Thursday, December 17, 2020

Hackers Targeted US Nuclear Weapons Agency


Hackers accessed systems at the National Nuclear Security Administration, which maintains the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile. 

The Energy Department and National Nuclear Security Administration, which maintains the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile, have evidence that hackers accessed their networks as part of an extensive espionage operation that has affected at least half a dozen federal agencies, officials directly familiar with the matter said. 

On Thursday, DOE and NNSA officials began coordinating notifications about the breach to their congressional oversight bodies after being briefed by Rocky Campione, the chief information officer at DOE. 

WNU Editor: Everyone is saying that it will take months before the details and extent of this cyber attack and hack are fully known .... FBI scrambles to assess damage from Russia-linked US government hack (ABC News).  But in the meantime everyone is blaming Russia and calling for retaliation .... Durbin says alleged Russian hack 'virtually a declaration of war' (The Hill). More here .... Biden promises retaliation for cyberattack on government agencies (Axios). 

 More News On Hackers Targeting The US Nuclear Weapons Agency 


Anonymous said...

Has Mr.Campione made a public statement? Or is this another " officials directly familiar say" in a long long line of unnamed officials?

Anonymous said...

This is serious, yo!

We have a big problem!

China stole the design of the W88 years and years ago and didn't share with Russia.

So they had to go steal it themselves.

Does it really matter, if the theft is done over the internet or a Chinese scientists walks it out the front door?

At any rate Director Freeh another paragon of virtue made sure we were shooting Americans than conducting counter-espionage.

Geez Louise, but how many boneheaded FIB Directors have we had?

Anonymous said...

Yes it is very serious. Instead of weighing evidence, we are told who did it by Anon sources and expected to believe without questions. Perhaps the Russians did do it but what evidence do we have of this? The first question should be " what would the Russians have to gain to do this? Second if this happened ( which is still not confirmed) what other countries would have means and motive?

Anonymous said...

I am in favor of turning off the lights in Moscow. No permanent damage. I think sanctions would be seen as weak by the Russians and the Chinese.

Sanctions were also counterproductive. We cut pork experts to Russia in sanctions after Democrats in Congress had a hissy fit that Trump as elected and Russia turned around grew its pork industry and started exporting to China our primary customer.

Thx DIMs!

If Trump turns off the lights in Moscow, the temple presstitutes and DIMs will declare it an act of war. If Biden does it, they will call it smart diplomacy. Biden s getting back the old gang, so maybe it'll be kinetic. Samantha Power of Libya fame is a runner up for USAID Director. Susan Rice of Ben Ghazi lies will also have a prominent position.

Who knows, in 35 days Jill Biden and Kamala could do something predictably stupid.

B.Poster said...

What Anon 11:23 said, spot on. Before retaliatory measures against anyone can be supported we will need to see the evidence. The retaliatory acts themselves will be considered an Xtcif war by those "retaliated" against. All of this assumes this cyber attack actually happened.

Anonymous said...

You can have a clean foreign policy if and only if you have clean elections.

Remember the Chinese consulate was closed in Texas. It was not closed due to spying, if it was closed due to spying at all.

As Russia, Britain, Australia and Italy interfered in the 2016 election, maybe the question is, who dose not interfere in American elections?

Anonymous said...

Data collection is all about money, id say you would be hard pressed to say the Russians did this. To me this is more the scope of say NATO, or the UN or even the Greens under the Climate Change networks. As he says, he works for a "Think tank" and many companies operate in this manner. Spying is not about ability, its about funding, about filling up your portfolio like that of a hedge fund investor with companies that can access data you want to purchase. In this case, department of energy would be a climate issue, knowing the entire US energy needs would be highly valuable data with Biden attempting to rejoin the Paris aggreement. I just think the Russians have more important things to worry about then the USA, they have been operating covertly in the USA for 70+ years, this would be data they already have in one way or another.

Anonymous said...

Who really cares. Get a rope and tie it to the tail of the Russian Bear. Tie the other bitten end to the tail of Green Peace and throw them both over a clothes line. Both parties have done plenty wrong, who really cares if you get the right one in this instance?

If The Russian have everything already, then why did they fall apart and were so far behind?

Anonymous said...

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