Friday, December 4, 2020

President Trump Orders U.S. Military Withdrawal From Somalia


Nearly all of 700 troops will leave over next few months follow president’s latest order with short notice 

The US will pull out nearly all its estimated 700 troops in Somalia over the next few months, the latest in a series of short-notice withdrawals ordered by Donald Trump in his last few weeks in power. 

A Pentagon statement on Friday said that some of the troops would be repositioned in neighbouring countries while others – it did not say how many – would leave the region altogether. 

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 More News On President Trump Ordering A U.S. Military Withdrawal From Somalia 

Trump Orders U.S. Withdrawal From Somalia -- US News and World Report 


RussInSoCal said...

I’ll bet you 20 guidos that zero US troops exit Somalia.

copley7 said...

Russinsocal: You are probably correct. This will be slow walked by the Generals or plain ignored. The incoming "war party" needs a war somewhere to start or expand.