Friday, December 4, 2020

Joe Biden Says He Wants President Trump At His Inauguration


 * President-elect Joe Biden said he hoped, for the sake of the country, President Donald Trump would attend his inauguration and shake his hand 
 * He said it's important to show 'there is peaceful transfer of power, with the competing parties, standing there, shaking hands, and moving on' 
 * He also said his son Hunter Biden would undertake no business enterprises that would be a conflict of interest while he was in the Oval Office 
 * Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris sat down for their first joint interview, talking with CNN's Jake Tapper for an hour 
 * Harris said she'd be a 'full partner' to Biden 
 * Doug Emhoff will be called 'second gentleman' but she will call him 'honey' 
 * Both Biden and Harris said they would take a COVID vaccine
 * Biden said he will ask Americans to mask up for 100 days as soon as he takes the oath of office: 'Just 100 days to mask. Not forever,' Biden told CNN 
 * He also said he's spoken to Dr. Anthony Fauci and asked him to stay on in his current role but also to be his chief medical adviser on the pandemic

President-elect Joe Biden said he hoped, for the sake of the nation, President Donald Trump would attend his inauguration, shake his hand, and let the country move on. 

He also clarified the role his family will play in his White House and said his son Hunter will not pursue any business opportunities that would be a conflict of interest while he is president. 

The president-elect sat down for his first joint interview with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris and spent the hour conversation with CNN talking about the coronavirus pandemic, the role Harris will play in his administration and the current occupant of the White House. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Considering the current political environment in the U.S., I have doubts that President Trump will attend.


Anonymous said...

1. He wants to rub it in.

2. He wants to look magnanimous.

He wins either way. If the invitation is not accepted, it will be said that Trump looks petty.

What is galling is that Joe might be cognizant long enough to realize how galling it is to lose to a n incompetent due to massive fraud.

"In 1941, Johnson struck crooked deals and bought off county bosses to rig his race for Senate. But his opponents cheated better, and Johnson lost the race. LBJ turned to his patron FDR for advice.

“Lyndon, apparently you Texans haven’t learned one of the first things we learned up in New York State,” laughed President Roosevelt, “and that is that when the election is over, you have to sit on the ballot boxes.”

FDR’s advice did not necessarily entail corruption. On the contrary, he recommended Johnson defend against potential dirty tricks. The constitutionally corrupt Lyndon Johnson had focused so much on stuffing the ballot box that he had forgotten to prevent his opponents from doing the same."

Sure we know it happens in America. We thought things were getting better., That those days were receding in the rear view mirror.

Anonymous said...

"And Biden admits he was pulling his dog's tail, despite the danger of that? Why? It makes you wonder if he beats the dogs, too. Mitt Romney in 2012 took mountains of flak for placing his dog in a carrier on top of his car. But at least he never yanked tails. Will someone in the press ask Joe Biden about that?

Should we have an animal abuser in the White House like Joe Biden?

Amp1776 said...

Boycott the biden stolen inauguration, just like they did ours.

stick your healing, and unity in your ass ....

Anonymous said...

Lying thief is Lapides.

Anonymous said...

Touting efforts to subvert the election, Rush Limbaugh bemoans that Trump supporters are coming across as “kooks”
Steve Bannon: People advocating against voting in the Georgia special election are “very, very smart”
assholes unite!
you have nothing to lose. you lost it long ago

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Source: Scott O'Grady: Trump Pentagon nominee spreads debunked conspiracies and tweets suggesting Trump declare martial law


Anonymous said...

What's a matter 5:10 treason is what you guys have been doing for 4 yrs.

Anonymous said...

Washington (CNN)President-elect Joe Biden's margin over President Donald Trump in the nationwide popular vote is now more than 7 million votes and may continue to grow as several states continue counting votes.
Biden's lead over Trump is the second largest since 2000, and is about two and a half times larger than Hillary Clinton's popular vote lead over Trump in 2016.
As of Friday morning, Biden had won about 81.2 million votes, the most votes a candidate has won in US history, and Trump had won about 74.2 million. Trump's vote count makes him the second-highest vote earner in American history.
Despite Biden's decisive victory and the Trump administration starting the formal presidential transition process, the President has refused to concede the race and continues to make baseless claims about widespread voter fraud.

Anonymous said...

It's lying clerky! You'll never shake the tag clerky, a lying thief you are and remain.

Anonymous said...

I listened to the Joe Biden tape. It was something about naked, chasing a dog up an "alleyway", and breaking his foot.

