Thursday, December 3, 2020

President Trump: 'This May Be The Most Important Speech I’ve Ever Made'


WNU Editor: The media has been non-stop in attacking President Trump's speech explaining the fraud and irregularities that tainted the presidential election and why he believes the election was stolen. And there has been definitely no coverage on the evidence that he presented, just blanket remarks that they are baseless and/or reports like this one .... 'Extremely strong pardon for sale': Twitter users mock Trump with memes after he held up graphs in his pre-recorded White House address to 'prove' the election was stolen (Daily Mail).


Anonymous said...

In our country, we have courts to decide legal issues and rights and wrongs. Not speeches without evidence. Trump pardoned Flynn. And that liar (twice in court) now says this:

Michael Flynn calls for Trump to suspend the constitution and declare martial law to re-run election
The election was fair. The results will be fully shown in the electoral college soon. The Trump challenge has been thrown out in two dozen courts!The papers, noting this, deride what Trump is doing and so the media is wrong and Trump is Right? Trump has lost. That is why he is now talking about another try in 4 years.

Anonymous said...

Stolen election, from the demonic Chinese beholden left...

# No quarter

Anonymous said...

get real
try citing evidence not gazing at your own stool

Anonymous said...

What kind of evidence did Trump present?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Clerky is back at work at 2:25 PM.

You don't start kicking many. many poll watchers out, if it was fair.

You don't ask poll watchers to stand back beyond the range of visual acuity for reading.

You do not block windows of count houses.

By law you just reveal the source code of voting machines in at least one state. An honest company would not fight that in court.

You do not have every one but 6 people leave the Atlanta count house, because of a water main break, but keep counting. We found out there is no work order was put in to fix the supposedly broken pipe.

Now Clerky, STFU. You are a troll, a moron, and a liar. You are not even an interesting troll.

Anonymous said...

I gave you the evidence. You blew it off faster than Monica could blow Bill Clinton.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Calling you a troll, a moron, and a liar is a statement of fact.

Anonymous said...

Jan 20 Biden will be president
I do not give a hoot what you have to say, girly boy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The president has released his largest dumps yet. These enormous dumps will power him to four more years and cover all of us in his glory!

I love my lazy, obese covid-having president!


Anonymous said...

You're losing.

Anonymous said...

You'll give a hoot alright.

Anonymous said...

Well even big mouth chimes in.

fazman said...

Where was the evidence of trumps Russian collusion?, the left didn't seem to have a problem then.

Anonymous said...

Clerky or one of his admirers linked a "virus laden (?) image" at 3:34.

Why else link it and label it that way without context.

3:38 may be the same as 3:34 or yet another admirer or troll. I am not Ukrainian or Russian, but a word of advice

I remember stories on Sandy Hook posted The Blaze around 7 or 8 in the evening.

* The story posted between 7 and 8 had all sorts of trolls and nasty partisans.

* The story posted after 8 only had regular commenters was calm, educational and informative/interesting. The trolls had punched out their time cards.

Rush investigated Twitter this was before statistical analysis showed that 10% of the "users" created 90% of the traffic. I which case you might as well watch broadcast alphabet news, because Twitter is just broadcasting for special interest groups. It is not real community discussion on an electronic public square.

Rush found out that a group of 8 or 10 people with software made it seem like they were 100,000 so as to try to buffalo advertisers to cancel him their was over 10 to 14 years ago.

So 3:38, we know your kind.

Anonymous said...

When did the Electoral College vote?

fred said...

Biden won
Trump and you lose

Scott said...

Are vote dumps, vote flips, dead voters, more votes than registered, irregularities, and the 3% of ballots in Georgia being fraud not evidence? The American voters spoke, and they are realizing their voice went unheard. Us Americans, don’t like our voice being suppressed. If democracy in America is fake, where in the world is it real?

Anonymous said...

Remember that

Anonymous said...

nope ..anon: all those claims thrown out of two dozen different court cases...all of them. Not accepted. No real evidence. Just claims without evidence. None. zip. zero.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The official serving as President Donald Trump’s eyes and ears at the Justice Department has been banned from the building after trying to pressure staffers to give up sensitive information about election fraud and other matters she could relay to the White House, three people familiar with the matter tell The Associated Press.

Heidi Stirrup, an ally of top Trump adviser Stephen Miller, was quietly installed at the Justice Department as a White House liaison a few months ago. She was told within the last two weeks to vacate the building after top Justice officials learned of her efforts to collect insider information about ongoing cases and the department’s work on election fraud, the people said.

