Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Did China Win In 2020?

Felix Salmon, Axios: How China won 2020 

China will end this year as the only major country in the world to see its economy grow rather than shrink.  

Why it matters: 

China is operating from a position of great strength, with an economy expected to grow by 8.4% in 2021.

If President-elect Joe Biden views China as a "serious competitor," then the competition will be fiercer during his presidency than at any point in history. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: China still has a lot of problems. But the "trend" is certainly favoring continued Chinese economic growth in 2021 and beyond. And while President Biden is saying that he will "face up" to China. My Chinese contacts are telling me the opposite. They are confident that President Biden will soon start to remove the many restrictions and tariffs on Chinese goods that President Trump had imposed. 


Anonymous said...

Jill & Joe Biden (Jiden) are scare of answering the questions of reporters unless they are scrubbed ahead of time by his handlers and he can read the answers of TOTUS the president elect version.

Last press conference Joe managed to scuttle off the stage with out Jill leading him by the hand. They must have tweaked his prescriptions and found the sweet spot.

Anonymous said...

Of course they won, they played real dirty and unleashed a global pandemic in order to win

Anonymous said...

grow up, misfits
Biden won fair and square and if you think otherwise provide evidence. two dozen or more court cases show you are WRONG.

ps anon Biden not yet in office and you want him to answer what you want? Trump had how many press conferences and said a lot of shit...which is why he did not get a second term.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we want Jiden to answer. He created the "office" of the president Elect, ands thus being "in" office the dull, dimwitted, led by the nose sucker has to answer.

In PA there were 200,000 more votes cast than voters. If a stalwart of the Dmeocrtat Party who is also a judge wants to be partisan, there is nothing we can do accept pay jiyah, obey the laws and bide our time.

But we do not have to believe that Biden won fairly or say you are holding up 5 fingers when you are really holding up four fingers.

All you are doing dude is painting yourself as a doofus, an ape and a hack among other things.

Anonymous said...

Once again the Fred troll avoids answering questions. Avoid facts and blathers on. Get an education you innumerate twit.

You avoided the 200,000 discrepancy.

Anonymous said...

Sensitive! Lololololololo!

Anonymous said...

Whether it's true nor not you are considered a cheater. Enjoy your now tactics cheater!

RussInSoCal said...

China's per capita GDP is a little over $10,000 per year. Meaning most of the country lives in abject poverty. They live under a corrupt, totalitarian regime. Their government is a collection of corrupt, ethno-fascist, supremacist authoritarians. The county has the filthiest air, water and food supply of any developed nation.

I do not believe for a minute any economic data produced by China. They are the United States' prime enemy and must be defeated.

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of sociopaths out there. I am seeing sociopaths attach to websites like remoras. They are like people screaming others down in a public square or speaking hall. It is a common communist tactic going back to 1917. Communists do eat other communists...