Saturday, December 12, 2020

There Are Now Currently At Least 4 Federal Criminal Investigations Into The Biden Family

Zero Hedge: Hunter Biden Subpoenaed Over Burisma, Two Dozen Other Entities As Part Of Four Investigations 

Hunter Biden has been subpoenaed by federal investigators over his involvement with at least two dozen entities - including Ukrainian gas company Burisma, according to the Associated Press, citing a 'person familiar with a Justice Department tax investigation." 

News of the subpoena follows a joint announcement from Hunter and his father Joe Biden's campaign last week which acknowledged that he was under investigation for tax fraud, with the Washington Post noting that Hunter had yet to be interviewed by the FBI or served with subpoenas. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: It is amazing is that these investigations have been going on for two years, but no details have been leaked until after the election.

More News On Hunter Biden


Anonymous said...

But David Muir reported this as Russian disinformation back in could this be?

Anonymous said...

"with the Washington Post noting that Hunter had yet to be interviewed by the FBI or served with subpoenas. "

These investigations are kept on low boil. If Mr. Lunchbox goes against the Deep State, the turn up the heat and fry him.

they knew he was dirty 3 , 4 or more years ago. They declined to start an investigation until he put his hat in the ring. That is when and that is why they decided to 'investigate' what they already knew.

David Muir is obviously a water boy.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing that Kamala, who got no delegates during the primaries, campaigned very little, and should not be considered a natural born citizen, will be president.

There is not one asshole, who can tell me what thew difference is between a Kamala being born to people, who just happen to be living in the US as college students, but are not citizens, and a couple coming to the US in a tourist visa, going to Disneyland and having a baby while at the park.

Harris was born in Oakland, California, on October 20, 1964

Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan ... had arrived in the U.S. from Tamil Nadu in India in 1958 as a 19-year-old graduate student...

Her father, Donald J. Harris, ... who arrived in the U.S. from British Jamaica in 1961 for graduate study at UC Berkeley, receiving a PhD in economics in 1966.

Any mention of a green card or citizenship there?

Any mention of a green card or citizenship there?

Any mention of a green card or citizenship there?

Any mention of a green card or citizenship there?

Any mention of a green card or citizenship there?

'Come to America any way you can. Legal or illegal. Tourist visa, ambassador, H-1B, student visa, ...any way you can

Drop trow.

Screw to your heart's content.

Drop a baby while still in America. They will be an American. No questions asked.

Soon, if you can prove that your father inseminated your mother, while they were joining the mile high club over the continental U.S., you will be an American citizen.

B.Poster said...

Nothing particularly "amazing" about this. Anyone paying attention knows how evil Hunter is. After all our government actions in Ukraine ran polar opposite of our interests. Hunter sold us out!!

Hunter's honor must be protected!! The Biden family name and the Democrat brand has to be protected!! Furthermore all important leaders on earth know Biden and his team are illegitimate as tbey cheated and stole the election even if they supported them.

In this environment team Biden will try and get tough with China and Russia from r hw get go. Hunter must be protected as any dad would protect his son!! Since the Democrats believe their own messagung regarding Russian interference in our elections, they may even go out of their way to start a fight there too!!

Anonymous said...

Hunter's honor must be protected!!

Your like a hunting dog barking up the wrong tree. My "gut" tells me that you are smart enough to know it is the wrong tree, but you do it anyway to mislead the hunter.

Any leverage that the Chinese have over the Biden family will be severed, when they walk up the White House steps and convince Lunchbox to resign due to failing health before the 4th of July.

In the meantime a minder shall be on hand to take care of the nuclear football, if Sniffer is suffering form Sundowner's syndrome or a severe brain fart. The military officer will not object to any decisions being taken out of Blue Collar Joe's hands.

After the blue stained dress, the establishment does not care about honor as much as you might think. They lived through it and survived it, so it no longer scares them.

Scott said...

If the election slides, Hunter will slide. RIP democracy. Rome fell from within too.

B.Poster said...

