Thursday, December 10, 2020

Morocco Becomes The Fourth Country To Normalize Ties With Israel


Morocco has become the latest Arab League country to agree to normalize relations with Israel in a deal brokered with US help. 

As part of the deal, the US has agreed to recognize Morocco's claim over the disputed Western Sahara region. 

It is the subject of a dispute between Morocco and the Algeria-backed Polisario Front, which has been seeking to establish an independent state. 

Morocco is the fourth state to make such a deal with Israel since August. Agreements have also been struck recently with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan. 

Along with Egypt and Jordan, Morocco becomes the sixth Arab League member to normalise ties with Israel. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: There are critics to this deal: 

 More News On Morocco Becoming The Fourth Country To Normalize Ties With Israel 


Anonymous said...

The UN, the U.S., the EU nor anyone else has done anything about the Western Sahara in 45 years almost half a century. IF a century goes any will they still bleat?

I know someone who served in Western Sahara as an UN peacekeeper wearing a baby blue helmet, which is appropriate. UN peace keepers do not keep the peace anymore than a baby bay swaddled in light blue cloth could. This peace keeper would watch as Moroccan troops peacefully dropped dead goats down wells to poison them and deny Polisario guerillas sustenance. There is a lot an army can do to hurt the enemy beyond kinetics.

What are the chances that Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) would desire to see his son or grandson serve in the Western Sahara especially, if they were not JAG or intel?

Ditto for that poser Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.). Eliot the Waterboy is being replaced by someone more radical anyway.

"Morocco has a policy of subsidizing Moroccan settlers in the territory"

"Hassaniya, primarily spoken at home, is dominated by the Moroccan dialect spoken in the streets, workplace, and schools. This is because the great majority of the population consists of Moroccans who settled in Western Sahara. French is also commonly used by the Moroccan administration. In the urban areas Moroccan Arabic is now spoken, as Morocco controls and administers most of the territory of Western Sahara and all of its cities, and considers it an inseparable part of the country."

"The Sahrawis who did not flee have been given Moroccan citizenship. Following the 1975 Green March, the Moroccan state has sponsored settlement schemes enticing thousands of Moroccans to move into the Moroccan-occupied part of Western Sahara (80% of the territory). By 2015, it was estimated that Moroccan settlers made up at least two thirds of the 500,000 inhabitants."

If the UN ever got around to holding a plebiscite, Morocco might win for more or less the same reason China would in Xinjiang, Tibet or Hong Kong.

Plus I find it odd that Sahrawis can rule Morocco and Spain, but it does not work the other way around.

I do not see or foresee Republican or Democrat Congress critters sending their sons or daughter to die on Moroccan shores, so their might as well shut their pie holes and do what they do best: grift and send their kids to the best schools.

Anonymous said...

This is great news! Solidifying decades of covert collaboration...

Stephen Davenport said...

Basically looking at the critics, it is what I always knew it would be, most of the white world do not want any peace with Israel, very few. This is why there is countless wars in the area. Weak bigoted politicians.