years later than Apollo 11 which bring 47 lb.

Anonymous said...

Breaking news! Preliminary chinese analysis of the "Lunar Mission's Cargo" finds that they are!

James said...

It reminds me of 1500 and the beginning of the age of sail. Start off with hugely expensive government expeditions and before you know it people are running around everywhere.

James said...

This is why I think the Musk etc efforts are so important. When the private expeditions start it's a whole different ball game.