Joe Biden will officially become 'president-elect' on Monday, as the Electoral College meets in state capitals and Washington, D.C. around the country
* Democrat Joe Biden will be confirmed as president-elect Monday as the Electoral College meets to finalize the election result
* President Donald Trump and his allies, however, are planning a new stunt to prolong reality
* White House aide Stephen Miller said Monday morning that 'an alternate slate of electors' would meet in contested states and vote for Trump
* Trump critic George Conway mocked the plot saying, 'they're going to declare ... Mar-a-Lago the "alternative" Executive Mansion'
The Electoral College started certifying Joe Biden's victory Monday morning, but President Donald Trump has a new strategy to prolong reality.
White House aide Stephen Miller said Monday morning on Fox & Friends that a group of 'alternate electors' had been assembled in key swing states and would cast a vote in favor of the president, instead of Biden.
'As we speak, today, an alternate slate of electors in the contested states is going to vote and we're going to send those results up to Congress,' Miller said.
'This will ensure that all of our legal remedies remain open. That means if we win these cases in the courts, we can direct that these alternate electors be certified.'
Read more ....
WNU Editor: The alternative list of electors will be ignored by Congress.
More News On Electors Meeting Today To Formally Confirm Joe Biden As U.S. President-Elect
Electoral College set to affirm Biden’s victory -- Politico
Electoral College gathers across country to elect Biden -- Washington Examiner
2020 Election Fraud Benefiting Biden Occurred Everywhere – Even Hamilton County Indiana Reported Impossible Results
Antrim Co. Forensic Report BOMBSHELL Reveals Dominion Machines Were Set At 68.05% Error Rate…Meaning 68.05% Of Ballots Could Be Sent Out For Mass Adjudication, Giving Individuals Or Machines Ability To Change 68.05% Of Votes
When you dox the kids of a SCOTU judge, anything SCOTUS rules is suspect.
Actually it is not. Joe never serves a full term and Hunter goes to jail.
The American people are the marks. Joe is going to encourage illegal immigration, which will drive up black unemployment.
H-1B visas will make college degrees worthless.
So we are getting marked whether we give money or not.
You seem actually anxious to convince people to fall in line. You are sitting shoulder to shoulder with others trolling the web. Like you were in a herd.
No, I'm quite sure it's just rubes who give an alleged billionaire money so he can pay off debts.
He has no debts.
So you are done with the Fred persona for the time being.
Smartmatic voting technology company sends legal notices to Fox News and other right-wing media outlets over 'disinformation campaign'
READ: Rep. Paul Mitchell's letter quitting the GOP, fearing 'long-term harm to our democracy' with its support for Trump's actions
"He has no debts."
That's funny, He's got $400 million due coming in the next 2 years and his campaign owes money all over the country. Just ask the city of El Paso. They got stiffed over half a $million for a CHUD rally.
Electoral College Update: Biden Gets Votes From All States Trump Contested -
Stephen Miller: 'Alternate' electors will keep Trump election challenge alive |
Donald Trump Has At Least $1 Billion In Debt, More Than Twice The Amount He Suggested
Sorry, the Hunter Biden Story Is Still Not a Thing
You brought out the Fred persona.
You really do not understand how a LLC works or how leverage works. Otherwise, you would not have embarrassed yourself.
As to El Paso, you provide no context.
Some one from a prominent family, who knocks up a stripper and then denies it, will always be a story. It is just the way it works bozo. Also all the Antifa types and others will be envious of all the Biden wealth especially knowing that Hunter is not a genius and the Biden family did not work that hard to get it.\
READ: Rep. Paul Mitchell's letter quitting the GOP, fearing 'long-term harm to our democracy' with its support for Trump's actions
Paul Mitchell's act may be to save his business from illegal acts by Democrats. Mitchell is not the congressman from Michigan 10th district. He is a 3 week lame duck.
Try harder putz.
David French is not a conservative. Here is a RINO. He has impeccable RINO credentials. If you were paying attention, you would know that the NRO has been going downhill doe several years. Since they fired a write over "The Talk".
I also note that French 'served' in the US Army. JAG is the usual, low risk way for bad people to punch tickets on their way to a political career.
David French seems to have no problem with drag queen story hour. I kind of think you do not either. You want to come out of the closet?
From reading David's bio I'm not sure he earned a bachelors degree. The details are very sketchy. That seems de jour now for wiki.
Try harder putz
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