Anon 8:29,

I'm not trying to mislead anyone. Phthalate my take is in error but I neither it to be based on sound analysis.

Essentially a father will do what is necessary to protect his son and the elites circle the proverbial wagons to protect their own. Upon assuming office all criminals investigations into the Bidens go away.

The Chinese in their hubris thibk they can control Biden and his team. Preemptive action of some type will be taken against China and steps will be taken to mitigate any dirt on Hunter through these Preemptive actions.

Anonymous said...

No problem!
If Trump can hand out pardons for a dozen people, some with tax issues, then Biden can pardon his son: Trump set precedent

Anonymous said...

Monday: new guy is legally incoming president

Zachary Petrizzo / Mediaite:
Chris Christie Blasts Trump's Legal Strategy: An ‘Absurdity’ Find
5 minutes ago
Niclas Rolander / Bloomberg:
Sweden's Covid Workers Are Quitting in Dangerous Numbers Find
5 minutes ago
David Wickert / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
Georgia Supreme Court rejects Trump appeal Find
20 minutes ago
David Cohen / Politico:
Lamar Alexander: Trump needs to ‘put the country first’ and accept election results Find
35 minutes ago
CBS News:
CBS News poll: Most feel election is “settled” but Trump voters disagree Find
50 minutes ago

Anonymous said...

A day after President Trump’s stinging defeat in the Supreme Court, Republicans around the country seemed to be having trouble finding the right words.

The bellicose statements from some quarters that had characterized the postelection period — claims of switched and missing votes, a “rigged” election and even threats of secession from Texas Republicans after the ruling on Friday — had given way to something resembling muted resignation and an acceptance of the inevitable.

Many were completely silent, even in the face of a tweet from Mr. Trump himself in which he vowed, “WE HAVE JUST BEGUN TO FIGHT!!”

Of 17 Republican attorneys general who had endorsed the case, filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, none agreed to be interviewed by The New York Times. Mr. Paxton, who had issued a statement calling the decision “unfortunate,” did not respond to a request for comment.

Other attorneys general who issued statements mostly seemed to acknowledge that all legal avenues had been exhausted in efforts to overturn the election results.

Mike Hunter, the Oklahoma attorney general, saw the end of the road.

“The Supreme Court has ruled. The Electoral College is going to meet Monday. We’ve got to accept the results,” Mr. Hunter said in a Facebook interview in Oklahoma City. “We need to play the hand we’re dealt.”

A statement by Wayne Stenehjem, the North Dakota attorney general, echoed that. “It now appears that all reasonably arguable legal challenges have been exhausted, and the members of the Electoral College will meet across the country on Monday.”

Derek Schmidt, the Kansas attorney general, summed it up with a statement saying, “It is time to put this election behind us.”

Anonymous said...

Fred R Lapides or a troll that uses his name and/or style posted at


Paul Pogue is not in bed with the CCP. Hunter Biden and John Kerry are.

"In fact, Hunter Biden’s company BHR is listed as a subsidiary of the Bank of China, owned by the CCP."

My personal opinion ion is that when you out someone like Wesley Snipes away for tax evasion, you should lock a hundred liberals at the same time. You have to go upstream to the source of the problem.

Obama PArdosn

Drug Dealer Pardoned By President Obama Kills Family Of 3

May 18, 2020

Texas Man Pardoned by Obama Arrested on Drug Charges

December 11, 2020

\Chickens coming home to roost.

When Obama pardons people, more people die.

Maybe that is what Obama was counting on?

Anonymous said...


"Pardons:" not "PArdosn"


"My personal opinion is" not "My personal opinion ion is "

Anonymous said...

List of people granted executive clemency by Donald Trump::29 so far!
soon: his entire family!
so as for Biden? Biden can do as Trump has done

Anonymous said...

The the guy, who has Forest Gump IQ, but did well because of white privilege, has his dander up.

29 is not a particularly large number. What matter is the quality of pardons/clemencies. If you pardon a drug dealer and he goes right back out and starts dealing drugs, then it was a bad use of clemency. Obama has done exactly that. He clemency to criminals, who right back out and committed more crime.

