Tuesday, December 8, 2020

President Trump Threatens To Veto Defense Bill

Politico: House prepares to pass defense bill over Trump's veto threats 

 Members are expected to easily approve the annual National Defense Authorization Act, but will need wide bipartisan support to reach the two-thirds majority to overturn Trump. 

The House is slated to pass annual defense policy legislation Tuesday in the face of a veto threat from President Donald Trump — and lawmakers are looking to run up the score. 

Members are expected to easily approve the annual National Defense Authorization Act, but will need wide bipartisan support to reach the two-thirds majority to overturn Trump, who is threatening to nix the $741 billion bill because it doesn't include a repeal of legal liability protections for social media companies. 

Read more .... 

 More News On President Trump Threatening To Veto The Defense Bill 


Anonymous said...

BUT we are told the Dems cut defense spending. Cuts still better than veto

Anonymous said...

Earth to Chinese sock puppet or liberal idiot. The military does not take a day off.

Presidential veto or more likely Congress not passing a spending bill, the military stays on the clock.

In 10 days or anywhere between 0 and 30 days, there will be a defense bill passed. Nancy of the designer gauze masks will have to work a little harder. She might even break a nail.

So you need not worry your little commie head, sweetums.

Anonymous said...

They actually sent people home during Obunghole's Regime. The budget was that late. This budget has not expired and you are already crying like a liberal with a horse's dick in you.