Stirrup is accused of approaching staffers in the department demanding they give her information about investigations, including election fraud matters, the people said. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the matter.

The effort came as Trump continues to level baseless claims that he won the election and alleges without evidence that massive voting fraud was responsible for his defeat to President-elect Joe Biden.

Anonymous said...

If they're baseless why are you so worried? Please tell us how unworried you are.

Anonymous said...

Several well placed unnamed sources have confirmed that their was election cheating by the Left.

Scott said...

Wtf are you even saying anon? Dead voters aren’t evidence? Tens of thousands of dead voters? That is evidence. These cases are being thrown out for political reasons. It’s obvious as can be.. The media will not even air the hearings. They want you to listen to what they say, not what’s being said at the hearings. You were promised for four years by your beloved media that Trump colluded with Russia. NOTHING you say holds any merit or weight.

Anonymous said...

Well placed sources have spoken with Lapides's male ex-student and confirm inappropriate behavior by Lapides!

Anonymous said...

So 5:45, why are you posting that particular comment? We see no proof and this would not be the correct venue. I dislike the person or the person pretending to be him. I ignore a few commenters and would ignore all the trash if gave that option. These trolls tear up any decent comments threads, which have the give and take of reasoned debate. That may be their purpose along with getting off on it. Can;t really tell which are foreign actors, which are form activist NGO's, other groups or partisan hacks.

Anonymous said...

I post it, sock puppet, because sources have revealed this, they are well placed but are not authorized to talk about this subject. I'm sure you understand, don't you.

B.Poster said...

Anon at 3:03 summarizes it pretty well. There have been numerous examples of what I would term "systemic irregularities" that seem to have almost entirely benefited the Democrat candidate. In light of this extraordinary situation, I think it is up to Biden and his team to prove that all of this is either completely made up or he did not benefit by this enough to change the outcome.

In the media's rush to discredit those bringing light to this, they are tend to label it as "baseless," "without evidence," "conspiracy theory." or something of this nature. Sometimes this happens multiple times in the same article. It reminds of the Shakespeare quote, "thou doest protest much." Perhaps if they shout loudly enough it will all go away.

Unless something is done to correct these systemic flaws before the GA Senate elections, the Republicans are going to have an even tougher time than would ordinarily. By bringing light to this now Trump may be trying to get this corrected before the runoffs. Also, I think he's largely given up on 2020. The primary focuses now are on 2022 and 204 with a big focus hopefully on the GA Senate runoffs. By bringing attention to this now perhaps this can be corrected and Trump and Republicans can be in a better position going forward.

Anonymous said...

I don't know anything. I think I know this guy got married for 20 years, was divorce and then got married to someone many years his junior for another 30 years and counting. Reason for the first crash could be lots of things.

If you are trying to make this guy uncomfortable, you are failing. They are still here.

As for being a sock puppet, I have not liked this guy for 4 or 5 years ago, when he was commenting in all caps. He never made sense and was hyperpartisan. So much so, that he could post so and so is right wing, but you should never say leftwing, because it doesn't exist. He took umbrage.

Both you and him could both be foreign actors playing a good cop bad cop routine. Or you could be the USAF member with the social media software built to influence things.

Anonymous said...

Like Lapides's intelligence, sources, etc, it's a mystery. I prefer he stays.

fred said...

You are like trump
Two losers

Anonymous said...


So it is not the sharp wit, good conversation, or sharing of knowledge that you value.

It is the search for intelligent life. It is your own personal "SETI" program.

Anonymous said...

Using your real name this time. What are you going to lie about today?

Anonymous said...

As I've said many times" you gotta do better than that".

Anonymous said...

Arecibo collapsed, you might want to revise your bon not.

Anonymous said...

Sharp wit, good conversation, clerky?

Anonymous said...

Arecibo collapsed, but it was not the only radio telescope used in SETI. It was just the most famous.

"The Allen Telescope Array is the first radio telescope to be designed from the ground up to be used for SETI searches. That situation has changed. Thanks to the far-sighted benevolence of many donors, including technologists Paul Allen (co-founder of Microsoft) and Nathan Myhrvold (former Chief Technology Officer for Microsoft), the first 42 elements of the ATA are conducting SETI searches ..."

I put "SETI" in quotes, because it is unknown at this point if it is ET origin or not.

ET civs might exile their undesirables to Earth.
Allen Telescope Array Overview

Anonymous said...

And as the "SETI" program is known for so is Lapides's alleged wit and good conversation, nothing.