Friday, December 18, 2020

U.S. Lawmakers Are Asking Whether Recent Massive Hack Attack Amounted To An Act Of War


Lawmakers are raising questions about whether the attack on the federal government widely attributed to Russia constitutes an act of war. 

The hacking may represent the biggest cyberattack in U.S history, and officials are scrambling to respond. 

The response is further complicated by the presidential transition — President Trump has yet to comment publicly on the attack — and the fact that the U.S. has no clear cyber warfare strategy.

Update #2: Cyberhack looks like act of war (Axios) 

WNU Editor: Before We talk of war let us first see the evidence.


Unknown said...

War between 2 powers with the biggest nuclear arsenals this side of the Galaxy. What could possibly go wrong? These politicians are out of control. They absolutely love war. Keep ducking πŸ™‰

fazman said...

Yes, let them cause economic havoc without consequence

Anonymous said...

“The Congress shall have Power To . . . provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States.”
—U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 8, clause 1

“The Congress shall have Power . . . To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules conquering Captures on Land and Water;

Mal: "No, no. You’re working this deal all crabbed. You got to open with payment."

The Operative: "That is a trap.

I offer money, you'll play the man of honor and take umbrage.

I ask you to do what is right, you'll play the brigand.

I have no stomach for games. I already know you will not see reason."

Nancy Pelosi and other shower room floor scum will treat this as seriously as they treated COVID. That is not at all! Nancy and other senile retards berate the president for not taking action against a serious disease and the walk around without masks.

Democrats were not and are not serious about COVID. They only use it for partisan advantage.

My belief is that Democrats will be as serious about the breach as they were about COVID. They will not be serious at all.

If Trump sounds them out about declaring War, Dems will be horrified and call him a warm monger.

If Trump does nothing kinetic, they will continue denouncing him.

Nancy Pelosi does not need Trump. She can simply declare war, if she has the votes. All she needs is about 2 or 3 RINO sociopathic morons with zero common sense such as Murkowski (Spiff), Romney (Biff) and Collins (Buffy). Schumer and Nancy could get McCain's warmonger sidekick Senator Miss Lindsey Graham, too.

What does Miss Nancy of the $ 40,000 ice cream refrigerators want? Shoot up a Russian warship. The Russians will shoot back at 1 to 3 American warships. Maybe more. We kill some FSB agents, they will retaliate and kill a dozen to one. The most they could do is sanctions, embargo, ship ramming, shoot down a plane or a large scale but inconvenient cyber attack on infrastructure or some cyber theft or espionage and perhaps not have a hot war.

The same morons wanting retaliation makes sure they propagandize American with the same Leftist actors playing America presidents who play tough, but peaceful on screen presidents making tough calls of standing down and peace. That character acting role is reserved for Liberal actors in good standing.

Yet, now the intelligentsia want retaliation. Bunch of fucking posers without skin in the game.

Anonymous said...

If Miss Nancy, Xer Schumer and others were serious, they could have had the whips do their job and informally poll House and Senate members to see if the had more than 50% in each house. The could have further polled or worked the ropes to see to it that they had 67% or more.

If they do not want to vote on it and stand on their vote, then they want a retaliation with plausible deniability.

Will that work?

Would it get out of hand?

I have seen know House or Senate leader ship trooping up to the White House to consult.

Bunch of fucking posers!

Anonymous said...

Bill That Trump Is Vowing to Veto Strengthens Hacking Defenses, Lawmakers Say

B.Poster said...

I had been expecting team Biden and their supporters to try and come up with some way for him to look tough. This may just be it. With controversies swirling around the Biden family, growing evidence of systemic irregularities during the election that benefited the Democrat candidate, and a general perception that Biden is weak they needed to come up with something, a perfect time to trot out the Russian boogieman again perhaps. This is looking like "Wag the Dog" on a much bigger scale. Did this attack even happen? After all we've been burned by our government before. Before we can support any type of retaliation that could lead to war or would be construed as an act of war we will need to see the evidence, it will need to be evaluated, and the sources and methods will need to be closely scrutinized.

Anon (3:57),

I couldn't have put this any better myself. If they treat conflict with Russia or another major world power the same way they treat conflict with Russia, this only ends badly for the American people and as you correctly point out they are like people without skin in the game. I might add that some of them seem to think that no price is to high, no burden to heavy, and no sacrifice to great in trying to accomplish something so long as they and/or their loved ones do not bear any of the costs!!


"Yes, let them cause economic havoc without consequence." We already do this all the time. The lockdowns as a result of our ridiculous response to COVID-19 have been and continue to be beyond devastating. The politicians who put this in place have yet to suffer any adverse consequences. Just what are the economic consequences of this hack? Did it even occur or this a "wag the dog" type incidence, maybe even a "false flag?" A real value will need to be put on this rather than some vague generalities. Besides if we go to war with Russia it is going to be Americans who are going to bear the brunt of Russian actions. Aussies are in no danger.

Assuming the hack did occur who did it will need to be proven before aggressive action against anyone can be accepted. I'm pretty sure we (the US) would have done something similar if the opportunity presented itself or our agents had the competence. As such, this looks more like an act of standard espionage as opposed to an act of war and we do NOT go to war every time we catch a spy. Of course all of this assumes the hack actually occurred of which I am skeptical at this point as neither the government nor the media have a good track record.

If this did occur and its been in the works for months as some have stated, then it seems almost certain that the government knew about this before now. Why is it being leaked now? Trump has been extremely tough on Russia. As such, it seems very unlikely he would have let this slide if we knew Russia was behind it. By leaking this now retaliation efforts by the US may have been undermined. With increasing evidence of electoral irregularities benefiting Biden they may feel a need to knock Trump down some more. Also, Biden gets to look tough and this serves as a distraction from other issues.

