Saturday, December 19, 2020

U.S. Forces Begin To Leave Somalia


(CNN)US forces that had been positioned in Somalia have begun their withdrawal from the country and redirected to other bases in East Africa. 

"I directed the activation of a joint task force, JTF-Quartz, built around the headquarters of Special Operations Command-Africa, to oversee Operation Octave Quartz, the directed re-positioning of U.S. forces from Somalia to other bases in East Africa," said Gen. Stephen Townsed, the commander of US Africa Command, in a statement Saturday. 

Earlier this month, President Donald Trump ordered the majority of US troops to leave Somalia "by early 2021," in just one of the major military policy decisions being taken in the final days of his administration.  

WNU Editor: It is time to leave .... It’s Long Past Time To Get U.S. Troops All The Way Out Of Somalia (Daniel L. Davis, The federalist).


B.Poster said...

One pointless and completely unnecessary war OVER!! Hopefully!! Many many more to go!! Many thanks to President Trump for getting this started. In the meantime, undermine the incoming Biden Administration in any and all ways possible. On the way out, Make peace with these nations undercutting the forever wars people who stole our election started.

Anonymous said...

I don't like leaving. Al Shabab is still present. Maybe Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia can take care of them wit a little intel and spec ops help from the US.

We could send Obama to talk to Al Shabab in Doha. People really can tell that Obama cares, oh so much.

I don;t like leaving, but we are not putting enough resources in it. It is time to get out or solve it. There has been no discussion on how to solve it. It has just been a shuffle. Trump is the CINC and he has a better vision than the status quo.

Besides didn't Obama declare victory in Somalia and Yemen 5 years ago?

Как погода товарищ?

copley7 said...

Time to withdraw. The main focus will be Asia and especially China, India, Japan and Australia. Let the CIA and some special ops be around the area to watch for terror activitites against the USA itsef or allies.