Sunday, December 6, 2020

U.S. Army's Special Forces Are Training To Hit "Hard Targets" In Russia And China

Army Special Forces personnel in Germany perform a crisis response demonstration in a mock urban environment. USMC 

The shift in mission for certain Special Forces units is part of a broader push to prepare for higher-end fights with Russia and China. 

As the U.S. special operations community, as a whole, works to better prepare itself for higher-end conflicts against potential near-peer adversaries, the Army says it will train and equip company-sized units of Special Forces personnel, better known as Green Berets, focused on taking down "hard targets." This plan notably comes months after the Pentagon included a request for funds in its most recent budget request to build the secretive Joint Special Operations Command a specialized training facility where its operators could practice attacking "complex, hardened facility targets." 

WNU Editor: This training makes sense. If you are going to go against "hard targets" in Russia or China there is a very good chance that you will be encountering their version of special forces who have received the same training that US special forces have received.


Anonymous said...

Of course these special forces will not get there ,because they won't have transport (stealth aircraft) due to Joe Biden's Defense budget cuts.


Anonymous said...

when did he cut the budget? he does not take office till Jan. 20th

Anonymous said...

Carter, Clinton, and Obama all cut the military budget upon getting into office.

The assumption is being that Biden will get to office. Electors have not voted yet. There are all those investigations and videos like at the State Farm Center at out there.

Try using some facts sometimes 3:13 (We know who you are).

Anonymous said...

Fact: Biden now has enough electoral votes to be the president
Fact: Biden has millions more popular votes than Trump
Fact: Trump has lost all but one case in over two dozens law cases to change results of the election
Fact" what prior presidents have done is not the same as what the incoming president may or may not do.
Fact: trimming a budget may simply bea way of eliminating waste and that which is non-essential.
Fact: Congress often gives more money that the Military wants and often the military asks for cuts but Congress wants to take care of financial interests in states they come from
Fact: that you may or may not know who I am is of no concern in the comment and certainly to me.
Fact: Obama cut military butdget but we still where by far the biggest military budget in the world
Fact: I have given you facts. Now show your facts

A new report released today by the Center for American Progress (CAP) outlines how President Obama and the Congress could cut military spending using bipartisan historical precedents without sacrificing security. “Defense spending helped create the fiscal crisis facing our nation today,” write CAP’s Lawrence Korb, Laura Conley and Alex Rothman, “and defense cuts must be part of the solution.” Levels of spending exceed the heights of the Reagan-era Cold War by $100 billion and the Eisenhower-, Nixon-, H.W. Bush- and Clinton-eras by more than $250 billion. “This ballooning defense budget played a significant role in turning the budget surplus projected a decade ago into a massive deficit,” the CAP experts write. This chart from the report maps out past presidents reducing military spending during similar budget crises:

Anonymous said...

Fact: you provide no verification beyond being an idiot.

Anonymous said...

You've only given what you say are facts, proving once again what you are.

Anonymous said...

Ever hear of inflation? No verification, just statements alleged to be facts. Still lying.

Anonymous said...

Several states elections are in dispute especially Georgia's election. We've seen the vid and we've heard the excuse and nothing you can say will change that fact.

We also gave affidavits that refute the fact check double speak about State Farm Arena.

Anonymous said...

Don't waste your time, the guy lives and breathes hearsay, it's been his style for years.

Anonymous said...

A Republican Party consultant leveled Donald Trump on Sunday morning for his performance before a rally crowd in Georgia on Saturday night that she labeled the “world’s biggest hissy fit.”

Speaking with MSNBC hosts Kendis Gibson and Lindsey Reiser, GOP strategist Jennifer Horn expressed disgust with the president for focusing on himself when he was supposed to be boosting the fortunes of Republican Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue who are both facing a runoff election against their Democratic opponents in January.

Asked if Trump is hurting or helping Republicans, Horn launched into a tirade about the president’s latest actions.


Anonymous said...

Told you, just look at the last comment, prime example.

Anonymous said...

Lololololololo, he still hasn't got over that male student!

Anonymous said...

Or your mother, a hottie long ago but still firm

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid you've got a strange compulsion my mother's been dead for a long time, but necrophilia AND pedophilia, not bad what else do you like? We already know about the "girlie boys".