Friday, December 11, 2020

Supreme Court Rejects Texas Attorney General's US Presidential Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan And Wisconsin


 * Texas attorney general filed the lawsuit Monday seeking to overturn election results in four states Biden won 
 * 126 House Republicans also signed onto the Texas suit including minority leader while Trump and 17 state attorneys general sought to intervene on Texas' behalf 
 * It claimed that it is 'impossible to know which candidate garnered the majority of lawful votes' 
 * The suit sought to enjoin states from certifying their electors or 'vacate' certification to let their GOP legislatures appoint electors 
 * Pennsylvania AG and other lawyers called the suit 'seditious' and 'dangerous' and an effort to 'overthrow the votes of the American people' 
 * The president and Texas AG responded he was not asking the court to 'reelect President Trump' 
 * For Texas to even bring the case, it had to establish 'standing' which the Supreme Court said it lacked    
 * The Electoral College will meet on Monday and Congress meets in joint session to count the votes January 6 

The Supreme Court on Friday denied a Hail Mary effort by the attorney general of Texas who had asked the court to intervene and overturn the election in four states that went for Joe Biden, dealing a crippling legal blow to Donald Trump's legal strategy. 

The court voted 7-2 to dismiss the case. 

Justice Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito said they would have heard the case - but that they would have refused to overturn the election result effectively making the result 9-0. 

The stunning end to Trump's legal bid to overturn the election came just after 6.30pm in a one-page ruling from the court. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: That ends that.


RussInSoCal said...

We get the gubmint we deserve. And we're all going to get it good and hard.



Unknown said...

Makes elections in all US states very interesting for the future. There are no rules or level playing fields for all states from now on. State government officials making up rules as they go along in the election. All parties will now have to engage in all manner of frauds to win. Or perhaps decide who is president by fighting in the fields & in the streets. With an establishment figure in charge as president, dem or rep, we'll soon be back to false flag ops, colonial wars, more migrant forces entering Europe & a rise in terrorism in Europe. Still I think they'll back down with China so no big war there. Big war with Iran & Israel perhaps. Interesting Times ahead. Keep ducking. 🙉

Scott said...

To the contrary WNU, it’s only just begun. It’s a dark day in America. Just read the comments on Trumps latest post. Wether or not you like Trump, there are 74 million Americans that think this election was rigged. 30% of Democrats believe it too. That CANNOT go unheard. Shame on the Supreme Court. That might be that in Canada, but that’s not that here WNU. I am equally fearful as I am intrigued to see how this plays out. Did they create enough tree hugging pussies?

Scott said...

Hard times make hard men. Hard men make soft times. Soft times make soft men. Soft men make hard times. Hard times make hard men.

Anonymous said...

Trump got his ass kicked by over 7 million votes and lost. Which makes him a loser.

Scott, head over to Russ's bunker with all the other losers and plan the revolution. He'll even tell you all about the boxcars. It'll be a rootin' tootin' good time. Lot's of fun.

Anonymous said...

The 106 GOP reps. who signed onto this preposterous bill need to be tried for sedition. They are traitors who should be tarred and feathered and then exiled.

Of course, they just represent a party that has no interest in democracy, the constitution and anything beyond power and screwing your perceived enemies. Republicans are filth, the entire party needs to be destroyed.

Anonymous said...


We are going to get blood. There is no way the Democrats are going to put their storm troopers back into the bottle without martial law at the very least.

The storm troopers able to pay rent making 20K to 40K a year are still envious and upset. $15 an hour is not going to satisfy them, but for the length of a campaign (2 or 3 months).

Along the Mississippi in mid-sized metropolitan areas (not Minneapolis, St Louis, Memphis, or New Orleans) you can see tags as numerous as gang graffiti of "Eat the Rich". This is a large problem. Welfare is not going to take care of it. By definition nepotism and and it larger cousins cannot take care of it. They only make it worse.

Communism will not solve it with theory, but it can practically solve the problem. Think gulags, cultural revolution and Year Zero. Think Harrowing the North. Chinese communists taught that unequal wages were expected for unequal work and there was plenty of nepotism and hook up networks in the CCP. Plus there was and is plenty of blood.

There is a big threat to the defense of the US with counterfeit parts especially from China. China invading Taiwan's silicon valley is no different than oil producer Iraq invading Kuwait. It is worse.

Any leverage that China has over Biden will be severed when the Democrats launch a coup against Biden He has indicated he will go quietly. The expectation is that he gets the laurel and they let is family go free of corruption charges. The Democrats might finds it expedient to go Pinochet on him.

Feinstein will be shoved out the door. Ditto Swallwell. It remains to be seen how many other Chinese influenced politicians there are.

Gas is going to be 3X more and I hope you like riding a bus with Antifa during flu season every winter. Assuming they don't bop you on the head during the 1st year for reasons ...

