Monday, December 7, 2020

Member Of Pentagon Advisory Board Resigns In Protest At The Appointment Of "Trump Loyalists'

CNN: Member of Pentagon advisory board resigns in protest at recent purge 

Washington (CNN)A member of the Defense Business Board has resigned in protest at the Trump White House's recent purge of the board's membership, replacing members with arch Trump loyalists and campaign staffers. 

"The abrupt termination of more than half of the Defense Business Board and their replacement with political partisans has now put the nation's safety and security at risk," Steve Blank wrote in his letter of resignation to acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller. 

Blank, a longtime entrepreneur, wrote: "My service to the Department of Defense was a service to the country, not to a party. I hereby tender my resignation." 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction. These new appointees will probably be replaced when the Biden administration take control.


Jac said...

Yes, of course and Trumps know that, but why this was done? There is a little bit time between now and January 2021 the 15th. Only God knows what will happens.

Anonymous said...

Same Steve Blank?

He seems to be an okay guy, but I fail to see what he brings to the table. What does he know about supply chain, manufacturing and engineering?

I bet he knows about donating and bundling for the right people.

You should despise Democrats. You should despise 90% to 99% of Democrats, who are not rank and file Democrats.

mr cogito said...

What 'safe harbor day' is and why it's bad news for Trump