Thursday, December 3, 2020

Tweets Of The Day


Anonymous said...

Not enough members of Congress send their kids into the military to have "skin in the game" to warrant such an honor. Many if not most members of Congress are known to be vicious litter mates and cowards and know nothings elsewhere.

It is truly remarkable, if the offspring of a Congress member dies in war or conflict.

Serving in the military is not proof of taking equally risks in assignments. For example AL Gore. I have seen foreign born nationals (E7) talk to a buddy in personnel to ensure their niece or nephew had a good gig. That was not white privilege. You might label, call it, or mislabel it systemic racism. In this case a SJW might call it was yellow systemic racism. What it was nepotism combined with friendship and/or ethnic friendship network. You are not going to kill that nor should you. At most you can and should limit to a degree.

The first few original Congresses were deserving. This one as whole is not. People like Blumenvalley claim to be combat vets

"Blumenthal received five draft deferments during the Vietnam War,[16] obtaining first educational deferments, and then deferments based on his occupation.[17] With part-time service in the reserves or National Guard generally regarded as an alternative for those wishing to avoid serving in Vietnam,[18] in April 1970 Blumenthal enlisted in the United States Marine Corps Reserve.[19] He served in units in Washington, D.C., and Connecticut from 1970 to 1976"

Anonymous said...

And president bonespurs?

Anonymous said...

12:22 (seminar poster)

You committed the "tu quoque" fallacy.

I was talking about Congress not presidents.

But we can compare presidents past and present. Billy Clinton led protest marches in Europe against the US. in the next few decades, Democrats will have no qualms naming a carrier after him.

I have no problem with a person, who avoids the draft during a war that no one in power wants to win. McNamara did not want to win. He gave up. Congress did not want to win or they would have did what McCain advocated in 2006. McCain had a lot of faults, but not wanting to win was not one of them.

McNamara gave up on the war and yet stayed. He had no intention of winning. So why go to a losing war that people like the Port Huron assholes and miserable liars like you are against? First thing is to put people like you in the proper place like Venezuela or some such circumstance. Then you get a person with a plan to win take charge. McNamara interfered with the JCS and yet he thought the war could not be won.