Monday, December 14, 2020

President-Elect Joe Biden Unleashes Scathing Attack On President Trump's Refusal To Concede The Election


 * President-elect Joe Biden addressed the nation Monday night from Wilmington, Delaware 
 * Shortly before 5:30 p.m. EST California's Electoral College votes put him over the needed 270 vote threshold to officially win the White House 
 * Biden said it's 'time to turn the page' on the election, as the Electoral College confirms Monday that he's the winner 
 * 'In this battle for the soul of America, democracy prevailed,' Biden said 
 * Biden noted his own Electoral College win equaled Trump's 
 * He had to clear his throat repeatedly even as he denounced failed efforts 
 * Said not even 'an abuse of power' can extinguish the nation's flame 

President-elect Joe Biden delivered a forceful attack on President Donald Trump's barrage of lawsuits and claims of electoral fraud – demanding in a prime-time speech Monday that the 'will of the people' be honored. 

Biden spoke from Wilmington, Delaware hours after his win in the Electoral College became official and he passed the 270 Electoral Vote threshold. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: President-elect Joe Biden's speech responding to the Electoral College vote is as angry and divisive as you can get. Instead of reaching out to President Trump and/or his supporters, he continues to argue his case. Here is an easy prediction. Joe Biden's Presidency will not be a unifying one. 

 More News On President-Elect Joe Biden's Speech Unleashes A Scathing Attack On President Trump's Refusal To Concede The Election 


RussInSoCal said...

We were all reminded very sternly that his win was a win for "all of us". "Democracy prevailed" so shut up and fall in line.

/And by the way get ready for 2 National Anthems - one for blacks and one for whites.



G said...

Benjamin franklin loves trump supporters

G said...

Fighter the good fight my people

Anonymous said...

Dominion voting machines are built with stealing elections in mind,. Forensic computer auditors said so about the Antrim County Dominion machines. Anyone who had a few statistics courses under their belt know the election was stolen.

Why is especially galling is that Joe ramped up his theft and grifting in 2008 before eh was elected VP. What did he know? Was it just business as usual?

I have not gone through the timeline, but did he hook up with the Chinese before Barack picked him as Veep?

The election theft set up permeates the Democrat Establishment. They have been working on the electronic version for 2 decades. That is really galling and terrifying. People are just trying to learn a trade and make a living and others just learn politics and how to enslave everyone else.

The Serbian Connection
"To Biden, Soros, the CIA - and electoral fraud."

I have a question.

If a CIA agents get killed by spec ops in Germany, do they get stars at Langley?

Or do they get the John Brennan ¡Ay, caramba! award?

I really hope there is a sez tape of a sex toy being used by strippers on Hunter, which is released. We'll see how loud Joe is then.

There are also the tapes with the minors. Those will be leaked. What will the DNC do? Put the whole country in internment camps?

Just the Serbian deal alone should be enough for the IRS to throw the whole Biden family in jail.

Serbia has been Russian client state since the days of its rivalry with Austria Hungarian Empire. Maybe when the Russian get tired of the stench from the Potomac they might use their influence in Serbia and get the goods on the DC grifters.

God knows the RINOs will do nothing.

Anonymous said...

If election disputes failed and put JB as next president just give him and everyone a chance. Unite! Never heard Biden said any wrong thing, aside from the legal battles that failed we dont know, What Im saying is pretend you didnt know the truth until proven. Just give him and everybody a chance. Time to unite and deal whats ahead of America

Anonymous said...

Annatar (9:38)

Nice speech. Now whisper sweet nothing to your beloved bunghole.

Anonymous said...

HUGE UPDATE: Dominion Voting Systems Uses SolarWinds — Same Company CISA in Rare Warning Reported Was Breached, Compromised and Should Be Disconnected!!

BREAKING BIG: CISA Emergency Directive Calls on ALL Federal Civilian Agencies to Review Compromise and Disconnect or Power Down SolarWinds Orion Products Immediately

The Feds will come for Joe. Watch that sucker start sweating and and get ripped on the 24th. His wife will not be able to get him to put the bottle down. Be hard to properly drug him for prime time until he loses the hangover.

Anonymous said...

Forgot about the last 4 years didn't you.

Anonymous said...

It's not working.

Anonymous said...

He can't big mouth it smells of Biden and where you're from.

Anonymous said...

DEMOCRATS HAVE BEEN TRYING TO JAIL Trump for 4 YEARS and before he was even in office.

Mongols would never have made such a mistake.

Anonymous said...

"Instead of reaching out to President Trump and/or his supporters, he continues to argue his case."

What... did I just read?

"he continues to argue his case..."

Again, what did I just read. WNU Editor, I've been a reader of your blog for several years now. I have agreed/disagreed with your 'valued' opinions from time to time.

I'm not a Trump fan, although i am a republican at heart, and I like Trump's policies, just not the man behind those policies. I certainly do not like Sleepy Joe.

But what you just said is delusional at worst, and maddening at best.

Why would Biden reach out to Trump and his supporters, who are - and some would argue rightly so - foaming at the mouth about a stolen election. What possible scenario do you envision in which any attempt to reach out would result in any benefit for Biden?

On top of that, "continues to argue his case?" That statement can only come from someone who firmly believes that the election was stolen, but has so far refused to say it outload on this blog with exception to round-about statements that allude to it and nothing more.

