Saturday, December 5, 2020

Picture Of The Day

Police detain an activist protesting against coronavirus-restriction measures in London. © SPUTNIK / GUSTAVO VALIENTE 

WNU Editor: The above picture came from this photo-gallery .... This Week in Pictures: 28 November - 4 December (Sputnik)


G said...

Please people when u feel the earth quake don't b come running to the hills ok

G said...

God is alive all we have to do is all the world population at the same time pray together ok

G said...

The heavens will open an the love will all come back see

G said...

God will come back to man help

G said...

I love u God

G said...

Love joy kids

RussInSoCal said...

The vainglorious blowdried hypocrite Governor of California has cast down his latest shutdown-edict. And most of the SoCal Sheriff's and Police Departments have told Gov. Newsome to go 'pleasure' himself.

Anonymous said...

Ok Russ
My view: we have no central coordination in our nation. The pres says one thing. Governors say something else. Mayors within states say other things. And citizens assert their"right." and that is why the virus has spread non-stop in the nation.
Now if a city, say, passes a restriction and says you can not enter my store or factory without a mask, then you can assert your rights as an American but the owner is asserting his rights. Who prevails? Or should?
I am here simply presenting the issue for you and others to think about.
We know as of today that herd immunity flopped in Sweden.