Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Tweets Of The Day

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Still stuck: 1,500 France-bound trucks stranded in England

"LONDON (AP) — More than 1,500 trucks were stranded in England on Tuesday morning amid fears that Britain could face food shortages if travel restrictions put in place to slow the spread of a new..."


All those stupid politicians and bureaucrats moving their game pieces around the board thinking they are smart. They are not.

The companies which own the trucks will raise prices, which will cause unrest in Paris a city that sees many demonstrations.

The French government is an old hand at demonstrations, but there is a limit to which even they can handle. The Yellow jacket protest showed us as much. Combine the yellow jacket protests, with lockdown protests and rising prices due to all the dislocations.

Dislocation is a serious thing. Ask the Swedish army that faced Frederick the Great.

Bureaucrats and politicians are slavering at imposing lockdowns, because they think they can complete their control over the prole. They might reconsider.