IF you can't argue your own case for why this election in your view is stolen from Trump, what benefit is there for Biden to do so, when he's already won and Trump continues to argue on the other side.

If I have ever seen a case of the Pot calling the Kettle black, this is it. I'm honestly just surprised it has been said in such a way.

Anonymous said...

You didn't pull it off. Obvious must be your middle name.

Anonymous said...

The raids are beginning. Watch for Demorats fleeing the ship.

Specially watch canary, Eric Coomer.

Joe Biden is coming off his testosterone bump. Winter setting in.if he catches cold watch for him to fade fast. Of course he could be play acting.

Clearly Joe is worried,. His staff told him Trump would give up today. It didn't happen.

Joe and cabal tried to set the table by naming cabinet position to make it look like they had it all sewn up. Possession they say is 9/10ths of the law. So they acted like they were a shoo in.

No more kabuki left. Now, it is Trump's turn. Friday will be a bad day for Democrats.

If veterans march on Washington, because of the casualties on not the server raid, Democrats can kids their ass good bye.

They always told us that service embers could not complain. They signed on the dotted line. they also told us in the next breath that spouse could sound off all day long. If some military member told a spouse the truth, the DoD will do jack.

Why give up? Nancy Pelosi has not. There was a race in New York state that a Republican own by 13 votes. Nancy still wants to swear in the Democrat. So votes means nothing to her. She is upset that the Democrats did cheat enough.

She is not giving up so why should we?

Nancy should give up. Tulsi Gabbard will defect (prediction) from the Democrats. So Nancy will lose a 16th seat. Tulsi has no say in the matter. The Democrats will push her overboard. Nancy loses Tulsi and she is no longer speaker.

Think of how much ice cream she could eat!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a Trump fan, although i am a republican at heart, and I like Trump's policies, just not the man behind those policies.


Trump is gracious.

He is just not gracious to Democrats who scream "Sexist, bigot, homophobe", which is most Democrat thought leaders.

Democrats have been rude for years. Unlike RINO's r The Turtle, Trump does not take it. He dishes it back at them. They do not know what to do except get more shrill.

10:54 STFU bitch!

Anonymous said...

African-Americans are the most negatively affected by defunding the police.

African-American communities will be made less safe.

Maybe that is the point of Democrat efforts?

RussInSoCal said...

Biden's inner autocrat spilled out a little bit there didn't it.

Anonymous said...

@11:14 PM

I was wondering when you'd show up, Karen.

Anonymous said...

Try harder 3:36

Anonymous said...

It's over. period. move on.

B.Poster said...

If Biden wanted to push for unity, he should do at least 3 things. 1.) Annlunxe publicly that we are going to hold off until certifying the electors until after all of the outstanding legal cases. The key dates were yesterday, 1/6/21, and Innaguratgin Day. There's really no rush here. Besides the conventional wisdom suggests Trump's case is a "Longshot" anyway. There's nothing to he afraid of by simply waiting. Besides with all the cases that have been litigated as well as those in the pipeline suggests systemic irregularities. We should hold off on certifying the electors. 2.) Biden should implore the Supreme Court to reconsider the TX case and take it up, hear the evidence, and feach a verdict. Numerous officials signed onto this which strongly suggests the case has/had legal merit. By hearing the case and rendering a verdict we can have a certain degree of closure. As it is now, there's no closure. Obviously TX and the others have standing as how one state conducts it's national elections affects all of us. By dismissing the case in this manner strongly suggests a "fjx" is in. SCOTUS should rectify this straight away. Biden should encouraged this. Besides Ted Cruz one of the brightest legal minds in America was set to argue the TX case further suggesting the case has/had legal merit and should have been heard. 3.) Make it clear that neither Hunter nor his brother will receive preferential treatment nor will they be pardoned if convicted.

copley7 said...

Joe must have forgot the last 4 years, we will make Prsident Harris and Biden miserable.

Andrew Jackson said...

Biden is scum.

Anonymous said...

It is not over. We have competing slate of electors.

We have the intel report out of Friday. It will have more detail than the doofus's "most secure elections" ever. That guy will have to slink to a RINO for a job. No Demcorat is going to give that sucker their saved seat no matter what.

There are court cases with real details on the steal still winding their way through the courts.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes the clever dems that screwed up the Iowa caucuses somehow pulled off election fraud without republicans being able to provide any real proof

trump sure is a gracious guy when he's not making fun of POW's / the handicapped or telling white supremacists' theyre doing nothing wrong

and it sure is a hell of a conspiracy when the republican majority supreme court including two of his personal appointees tell him he has no case

youre right guys, its all coming together

Anonymous said...

Trump condemned the KKK and neo-NAZIs. You have not listened to his speech. You are just listening to the lying CNN, MSNBC and other media.

You are either dupe or a liar. Either way you are not a person to believe.

“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”

But keep lying. With luck you will lie IRL.

Anonymous said...

Former Vice President Joe Biden wrongly claimed President Donald Trump has “yet once to condemn white supremacy, the neo-Nazis.”

2:18 lie again.

How's the weather in Beijing?

Anonymous said...

You didn't read the SCOTUS ruling did you?

Anonymous said...

I read it and Dick Morris's take on it. You do not need a law degree to know that SCOTUS's take is BS.