Electronics will get much more expensive and with gas being expensive you won't have much to do except have mandatory fun Democrat style. Look at the bright side. 2 or 3 months of your year will be spent rehearsing for a Superbowl / Carnival parade dance routine before May Day. So you days will be chock full. I hope you like parades and singing Marxist paeans.

Politicians like Pelosi will still have 5 children, but we will need ZPG, so people like you will be strongly encourage to form LGBT relationships and get snipped. You'll get your rocks of every night, but they will be hollow, going through the motions. Meanwhile Nancy will have a real scrapbook of memories and accomplishments. You'll be asked to excitedly clap when her spawn graduate or get promoted at the collective.

Scott said...

9:43 and 10:01, put the paint down. Please.

Anonymous said...

anon above
what the hell is wrong with you?
Biden won the pop vote
Biden won the electoral college
the Supreme Court affirmed that there is no case against that
two dozen law cases brought by Trump all lost
Tell Trump to fire Amy on the Supreme Court
We have a democracy. We vote. In the previous election, Trump won the electoral college and became president
It did not happen this time
stop your ranting and raving
You will do nothing
keep playing with the keyboard if you will but it is good that you do not have to give your real name

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm greatly disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Fred Lapides,

Compared to everyone else here, you are a special needs child. You literally have no skills that anyone would pay you for. My spouse has a Masters in English and they are worth 1,000 times more than you. You are overhyped and over valued.

You could not run a receiving dock with the poor quality that elections are run under.

Many of us have worked in industry. We are aware of and use Doge-Romig Sampling plans, which were designed during WW2 to help with quality. The lit type can cry over "All my Sons". The real people deal with the problem and fix it.

Courts can take several years to litigate chemicals based on statistical studies. Here statistics prove malfeasance on a huge scale and the courts do not want to touch it. People will statistical knowledge have nothing by hate and contempt for you.

We know that the elciton was stolen. We know that Biden did not win. We know that Biden go 70 million votes or less and those were form the uninformed or party loyalists. We also know that Biden will serve less than 1 years as president.

Prediction: Joe Biden will never give a second State of the Union speech. Democrat officials will not allow it.

Fred outside of Uncle Slam sending you to Korea to bang Korean women driven by war and extreme poverty to prostitution, have you ever been to a foreign country?

Anonymous said...

Life and not live meant
AND NOW STALKER WILL DUMP MORE VENOM. WHY? he has no life but to slink around and insult those he knows have led fuller, nicer lifes...those who have served in the military and had fruitful careers. Has this mother's piece of shit ever said anything other than dumping his insults? Ever commented on a post? NOPE. He can but leech-like try to drain and suck from those he knows are his superiors, his betters, in mind and soul.

Anonymous said...

TRUMP got X number of votes. The other guy got 7 million more. The electoral college went significantly to the non Trump candidate. So go on thinking the election was rigged or faked or illegal: ALL THE COURTS IN OUR LAND THINK OTHERWISE! what does that tell us about you and how you think?

Anonymous said...

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and all of the nation’s top veterans advocacy groups called for the dismissal of Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie after the department’s inspector general found he mishandled an investigation into sexual-assault allegations by a female veteran.

On Saturday, Mrs. Pelosi (D., Calif.), the American Legion and Vietnam Veterans of America joined a number of those calling on Mr. Wilkie to resign.

An inspector general report released Thursday said the secretary disparaged a veteran who said she had been assaulted at a VA hospital last year. Mr. Wilkie and top aides refused to fully cooperate with the probe and a top aide unsuccessfully tried to plant a story with a major newspaper discrediting the woman, investigators said in the report.

Anonymous said...

Why do you ask me questions about myh personal life and then insult me and ask more questions?
PS: I HAVE BEEN TO MANY FOREIGN NATIONS, aside from those I have been in while serving my country while you were crawling in shit in your family shack

Anonymous said...

I ask how many nations you have visited, because I am nonplussed by how shallow and bigoted you are. I am trying to understand how you could be so FUBAR. So a list would be nice.

When an American tells you they have visited Jamaica, often times I do not consider that they have visited Jamaica if they went straight from the air port to a resort on Montego Bay. I consider their life experiences no more expanded than if they went to a local Holiday Inn resort in their home state.

Fact: No one is stalking a person that posts their life history on the internet and posts under their real name.

For a person that brags their son is spec ops in the IDF, you seem to have a lack of appreciation for Donald Trump's achievements in making Israel safer. A person could respect you if you said that you like the domestic policies of the Democrats are better, Trump did some nice things for Middle East peace, but I am still voting Democrat. People could respect that. But you are 100% venom for Trump every day. Vert Odd especially with a son in the IDF. Something is wrong there.

I don't understand why a person reminisces about their war experiences and tells the whole world that not only did they engage the services of a woman of the night, they consider it an accomplishment that they sullied a fellow soldier into doing the same. Your disdain for people not living on the East or West Coast and who were not Democrat came out over 14 years ago. At least you are consistent in the VENOM you spew toward non-Democrats.

