Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Ukraine Press Conference By Parliamentarians Tie Hunter & Joe Biden To Massive Corruption Scheme


A video from a press conference in Ukraine is going viral. It is the follow-up to a video press conference that Ukraine released over a year ago, in which Members of the Ukraine Parliament demanded that President Zelensky and President Trump investigate billions of dollars of corruption in Ukraine that is tied to the U.S. 

The newly released video is meant to provide documentary and eyewitness information about the corruption – and the Biden family figures prominently in the story. The video is long – over an hour – and not all of it involves the Biden family. This post quotes those portions of the press conference that address Biden family corruption. The gist of it is that, while Democrats obsess about Trump’s purported criminality, despite the absence of any evidence, their chosen standard-bearer is extraordinarily corrupt.  

WNU Editor: This is a story that WNU covered last year .... Ukraine Government Reveals How Millions Were Sent To Hunter Biden And The John Kerry Family (November 15, 2019), including how Joe Biden used his office to protect his son and the money that they were making in Ukraine .... Ukraine Lawmaker Releases Audio Of A Phone Call Between Ukrainian President Poroshenko, VP Biden, And Secretary of State Kerry On Dismissal Of Prosecutor Investigating Biden's Son (May 20, 2014). But Biden's ties to Ukraine go back years, starting 6 years ago when the Ukraine war broke out .... With Fighting Continuing In The Region, Ukraine Is Still Proceeding To Develop It's Shale Gas Deposits (July 26, 2014). 

So why rehash the story now? 

This corruption was revealed last year and it did not change anything. The media ignored it, focusing instead on President Trump and his Ukraine phone call and why he should be impeached. 

Bottom line. President-elect Biden will be sworn in a few weeks, and this corruption will be swept under the rug .... again.


RussInSoCal said...

If this was the Trump family, it would be an MSM/Dem party marathon, conspiracy rave-gasm. And they would for once have an actual news story.



X said...

Like the trump family isn’t in any corruption schemes

Anonymous said...

X goes for the tu quoque fallacy.

Well, that is, if he is telling the truth. We all know he is using innuendo. He stated something and proved nothing.

Say Trump went 70 mph in a 65 mph zone. Does that compare to the international corruption of the Bidens?

Anonymous said...

We know the Russian s poisoned a Ukrainian PM. If Russia is willing to poison the Ukrainian leader, there is no reason not to be there.

At the very best the US supported anticorruption efforts except, when it comes to USAID, which apparently was laundered through corrupt Ukrainian officials back to politically connected US families. At that point, you might as well not have a United States. Just be honest and call it a kingdom.

Tax avoidance like when John Kerry parked his yacht in Rhode Island is reprehensible and hypocritical yet legal.

Laundering US aid through corrupt foreign governments and other corruption is so far beyond the pale.

RussInSoCal said...

11:12 PM

All you progs love to hurl crimes and corruption at Trump. I have yet to see any of you eve try to articulate said crimes and corruption.

I'm not even asking for proof. Just name and describe (in some intellectual detail) the so-called crimes you believe Trump is guilty of.



Anonymous said...

Has Mexico's check for the wall cleared yet? Has anybody seen the caravan latlely?

Anonymous said...

5:21 is a perfect example of what 1:18 was talking about! 5:21 never fails, his consistency is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Seen a caravan, not the caravan. Did you go to school? Close your mouth and open your eyes.... for once.

Anonymous said...

1,. Zero Hedge is not to be trustedQ@
2. no evidence or Trump and GOP would have been all over this
3. in America we don't pick up shit and pretend it is real evidence and story.
4. And this site likes to talk about fake news?
5. you forgot to mention Rudy and his truth finding

Anonymous said...

Venereal disease goes viral too

Anonymous said...

Parrot/Clerky is on the job at 7:53.

Anonymous said...

The report found Obama was funding the Islamic Relief Agency (ISRA) despite it being sanctioned by the US since 2004.

TRAITOR Obama sent funds to Al Qaeda.

At least Obama is being consistent, when he sends to Iran AND Al Qaeda!

