Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Top Chinese Professor Claims Beijing Could Always Swing US Policy Until President Trump Came Along

Daily Mail: Trump tweets video of Chinese professor claiming that Beijing can swing US policy because it has 'people at the top of America's core inner circle of power' in clip that has been deleted from social media in China 

 * Di Dongsheng, a professor at Renmin University in Beijing, appeared on a Chinese television show about Wall Street and international trade last month 
 * The video was deleted from Chinese social media soon after being uploaded but copies were made which have since been circulating including YouTube 
 * Professor Di stated how China had 'people at the top of America's core inner circle of power and influence' for years 
 * Di said the relationship was true for decades until President Trump came along
 * He also notes how the Obama administration was easy to manipulate 
 * Di believes the old ties between China and the U.S. will be restored once President Biden is in the White House 
 * Excerpts of the video were tweeted by President Trump on Monday night after Tucker Carlson shared a clip on his show

President Donald Trump has tweeted video of a Chinese professor suggesting that China has managed to influence U.S. policy for decades thanks to a special network of relationships with people at the upper echelons of American power. 

The video, which had originally been posted on Weibo but has since been removed from Chinese social media according to Fox News, depicts Di Dongsheng, a professor and associate dean of the School of International Studies at Renmin University in Beijing. 

Tucker Carlson shared a clip at the top of his show on Monday evening. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Professor Di Dongsheng was only voicing what everyone in China's leadership circles know and expect .... a return of U.S. - China policies and relations to a pre-Trump era. 

I know among all of my contacts in China, they are all overjoyed that Biden is on path to be the next US President. They are also expecting the removal of tariffs and the resumption of talks to make it easier for US manufacturers to invest and operate in China .... Chinese FM hints on reconsidering resuming BIT talk with the US (Global Times).


Anonymous said...

I expect Biden, publicly, to maintain a cold relationship with China.

However, I expect much under the table negotiations between Biden Administration and China.

I also expect that many within his incoming administration will not like any sort of rapprochement with China.

It would be the equivalent of engaging with Cuba or Russia during the Cold War.

RussInSoCal said...

I expect Biden to utterly capitulate to China. Any potential Cabinet member making any noise to the contrary will find himself out the door very quickly.

The Biden family is totally compromised by China. They have Joe by the short hairs. Who do you think that Chinese prof. was talking about?

Obama/Biden sold the nation out to the Chinese and will do so again.

/gotta keep those phony Chinese money management contracts to Hunter coming in.

Anonymous said...

I think Tucker would look less like a constipated dunderhead if he just released his dumps.

I mean it's one thing to be a racist grifter and another being a constipated racist grifter. Oh yeah, and China's really scared of Trump. Right. Sure.

Anonymous said...

Hey Russ, if "utter capitulation" means comrade Xi taking over America and making it run as a functional society, then let the capitulation begin.

China beat the virus and is running circles around the US.

Anonymous said...

Lunchbox Joe will take Xi's dicktation any time of day or night.

Anonymous said...

You do love your dictators don't you. You're one of those " the trains run on time" people. I suggest Xi starts where you live, only fitting don't you think?!

Anonymous said...

My comment of 6:01 was for 5:01's improvement.

Anonymous said...

stop being silly
If Trump does or does not something, it is ok If a Dem in charge and has yet to do something, you jump on your little keyboard and rant away
all we are saying is give the Winner A Chance
that is the way it works in our country after an election. When Biden does something you object to, then fire away

Anonymous said...

That's not all you're saying. The last 4 yrs proves that.

Anonymous said...

Russ, you are coming off as sad and desperate. You know America is in steep decline and you are powerless to stop it. You have no power and can do nothing.

In less than a decade, China, in addition to having the largest population, will have the largest economy. Short of nukes, of which China has plenty, how do win a war against that behemoth?

Japan, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Vietnam, all signed up for RCEP. They'll do business with China because 1 in 7 humans live there. The east is red.
The future belongs to the east, the west had a nice 200-year run, and it's over.

Anonymous said...

Love them dictators don't you. The "our country" is a nice touch, but doesn't work. If you believe what you say, why are you still here (as you claim), why haven't you moved to your promised land?

Anonymous said...

Why are you here, as you claim?

Anonymous said...

7:11 thinks he knows history, he's laughable!

Anonymous said...

Looks like somebody left, must have had a train to catch. If you're going to teach in a reeducation camp don't be late for study sessions!

RussInSoCal said...

All these budding commies here rooting for the big beautiful PRC will be the first ones herded onto boxcars headed to prison camps.

And sounds like you'll be going willingly.

How pathetic.

Anonymous said...

But Russ the trains "will run on time"!

RussInSoCal said...

But back to Biden.

6:49 PM says to "give the winner a chance". As if we've not seen Biden in action before.

Biden was a slime bag moron and as a Senator and he was a slime bag moron as a vice president. So just give Biden a chance? I can tell you what Biden will say and do before he says or does it.

Prediction: He will surrender to China.

Its pretty clear to me that the empty vessel Biden will simply be a ventriloquist dummy for Obama. To the extent he is permitted to speak at all - it'll be a third term for the worst president the US has had in 44 years.

/how lucky we all are.