Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Russian President Putin Has Formally Congratulated Joe Biden On His U.S. Presidential Election Victory

© Sputnik / Alexey Nikolsky 

Russian President Vladimir Putin has formally congratulated Joe Biden on his victory in November's US presidential election, after the Democratic candidate was announced as president-elect by the Electoral College, on Monday. 

Putin wished Biden a successful tenure and said he personally “was ready for cooperation and contacts” with his incoming counterpart, the Kremlin explained, on Tuesday morning.

The message from the Russian president went on to say that despite their differences the US and Russia can together help solve many of the world's problems. 

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 More News On Russian President Putin Formally Congratulating Joe Biden On His Presidential Election Victory 


G said...

Go to hell

Nicolas Darkwater said...

Did Biden chew out Putin on the phone call? After all, that's what the media expected Trump to do.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let the BUTTHURT flow through you.

Anonymous said...

You're jealous.

Anonymous said...

Jesus H. Christ.

One decent comment and then the name calling. We have some dedicated Lefties or foreign government trolls commenting at this site.

Anonymous said...

What are the chances that Clerky created a sock puppet today "December 2020" named "Xyz"?

Anonymous said...

How Russian hackers infiltrated the US government for months without being spotted

Anonymous said...

Referring your own site clerky as a source? Won't work you've already lied too much.