Monday, December 14, 2020

U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr Directly Intervened In Keeping The Hunter Biden Probe Secret Before The Presidential Election

Trump mockingly put the name of the Justice Department he oversees in quotes 

 * Barr sought to uphold existing DOJ policy against interfering in an election 
 * Cautioned against any moves that could go public such as a subpoena 
 * Came despite Trump and GOP lawmakers demanding Hunter probe 
 * Hunter Biden revealed last week his taxes were under investigation 
 * Democrats have accused Barr of acting like Trump's 'personal lawyer' 
 * Trump raged on Twitter that Barr 'will do nothing' 

Attorney General Bill Barr used the force of his office to instruct prosecutors investigating Hunter Biden not to take any steps that might cause the probe to be publicly revealed in the run-up to the election. 

The directive, reported in the Wall Street Journal, was in keeping with existing Justice Department policy against taking investigatory steps close to an election that might interfere with it. 

Barr and his team took steps to 'insulate' the investigations, according to the report, even as President Donald Trump repeatedly demanded a probe of his political rival's son. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: By saying he will not interfere in the US Presidential election, US Attorney General Barr ended up interfering in the US Presidential election .... Joseph R. Biden voters experience regret after new revelations, poll finds (Washington Times). And now CNN (if you believe them) is claiming this .... Attorney General William Barr is reportedly brushing off Trump's attacks over Hunter Biden investigation as a 'deposed king ranting' (Business Insider). 

If this is all true .... I would fire the Attorney General. 

Update: To me it is a given that the incoming Biden administration is going to kill any investigation into Hunter Biden, and the attorneys for Hunter Biden probably already know that .... GOP Senator: Hunter Biden’s Attorneys Not Cooperating With Investigation (Daily Wire). And while there are reports that the U.S. Justice Department  may name a Special Prosecutor to investigate all of this, the above reports on how Attorney General Barr has handled all of this makes me believe that he will be doing nothing. On this point President Trump is probably right (see above tweet).


Anonymous said...

During the Epstein scandal, which was swept under the rug, because it was by far a Democrat scandal, Democrats nonetheless wanted to get Barr's scalp.

Somehow, someway, because Barr was a child, when Donald Barr worked at the same school, the Dalton School, as Epstein, Bill Barr is guilty.

The meme was floated to see if they could spook the RINO's.

But why defend Bill Barr, if he is such a sad sack piece of shit?

Maybe there are pictures of a humpback whale on top of a 16 year old? Maybe Barr is just a squish. Which one of the 2 preceding statements are true?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure glad I didn't vote for that Hunter Biden guy. He sounds like a criminal.

Anonymous said...

You vote for one Biden, you vote for them all.

Later in March, O'Brien met with former Serbian President Boris Tadic, now part of the opposition, about a $3 billion debt Iraq owed a Belgrade-based consortium when American forces occupied Iraq. Tadic sold that debt for $280 million to a company owned by one of Biden's sons in return for Biden's political support.

What did Tadic get? Almost 10 cents on the dollar. Iraq was going to give him nada. On top of the 10 cents on the dollar, he got Biden's support. That is he go US diplomatic support, US financial aid and other support.

What did the Biden's get. The ability to earn 10% of 20% or more on $ 281 million dollars. The US had leverage over Iraq. Any doubt that Lunchbox used it?

The US should find the Biden stash and seize it. It will not fix the US debt. But Maybe we can bail out a blue city like NYC, Detroit or some other city made into a cesspool by Democrats.

Or maybe someone will go Hoare on the Bidens. It would be way more legit than the raping of the Congo in the 1960's.

I bet when Joe is sundowning and drooling on himself in between feeling up a nurse at an old folks home, the CIA cleans out the Biden's overseas accounts.

Switzerland is gone but there has to be a new one.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I do appreciate Barr's touch of class by not playing politics with this exposure of the bidens. Nonetheless the timing of the release by Guiliani was a weak point. It reeked of politics and seems to have been ineffective.

Anonymous said...

The vaunted not admitting to investigation of politicians is a house rule that was not legislated into law by Congress and only applies, when a Democrat is being investigated.

I did not help Trump in 2016. It hurt Trump in 2016 2X over. Hillary benefitted.

' Two years ago, Jane Chong dove deep into the supposed 60-day rule in a Lawfare post on FBI Director James Comey’s October 2016 letter on new developments in the Clinton investigation. As she wrote then, there is no formal rule barring Justice Department action in the days immediately before an election. Rather, the “rule” is more of a soft norm based on what former Attorney General Eric Holder himself described as “long-standing Justice Department policies and tradition.” '

The Biden name will soon be up there with Commodus, Caligula, and Nero.

Anonymous said...

How the Conservative Legal Movement Stopped Trump | Time

Anonymous said...

David French is not a conservative. Here is a RINO. He has impeccable RINO credentials. If you were paying attention, you would know that the NRO has been going downhill doe several years. Since they fired a write over "The Talk".

I also note that French 'served' in the US Army. JAG is the usual, low risk way for bad people to punch tickets on their way to a political career.

David French seems to have no problem with drag queen story hour. I kind of think you do not either. You want to come out of the closet?

From reading David's bio I'm not sure he earned a bachelors degree. The details are very sketchy. That seems de jour now for wiki.

Anonymous said...

Lapides can't come out of the closet, he has too much baggage such as the former male student. Add this to the fact he a member of the stories " fighting typewriters" and he can't come out.