Anonymous said...

read the link and note that it was not done purposely. Want SHIT stuff CHUDS suck on?

Timeline: Fox News misinformation in 2020

Anonymous said...

"Marc Siegel makes a brief mention of chloroquine as a potential treatment for COVID-19. By the end of the month, the network would be obsessed with hydroxychloroquine."

Hydroxychloroquine is used in Switzerland and Spain to this day, because it works. Unfortunately, you cannot get rich off of the drug or at least not filthy rich very quickly, so it is not used in the US.

So take you media matter propaganda and shove it.

BTW the media matter CEO had a falling tout with his boyfriend. You could come to some sort of arrangement with him and you would never have to work pay for post again!


Look at the embedded John Hopkins graph. Then you will know that Media matters lied.

Anonymous said...


Clerky is the most "stupidest" person evah!

Anonymous said...

President TrumpDonald TrumpGeorgia signature audit finds no fraud in presidential election Pompeo calls for release of Chinese journalist jailed over coronavirus coverage Pence refused to sign on to plan to overturn election, lawyers say MORE called for Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s (R) resignation on Wednesday, hammering him for refusing to back up the president’s claim that he carried Georgia in the November presidential election — despite his loss by 12,000 votes, a result that has survived multiple recounts and court challenges.

“@BrianKempGA should resign from office,” Trump tweeted. “He is an obstructionist who refuses to admit that we won Georgia, BIG! Also won the other Swing States.”

Hearings from Atlanta on the Georgia Election overturn now being broadcast. Check it out. @OANN @newsmax and many more. @BrianKempGA should resign from office. He is an obstructionist who refuses to admit that we won Georgia, BIG! Also won the other Swing States.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 30, 2020

Anonymous said...

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) needs your help to keep the U.S. Senate in Republican hands. So blared a handful of Facebook’s ads that Cruz’s campaign committee purchased this month. But none of them were actually raising money for the Republican candidates in Georgia. Instead, every penny donated went directly to... Cruz.

The Cruz campaign bought 15 separate ads on Facebook over the past two weeks, each featuring a video of the senator dramatically hyping the need to hold two U.S. Senate seats in Georgia runoff contests.

“Gun grabbing, tax hikes, open borders, and stacking the Supreme Court. That’s the radical Democrat agenda if they win the Georgia Senate elections,” Cruz declared.

He asked for $5 contributions to his new “Keep Georgia Red fund.” But Facebook users who clicked through to the online donation page—and read the fine print at the bottom—would see that the actual beneficiary was Cruz’s own campaign committee, not Sens. Kelly Loeffler or David Perdue, the two Republicans running for re-election in Georgia.

Anonymous said...

11:23 / 11:25,

Clerky strikes again with another mindless zombie copy and paste. He is the wittiest plagiarist known to man.

One politicians campaign can move his or her funds to another politicians campaign funds. If you give it instead of direct. Learn the law.

Clerky ha ha ha said...

As president of the Senate, Vice President Mike Pence will preside over the Jan. 6 session and declare the winner.

Asked about Hawley’s announcement, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said, “I have no doubt that on next Wednesday, a week from today, that Joe Biden will be confirmed by the acceptance of the vote of the electoral college as the 46th president of the United States.”

Hawley is a first-term senator and potential contender in the 2024 presidential primary, and his decision to join the House objectors is rebuff to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who had asked his caucus not to participate in a futile quest to overturn the results.

Aware that the Democratic-led House would not support such a challenge and that it would put most of his fellow GOP senators in a bind, McConnell told them on a private call Dec. 15 that it would be a “terrible vote” to have to take.

While some Republicans have echoed Trump’s unsubstantiated claims, or at least refused to counter them, McConnell and an increasing number of GOP senators have acknowledged that Biden won and will be inaugurated Jan. 20.

The Senate’s No. 2 Republican, South Dakota Sen. John Thune, said earlier this month that if the Senate were forced to vote on a challenge “it would go down like a shot dog.” Thune said it didn’t make sense to put senators through a vote when “you know what the ultimate outcome is gonna be.”

Anonymous said...

Do your neighbors know what you do?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We know that is a straight up lie.