Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Picture Of The Day

With 302 ballots cast for him by the US Electoral College on 14 December, Biden finally emerged as victor of the 2020 presidential election in the United States. ©AP Photo/Andrew Harnick 

WNU Editor: The above picture came from this photo-gallery .... Meet Joe Biden, the Next President of the United States (Sputnik).


Anonymous said...

Hanging on

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden looks like a combo of Ebenezer Scrooge, The Doge of Venice and the Burgomeister.

Joe looks like a miserly skeksis. God have mercy on America.

Anonymous said...

Lie of the Year

Anonymous said...

via FOX NEWS!!

And Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., acknowledge the obvious Tuesday when he said on the Senate floor: “The Electoral College has spoken, so today I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden.”

Look, we all know that no one likes to lose. But no matter how upset Trump is, no matter how much nonsense he tweets, no matter how many people he fires, and no matter how many frivolous lawsuits he files, he is headed out the door. His defeat will bring a welcome end to a disastrous presidency that waged war on the Constitution, our right to vote, freedom of the press, many other fundamental American rights, and the truth itself.

The results of the Electoral College vote shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. Joe Biden represents the best of America, has advanced moderate and effective policies, and has decades of government experience. He is a uniter, not a divider like Trump. He bases decisions on facts, and will take the job of being president seriously.

Anonymous said...

Laura Ingraham calls COVID restrictions “a naked power grab by the medical cartel”
Tucker Carlson: George Soros is to blame for Americans “being robbed, raped and killed”
Newsmax host: “I do believe that there is a significant chance that Donald Trump could be inaugurated”
Laura Ingraham's vaccine montage took the people she quoted wildly out of context
QAnon supporters suggest Trump’s new deputy attorney general will fulfill conspiracy theory and institute mass arrests

Anonymous said...

Someone is using someone's identity. No one could be that stupid.


Meanwhile back in reality, The American Medical Association has announced that hydroxychloroquine works against COVID. Now that the election is safely in the rear view mirror, the canucks soeak truth.

Also, please note that McConnell is known for being brave. It is why they call him The Turtle.

Anonymous said...

DOJ has already spent something like 4 US Attorney years investigating Hunter Biden and has yet to charge him with a single crime; while it remains to be seen whether the tax charges are real, at some point an investigation will butt up against the reality that even the politicized Scott Brady one did: most of the allegations against Hunter Biden are the product of very frothy conspiracy theorizing and aggressive disinformation that straight reporters are not obliged to adopt.

It is useful — important even — to report on the Trump’s temper tantrums. But his tantrums, at this point, are most important for the way they’ve paralyzed and corrupted the entire government during a time it faces multiple urgent crises. Don’t let sources dodge how indulging the President’s child

X said...


Anonymous said...

So Hunter is not charged with anything yet.

* Comey sat on Hunter's laptop for a year.

* Comey's FBI let Huma Abedin and Hillary smash Blackberries and hard drives. It would make it harder to prove somethings, but they did not get charged with obstruction of justice.

* The FBI denied having Seth Rich's laptop until this month. Why would the FBI still have his laptop if it was all a simple robbery gone bad?

Fred/Clerky/Parrot/ I M Poster/ Mr Cogito / Philoctetes/ etc, etc, etc

cannot argue anything convincingly.

Anonymous said...

MAGA turns on Mitch: Trump's allies slam the Republican Senate majority leader

Mitch McConnell is outmuscling Trump as the dominant GOP powerbroker -

Anonymous said...

Trump’s Inappropriate Boy Scout Jamboree Speech: A Look Back

Anonymous said...

Looks like Parrot is busy at 12:16 and 12:32

Anything by NYT and NY Mag is suspect. Usually, it is crap. Ocassionally they will make a mistake and produce something good.

I read the NY Mag article. What did Trump do wrong? Be detailed.

There was an allusion to nautical sex parties, but for some odd reason the author posted 3 paragraphs of Trumps speech but not that?


Maybe the author is making stuff up?

Maybe The Donald was talking about the behaviour of Democrats?

Maybe highschool kids are not shocked. After all school nurses in liberal areas can order up a sex change operation for a highschool freshman or even younger children.

Parrot quit being a fuck. Stop with the innuendo. If you have something say something.

The nautical sex parties I know about all have to do with Senator Ted Kennedy.

There are pictures of his white ass humping some female in a dinghy.

B.Poster said...

"I M Poster cannot argue anything convincingly." By this I think you meant me. As I have stated many times, if there is a specific problem with anything I have posted I would like to know where the flaw in the logic is. Perhaps you could point this out and I might learn something!! Of course this will mean taking the time to read the posts and analyze them before commenting.

Anonymous said...

No, B.Poster.

Clerky or Parrot has a lot of aliases/sock puppets. I M Poster is one of them.

Do a web search of this site in the of posts of the past week and you will find that person being 'cute'.

Singh Along said...

Trump-related vendors got millions in COVID aid — while still getting paid by his campaign

attn: Anon
maybe this and maybe that. U R Loser

Anonymous said...

No you are definitely the loser. It will be proven soon.

Igor, a second generation American, whose parent fled the USSR, is sparse on the dates. After March rallies were kind of sparse. You can provide services one month say March and have you business curtailed another month say April because COVID.

Show where they violated the law. You cannot. Igor cannot.

This would have all been a moot point if we had listened to Trump and followed the Swedish example.

But such straight forward, honest thinking is foreign to a stinking troll like yourself.

Radskolnikov said...

Chairman Clyburn Releases Memo With New Evidence of Political Interference in Pandemic Response | House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis

Chase jones said...

Illegitimate president was elected by the Chinese impeachment. Chinese agent

Chase jones said...

Impeach 46 chinese agent

Anonymous said...

I love your comedy writing!

Anonymous said...

Maybe this and maybe that!?!?! That's an insult? Wow, what will you conditionally think of next?