Monday, December 21, 2020

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 21, 2020

A C-2A Greyhound, from the ‘Providers’ of Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VRC) 30, launches off the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN-68) on Dec. 9, 2020. US Navy Photo 

The U.S. has moved an aircraft carrier and an Amphibious Ready Group embarked with Marines off the coast of Somalia as U.S. Africa Command has begun repositioning troops from Somalia, USNI News has learned.

As of Monday, USS Nimitz (CVN-68), its escorts and the three-ship Makin Island ARG with the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit have been operating just to the east of the Horn of Africa, defense officials confirmed to USNI News. 

USS Makin Island (LHD-8) and amphibious transport docks USS Somerset (LPD-25) and USS San Diego (LPD-22) make up the ARG while the approximately 2,500 Marines in the MEU are embarked aboard the three ships. Additionally, Makin Island has a squadron of Marine F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighters aboard. 

The trio left the South China Sea via the Strait of Malacca on Dec. 12 for the Indian Ocean, USNI News reported last week. 

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 21, 2020 


Anonymous said...

"U.S. troops to leave Somalia but remain in East Africa -- UPI"

So the Pentagon and the Deep State are playing a shell game. It should not hurt them. Some will die in an op in the next few years. A Few or some people will think "Didn't we pull out of there, so how did that happen?" Most will know. Trump set down a marker. One that will get overlooked or ignored if 4 or 5 people do not die at one time.

I think we should be in Somalia. I also think Trump was correct in pulling them out. These are not necessarily contradicting view points.

Hope fully before we insert troops into Somalia, we should have a public discussion. It very likely won't happen, but it should happen.

If we go in, we should have metrics. They should not be on a timetable (The enemy waits us out) or a body count (most of the time). But there should be recognizable, straight forward should be metrics, milestones or goals.

A discussion should have the point made that if you have not defeated your enemy in 3 years you are training them (Likewise they are training you.). This was pointed out by a SOFREP writer.

Shabaab has been around since 2006. Meaning we have trained them almost 4 times over. Maybe the military has the proper tactics and acumen to succeed, but they need more troops. An open discussion might get the military the resources it needs instead of a politician kind of wanting apple pie, peace and good things in Somalia, but basically fobbing the military off and putting them on a shoe string budget, so they can spend money elsewhere and buy votes.

Also it might prevent out personnel from dying, because people like Les Aspin (D) (May he rot in Hell) think that sending tanks is too warlike.

I think we should be in Somalia although Somalia should be able to solve its own problems. But Al Shabaab is getting funding and other resources from Kenya, The Gulf, Minnesota and other places.

But with Psaki, Susan Rice and other we are not going to have honest debates. We are going to have anything but.

Anonymous said...

Air Force review finds Black and white service members treated differently

"For example, the report found that enlisted Black service members were 72 percent more likely than enlisted white service members to receive Uniform Code of Military Justice, commanding officer’s non-judicial punishment, and 57 percent more likely to face courts-martial."


If the above is true when there is the same rate of offense, I will admit there is a problem.

I was surprised that there was a school in the military mostly made up of minorities, which was like English 099. It was remedial and it was to boost the numbers of minorities in the Academies and ROTC.

The military tries very hard at equality and is leading society not lagging behind it.