Anonymous said...

"We are going to get blood..."

Lol. What a total loser. You and the rest of the CHUDS won't do anything but shitpost, pound sand, and stuff your cake holes full of cheeseburgers. You're good for a laugh, that's about it.

America spoke and Trump got his ass kicked.

Anonymous said...

I did not comment that "We are going to get blood...", because I thought that "we" would start anything. I was very clear that ANTIFA or China would. It was a prediction. Some people here will mark the comment and make appropriate Delphi rankings up or down.

I don't want war. It would be very bad for me and my family, but I don't get a vote in the U.S. due to fraud or in China. I try looking at it very realistically, because I do not want to literally be behind enemy lines as a civilian. Last war in Asia it royally sucked and many female civilians, Asian or Caucasian, literally got screwed. But I don't think many of them made it anyway.

I like the Oracle of Delphi prediction by Fred. It was a beaut. WNU posts about China's Grey Wat with Taiwan. Three hours later FRED posts a comment about it on an older post.

Fred posted under the ironic name of Mr. Cogito.

GoodShit said...


Donald Trump’s Presidency Will End On The Day Of A Comet, A Meteor Shower And A Total Eclipse Of The Sun

Anonymous said...

Anon said ...

Oh look, it is the Fred Lapides propaganda hour at 8:09.

Fred is such a good boy. He is a dedicated New York Times readers.

December 11, 2020 at 10:17 PM

Fred Lap[ides said ...


December 12, 2020 at 8:50 AM

Such sparkling conversaiton form someone who taugh co0lege students.

Taught them what, we would like to know!

RussInSoCal said...

8:52 AM

LOL 7 million more popular votes. If you believe that, I have a fake Russian collusion scandal to sell you.

Your "victory" is fraudulent. There is no way Biden received 80 million votes. There is no way he outperformed Obama by 14 million votes. Biden under-performed in every demo save for four cities, Detroit, Milwaukee, Philadelphia and Atlanta.

I'll take 75 million actual votes over 80 million fakes every time.

The Dems failed to take over a single state legislature. Failed to gain one Governor seat - lost one actually - and at this point have lost 10 House seats and counting.

So go ahead and crow about your "victory". I'll see you in two years after the GOP has redistricted the country to their advantage.

Anonymous said...

US civil war 2.0 coming. Good for China.

Unknown said...

Civil war 3.0,you had your 1st in 1776 when you were still Englishmen. That started over somebody's spilt tea! Keep ducking 🙉

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Someone is a little touchy, how come clerky? You sure don't sound confident.

Anonymous said...

You sure like to talk big, don't you.

Anonymous said...

Self awareness clerky, self awareness,

Anonymous said...


I think maybe the Revolution was a mistake. If Parliament had listened to the younger Pitt, we could have had a Constitution and tradition and have the greatest nation on earth.

But then I see Prince Charles and he is such a weak willed little man (Greenie, pro Islamicist and could not stand up for himself for love, then became a cheating cad.). Many Americans love the Queen and hope that he outlives Charles. Prince William seems okay. Prince Harry blew it.

The colonists did not start calling themselves Americans. People in Britain called them Americans 1st.

B.Poster said...

Anon (1:29) has pretty much nailed it. War is something we want to avoid where and when we can. The problem is compounded when we look at the forever war supporting incompetent boobs Biden is surrounding himself with.

Anonymous said...

Another cringe worthy endorsement by Imposter.

B.Poster said...

Anon 8:59,

Are you suggesting you want war? With a Biden presidency both Hunter and the Biden family name must be protected. This probably means preemptive war. Maybe you support this. Perhaps you think the incompetent boobs Biden is surrounding himself with will miraculously get this right for the first time in their lives.

B.Poster said...


I like how you're thinking. Do you suppose Republicans have now figured out this isn't a fair fight and are prepared to play as brass knuckle dirty as the Democrats have played for decades? Essentially the court case was fixed ahead of time!! Those Republicans who signed on naively assumed we'd have a fair fight. I have it on informed sources that Ted Cruz was prepared to argue the TX case. As one of the top legal minds and least political motivated people in America, he would have easily obliterated the opposition. Since it's fixed, naturally SCOTUS needed to shut it down without even a hearing!!

Anonymous said...


No, Id d not suggest I wanted war. Quite the opposite. I said that it was cringe worthy that you agree with my comment yet again.

War would be worth it, if Russian and Chinese trolls were scrubbed from the blogosphere.

Andrew Jackson said...

Cross the Rubicon Hr. President!

B.Poster said...

Anon 8:22,

I don't understand your animosity towards me. I acrually think it's good when areas of agreement are found. Such things shouldn't be considered cringe worthy.

Now I'm obviously not Russian or Chinese. I've provided info on how you can contact me. The trouble with anonymous posters is it's hard to tell who I'm addressing sometimes.