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm done with this blog. Too much CNN, too much lying. Bye, wnu

Anonymous said...

Chief Rabbi of UK Says It’s ‘Alarming’ That 44% of Muslims Are Anti-Semitic

Anonymous said...

White House staffers at all levels are plotting their departures as a growing number of aides to President Donald Trump are abandoning his quest to overturn the 2020 election results -- some in frustration with the building they are leaving behind.
Multiple sources inside and outside the White House cited a variety of reasons for the exodus already underway, ranging from the urgent need for employment to a palpable disgust with Trump's ill-fated election challenges.
One source familiar with the situation said Trump's refusal to accept defeat has unnerved some staffers who worry the President is tarnishing his own legacy and, more critically, eroding voters' faith in US elections. Others have said they understood the odds were high that they'd need to find new jobs soon, and they prepared to make career moves regardless of how the President reacted to defeat.
A separate senior administration official described a "toxic" work environment among the dwindling number of West Wing staffers. While the Trump White House was never the model of a functional workplace, the lack of direction and sense of defeat during Trump's lame duck period has sharpened divides among staffers facing the prospect of potential unemployment.

"I think people are moving on because they have families or livelihoods to support," the official said.
"That, and the place is becoming more toxic by the day ... people turning on each other, trying to settle scores while they can," the official added.

Anonymous said...

No names, always anonymous, quite convenient.

Scott said...

WNU there is video evidence of counters scanning the same ballots more than once. A batch of ballots that was pulled out from under a table after the poll watchers were told to leave. Did you pick up some new donors WNU?

Anonymous said...

get the fuck over it. Biden won. The most popular votes in any presidential election. stop being obtuse, conspiracy asshole. Biden won. Trump lost. If you can not accept that, you need serious help

Anonymous said...

‘Shared psychosis’: Mental health expert dissects Trump voters’ unwavering support that ‘defies rationality’

how to spell loser? Trump and anon 19:39

Anonymous said...

So the Mexican president and WNU are losers?

Obrador will not congratulate the Biden until the electors meet. He knows what a stolen election looks like.

Besides a loser is someone who gets paid by NGO's to go online make comments like you. How much do you get paid per post?

Anonymous said...

President Donald Trump and his legal allies earned a platinum sombrero Friday, striking out five times in a matter of hours in states pivotal to the president’s push to overturn the election results — and losing a sixth in Minnesota for good measure.

It was another harsh milestone in a monthlong run of legal futility, accompanied by sharp rebukes from county, state and federal judges who continue to express shock at the Trump team’s effort to simply scrap the results of an election he lost. Several of the most devastating opinions, both Friday and in recent weeks, have come from conservative judges and, in some federal cases, Trump appointees.

Anonymous said...

1 of 2
President-elect Joe Biden speaks about jobs at The Queen theater, Friday, Dec. 4, 2020, in Wilmington, Del. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

California certified its presidential election Friday and appointed 55 electors pledged to vote for Democrat Joe Biden, officially handing him the Electoral College majority needed to win the White House.

Secretary of State Alex Padilla’s formal approval of Biden’s win in the state brought his tally of pledged electors so far to 279, according to a tally by The Associated Press. That’s just over the 270 threshold for victory.

These steps in the election are often ignored formalities. But the hidden mechanics of electing a U.S. president have drawn new scrutiny this year as President Donald Trump continues to deny Biden’s victory and pursues increasingly specious legal strategies aimed at overturning the results before they are finalized.

Although it’s been apparent for weeks that Biden won the presidential election, his accrual of more than 270 electors is the first step toward the White House, said Edward B. Foley, a law professor at Ohio State University.

Anonymous said...

You've seen nothing yet.

Anonymous said...

You sure are desperate to have people agree with you.

Anonymous said...

Anon of the bold font is not wanting us to agree with him, but to have a conversation with him however contentious. Hus wife does not have conversations with him often.

Consequently, the poor things is starved or attention. If you want to be charitable treat anon of the bold font like you treat a shelter kitten.

Scott said...

Anon at 12:20. I don’t normally come here for the laughs, but you got me on the kitten comment LOL

Anonymous said...

poor 2:20
the virus has impacted hi blowjob trade at the local bus station Men's room, and so he tries here to pass the time by being clever. Fear not. You will not get the virus from licking toilet seats, so go back and do what you so love to do.

Anonymous said...

If Truth Be Told

Anonymous said...

Ur out of character. It is going to be so funny, when you are hauled in.