Monday, December 14, 2020

U.S. Attorney General William Barr Has Resigned, Effective Dec. 23


 * Trump tweets that Barr is leaving and presents it as his own decision 
 * But he had raged against his AG for not revealing Hunter Biden probe before election and had tried to rebuke Barr for not endorsing claims of voter fraud 
 * In resignation letter Barr hinted at tensions with Trump over voter fraud 
 * Barr sought to uphold existing DOJ policy against interfering in an election 
 * Cautioned against any moves that could go public such as a subpoena 
 * Came despite Trump and GOP lawmakers demanding Hunter probe 
 * Hunter Biden revealed last week his taxes were under investigation 
 * Democrats have accused Barr of acting like Trump's 'personal lawyer' 

Donald Trump ousted Bill Barr as attorney general Monday after a face-to-face White House meeting - having raged at the chief law enforcement officer keeping the Hunter Biden probe secret. 

Trump announced the departure in a tweet which presented Barr's decision to go as his own.

'Our relationship has been a very good one, he has done an outstanding job!' Trump said, then said Barr would 'spend the holidays with his family.' 

Read more .... 

 More News On The Resignation Of U.S. Attorney General William Barr 


Dave Goldstein said...

Yeah I'll bet that was a "Nice" meeting.

Rodger Ramster said...

What a huge dissapointment Barr was as AG.