4:33 is also making the false analogy fallacy. Well, what can one say? A sketchy person makes a sketchy argument.

Obama issued more pardons and commutations than any of the previous 10 presidents, as far back as Harry Truman, who issued 2,044 pardons and commutations between 1945-53.

Trump granted pardons to 5 political prisoners.

4:33 you are known fool and liar. Every commenter here thinks so.

Anonymous said...

Dear Asshole:
Do you think I give a hoot what fellow low IQs think? They support a failed president, a guy who served but one term and has not the decency to concede and attend the swearing-in of our duly elected president.
You think Trump pardons just political prisoners? Then that shows how fucking little you know. Go to the link I posted and tell me murder and working for foreign governments and bribery etc are simply political!
our little club of people do not like what you say so you are not liked...woe is me. What shall I ever do? I know. Tell you to read some of what I put up. You simply do not like the truth. And so too, Trump, and that dear heart, is why he lost, is a loser, and still scamming his followers for money

Mr Cogito said...

almost all of his acts of clemency (which include commutations as well as pardons) have gone to people he knows, like former national security adviser Michael Flynn, or to those with whom he may curry political favor, like the two Oregon cattle ranchers who were at the center of a dispute over federal land involving states’ rights activist Ammon Bundy.

That track record, legal experts told me, is pretty much the exact opposite of how the presidential pardon power was intended to function, which was as a check on abuses by the legislative or judicial branches. “Many of Trump’s pardons … could fairly be characterized as more about his personal interests than serving justice,” Jeffrey Crouch, a professor at American University and an expert on executive clemency, said in an email. “Pardons are normally granted to people who have turned their lives around, shown remorse and want a pardon,” Crouch told me, adding that this just isn’t the story line that has emerged from four years of Trump. “[His] clemency approach is that clemency is less available to average people than it is to those with the right group of connections.”
Trump wouldn’t be the first president to go on a lame-duck pardoning binge

Anonymous said...

"almost all of his acts of clemency (which include commutations as well as pardons) have gone to people he knows, like former national security adviser Michael Flynn, or to those with whom he may curry political favor, like the two Oregon cattle ranchers who were at the center of a dispute over federal land involving states’ rights activist Ammon Bundy."

Flynn was arrested for what Ben Rhodes bragged about.

Ben Rhodes: Biden "Having Phone Calls" With Foreign Leaders About "The Agenda They're Going To Pursue"

Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date November 9, 2020

Flynn made his phone call after the electors met. Rhodes obviously made it before they met. But why the fuck am I explaining dates to you, when everyone knows you care not good with numbers, sequences, cause and effect or logic.

So yeah Flynn was a political prisoner.

The USG owns more land percentage-wise than in the east coast. That threatens livelihoods. Livelihoods that for the past 200 years made it possible for East Coast cities to get big and support immigrants. Without ranchers sending beef east via the railroad, your ancestors might not have been allowed to disembark in the US.

You owe the predecessor of the Bundy's a debt of gratitude that you are way too stupid and egotistical to acknowledge.

You're the type of person that would bemoan factory farming and then turn around bemoan the cattle raised by the Bundy's. A person like you has very little idea of how food is produced and you deserve Soylent Green.

BY January 20th Trump will still have less pardons than Obama did in his 1st four years.

I read more of what you link than you do. Often times all you read are the headlines like the dumbshit that you are. When I do read linked articles and post money quotes all you do is move on like weasel.

Anonymous said...

Clerky you're losing.

Anonymous said...

A "pardon binge" clerky!?!?! You need to talk to some more "experts".

Anonymous said...

There are usually a lot of pardon between election day and January 20th for any president. That increase s normal from president to president. So the this binge talk is a state troll who does not know US politics or the English language or a really dumb Democrat.

I have a real interesting twist on this this "game". Hope to try it out soon ... stand back and watch the fireworks. Democrats will never be the same.