Monday, December 21, 2020

Has Europe Bungled Its Covid-19 Coronavirus Vaccine Roll-Out?


The EU and Berlin have insisted there will be sufficient vaccine available, but delays in signing purchasing contracts mean that the elixir will arrive late and there might not be enough. The EU even declined an option that would have allowed for the purchase of hundreds of millions of extra doses. 

Such are images of hope: Nurses getting vaccinated. Pallets of packaged vaccines distributed on special flights. Mayors exulting over "the beginning of the end of the pandemic.” A president who is preparing the country for better times. 

These images are from the United States. 

In Germany, on the other hand, you see desolate shopping streets, shuttered restaurants and a government that is preparing its population for long, dark days. 

The contrast is unmistakable. On the one hand, there is the supposedly incompetent Trump administration, which will provide vaccines to 20 million Americans in the next two to three weeks alone. By the end of March, the plan is for around 100 million Americans to have received the two vaccine injections they need. 

On the other hand, there is the supposedly well-prepared Europeans, who continue to have to wait for a vaccine that was developed in Germany. And who still don’t know exactly how much of the vaccine they will be getting in the coming months. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The contrast on what is happening in the U.S. and what is happening in the EU is "night and day". The fact that Europeans still do not know how much of the vaccine they will be getting in the coming months is eye opening on how badly this program has been administered.


RussInSoCal said...

What a surprise. European autocrats can't make a decision as simple as signing purchase orders.

/Collectivism rules!

James said...

Why is the reported resurgence confined mostly to Western Europe, US, and a few places in South America?

Anonymous said...

"delays in signing purchasing contracts mean that the elixir will arrive late and there might not be enough."

Its a vaccine, not an elixir, you hack of a journalist! Journalisim is dead. What is left is just manipulation of public opinion. But they want the public to welcome these vaccines, and most will. I would not doubt if the vaccine is but a trap, that will lead to a slow death for millions who are foolish enough to allow an injection of DNA changing materials into their bodies.

Stephen Davenport said...

Doesnt matter they will just move the goalposts again and when Biden gets in the vaccine will be ineffective and useless and lock everyone up til rapture. The China Virus will mutate every other day until no one dies and we are still locked down while the elites party it up.

Anonymous said...

My take is that "Elites will need to move in caravans. "

Anonymous said...

"In addition, the hospital staff sent word to the woman's group home: Fill out DNRs in advance for your other residents, in case one of them comes to the hospital."

DNRs macht frei.

Dr. Zeke Emanuel will be in charge in a Biden administration.

If you are over 75, there will be a DNR for you in the hospital.

Anonymous said...

Oregon is a blue state.

Change the laws and the liberals will defang those laws and find another avenue of approach.

copley7 said...

Oregon is a shithole, went there once and never went back

Anonymous said...


Where did you go in Oregon? I thought Roseburg, Medford or Coos Bay would be a nice place to retire. I figured not as expensive as Socal or San Fran Sicko and warmer than Washington state. Washington was overbuilt by 1990.