Thursday, December 10, 2020

US Covid-19 Deaths Surpass 3,000 For The First Time

The number of COVID patients hospitalized nationwide grew to a new all-time high of 106,688, which is up 18 percent over the previous two weeks
At least 3,124 Americans died yesterday, which is the highest number of deaths in a single day throughout the pandemic. The previous single-day record was last Thursday when 2,879 deaths were recorded
There were 221,267 new infections recorded yesterday. Cases per day are now eclipsing 200,000 on average for the first time on record 

 * At least 3,124 American coronavirus patients died on Wednesday in the pandemic's most deadly day   * It is the first time the virus has claimed 3,000 American lives or more in a single day 
 * The number of COVID patients hospitalized nationwide also grew to a new all-time high of 106,688, which is up 18% in the last two weeks 
 * There were 221,267 new infections recorded yesterday. Cases per day are now eclipsing 200,000 on average for the first time on record 
 * The CDC's latest forecast is now predicting another 72,000 deaths within the next four weeks 
 * The grim tolls comes on the same day a panel of FDA advisers will meet to weigh whether to recommend the agency authorize Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine 
 * Ten counties in California reported having no intensive care unit beds available on Wednesday, as the state reported yet another record for new daily cases 
 * Operation Warp Speed, the White House response to the pandemic, urged Americans to continue mask-wearing and social distancing on Wednesday as it said a vaccine could be approved by the weekend 

The United States has crossed an ominous new threshold of 3,000 lives lost to COVID-19 in a single day as hospitalizations continued to surge to record highs. 

At least 3,124 Americans died yesterday, which is the highest number of deaths in a single day throughout the pandemic. 

The previous single-day record was last Thursday when 2,879 deaths were recorded. 

The number of COVID patients hospitalized across the country continues to surge to all-time highs with 106,688 currently being treated, which is up 18 percent over the previous two weeks. 

Read more .... 

 More News On US Covid-19 Deaths Surpassing 3,000 For The First Time 


Anonymous said...

Yeahhhh. America!!!

We're number one.

Anonymous said...

We are #1 and because of Trump. Fauci said it would be 19 months to 2 year before there was vaccine. Trump got it in less than a year. I think that also lit a fire under Britain and Europe.

For some reason the assholes in DC do not think they have to review the data in 2 or 3 data time. They plan to make an announcement 2 or 3 week from the time the Pharmaceutical declared success. In the intervening 2 or 3 weeks they are not spending 100% of their time on going over the vaccine trials. No it is about 20% of their times and they are going at a leisurely pace.

The should have wrapped it up over a long weekend.

We should have had the vaccine back in October. But the Pharma company sat on the results for 2 or 3 weeks.

We should have had approval 3 or 4 days after the physical trials ended. Maybe even 1 day after the trial ended as they could have been reviewing the data as it was coming in.

It has been a huge plandemic not much of a pandemic.

B.Poster said...

What Amon at 10:02 said. Nailed it!! They clearly seem to be slow walking both the approval process and the distribution.

Why are deaths spiking? Testing is massively spiking, the tests are skewed either by accident or design to yield "false positives, and all of this means more people die with a positive COVID-19 test than would have before.

Stephen Davenport said...

So What WNU?

Anonymous said...

See Stephen's comment. It has been over 9 months, almost a year. We are not seeing a lot of children dying. There was a 17 year old in Florida. She was obese, has an auto-immune disease and cancer. Her prognosis was not good before COVID.

How many children or adults have autoimmune disease? A Fair number.

How many children or adults have autoimmune disease and cancer? Not many.

How many children or adults have autoimmune disease, cancer, and obesity? Vanishingly small.

A person in their 209's died in the region of COVID. The 1st in over 9 months. The news reader remembered to add two (2) missing facts that the listening public wanted to know. They were whether the person was in a LTC facility and if they had pre-existing conditions. Information has been weaponized. Maybe a 100 people in the while region would know if you gave an age, said "pre-existing conditions" or LTC. Those people already know, if they are family, friends of family or friends. No one else would know, so why hide the information? You are not giving out a name or the name of a LTC facility.m SO you are not violating HIPAA.

But by hiding information you can scare or attempt to scare people.

Children are not spreaders of COVID nor do they die of it. I suspect that childrens' defenses are active enough that COVID passing "the plane", the mucus or epidermis of their body is more or less instantly vaporized by an active defense. So they do not get sick and there COVID does not survive long enough in enough quantity for them to be spreaders.

More kids are dying of influenza than COVID.

Adults are of concern not because they are dying of COVID unless they are unhealthy to begin with for the most part, but because COVID can survive long enough in them that they can spread it to elderly. That really is the real problem.

Well it is not much of a problem, because Hollywood, advertisers and politicians really do not want them. To be fair politicians want the elderly a little bit, but truth be told their votes can be mined whether they are above or below ground.

It is not much of a pandemic.

Look at figure 2 at the link. You can make out an increase death rate for a short while.

Figure 2. Total deaths per day in Sweden up to November 15. 2020 figures in purple, the green line average numbers from 2015 to 2019 and the red line shows 2020 numbers when the reported Covid fatalities are subtracted.

If you not a demographer or epidemiologist you could miss it, if you are not continually looking in the rear view mirror.

Governor Toothsome is getting bad vibes that the lock down might cause a recall. IF it does and it succeeds look for Washington, Oregon, Virginia, Michigan, Nevada, Minnesota and Pennsylvania to follow suit.

Are people afraid of COVID? After all the press from the temple prostitutes they are.

Are they still afraid? It has been almost a year and they have notice their kids and little Johnny next door are still alive. Pretty soon 2/3 rd of people will be livid!