Monday, December 7, 2020

Thieves Are Successful In Breaking Into Russia's Il-80 Maxdome “Doomsday Aircraft” And Stealing Equipment

Russia’s Il-80 Doomsday Plane 

The criminals removed a hatch and made off with radio equipment from the strategic airborne command post. 

In what seems like a remarkable breach of security, unknown thieves have helped themselves to equipment from inside one of the Russian Aerospace Forces’ rare Il-80 Maxdome “doomsday aircraft.” 

The converted airliner, which plays a role analogous to the U.S. Air Force’s E-4B, as a strategic airborne command post in time of nuclear conflict, was at an airfield in southwest Russia when the caper took place. 

While it is not clear exactly when the raid was carried out, the incident was reported today by Russia’s state-run media outlet RIA Novosti. 

According to their story, the Il-80 was undergoing maintenance when “unknown persons opened the cargo hatch” and stole what is described as “radio equipment.” 

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WNU Editor: Unbelievable.


James said...

Hire them.

War News Updates Editor said...


James said...

They knew what was there, when it would be there, and how to get to it, has to be an inside job ( and involve some people with political juice).

kidd said...

my people did it

Dave Goldstein said...

Ballsy. Never happen in the US