Anonymous said...

B Imposter,

Regardless of the stupidity of the intelligentsia, if America gets hurt, Russia gets hurt.

Anonymous said...

This is a distraction period. It is a way to keep power. Where is the evidence of a "cyber onslaught", where is the evidence that if there was an attack that it was the Russians? Who is making these charges? Who would gain from belief in these allegations?

Anonymous said...

How does the "Hill" know as a fact the US has no clear cyber warfare strategy? This is what they state. The attack is "attributed to Russia" by whom? Who in the Administration has confirmed this?

B.Poster said...

Anon (4:48),

I'm not sure why you need to slander me. I am who I say I am. You know where and how to find me. You must "shoot the messenger" because your arguments are weak.

".. if America gets hurt Russia gets hurt." This would be an extremely stupid way to conduct foreign policy or pretty much any form of serious business for that matter. Such a mentality is often expressed by young children. It goes somewhat like "someone did this to me. Now I d9 the same thing to someone else." It didn't end well for the child and lessons were learned!! To hurt Russia or anyone else because our government got hurt is an extremely stupid and shortsighted approach. The resulting blowback from such actions would be potentially disagrees.

Essentially Anon 5:03 has nailed it. I would add with the troubles brewing around Hunter Joe's brother as well as mounting evidence of electoral fraud they're gonna need plenty of distractions. In the past when a foreign devil was needed, the choice would be someone who locked the ability to immediately retaliate, Serbia for example. In this case, they've chosen Russia arguably the most powerful military force on earth.

Hurting someone simply because you got hurt is, at best, an extremely poor way to conduct human relations. In fact, it may be sociopathic for adults to behave in such a manner.

Before aggressive actions can be justified against foreign nation or their citizens evidence must be presented and it must be evaluated. Thus far nothing has been presented. Even more problematic is the poor track record of the US government.

B.Poster said...

Anon (5:12)

Very good questions. If the Trump Administration had a cyber warfare strategy to confront this, it's almost certainly undercut now.

"Unknown" put it well in the post at the beginning of the thread. At best, our leadership simply isn't thinking things through. Unfortunately this isn't unusual.

Xyz said...

Green light attack go 4 it war is the answer first hit Iran

Anonymous said...

The Covid narrative is running out of steam plus the vaccine is a reality so it's Russia time. Four years of allegations and no proof topped off by an unproven "massive cyber onslaught" BY THE .............RUSSIANS! Somebody (who knows all about it) please lecture about the security of means and methods. There are certain politicians (both sides of the aisle) who have forgotten they work for the people, the people do not work for them. Until I see proof there was "a cyber breach" by the "Russians" I shall not believe what I hear nor shall I back retaliation against a foe for non proof about an incident that "may" have happened. By the way China is not mentioned at all this is very instructive.
In short I will not support the destruction of tens of millions of people on the say so of unnamed sources with no evidence (again), this I leave to people who crave power so much they will go to any lengths.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Π’ΠΎΠ²Π°Ρ€ΠΈΡ‰ΠΈ! Наш Ρ€Π°Π±ΠΎΡ‡ΠΈΠΉ "I.Poster" пытаСтся ΠΎΡ‚Π²Π»Π΅Ρ‡ΡŒ вас ΠΎΡ‚ обвинСния России Π²ΠΎ Π²Π·Π»ΠΎΠΌΠ΅ АмСрики.Иногда ΠΎΠ½ слишком стараСтся. Он Ρ…ΠΎΡ€ΠΎΡˆΠΈΠΉ бСспилотник ΠΈ Π½ΠΈΠΊΠΎΠ³Π΄Π° Π½Π΅ ΠΎΡ‚Π²Π΅Ρ‡Π°Π΅Ρ‚ Π½Π° ΠΊΠΎΠΌΠΌΠ΅Π½Ρ‚Π°Ρ€ΠΈΠΈ, ΠΊΠΎΡ‚ΠΎΡ€Ρ‹Π΅ ΠΌΡ‹ ставим Π½Π° этом сайтС Π² России, Ρ‡Ρ‚ΠΎΠ±Ρ‹ ΡΠΎΡ…Ρ€Π°Π½ΠΈΡ‚ΡŒ притворство, Ρ‡Ρ‚ΠΎ ΠΎΠ½ Π½Π΅ Ρ‚Ρ€ΠΎΠ»Π»ΡŒ.Иногда, ΠΊΠΎΠ½Π΅Ρ‡Π½ΠΎ, Π²Ρ‹ Π²ΠΈΠ΄ΠΈΡ‚Π΅ Ρ‡Π΅Ρ€Π΅Π· Π½Π΅Π³ΠΎ. Он стараСтся, Π½ΠΎ слишком часто ΠΏΡŒΠ΅Ρ‚ слишком ΠΌΠ½ΠΎΠ³ΠΎ Π²ΠΎΠ΄ΠΊΠΈ, ΠΊΠΎΠ³Π΄Π° ΠΎΠ½ Π΄ΠΎΠ»ΠΆΠ΅Π½

Anonymous said...

6:33 do you even realize how pathetic you are?

Anonymous said...


There are at least 3 to 4 irritating people here. Their sole point is to be irritating, because after a several months at failing to get converts, they have to know it is not going to happen.

So I think their main goal is to get their ya-ya's off irritating people and to derail any meaningful conversation.

Anonymous said...

True, but there's that freedom of speech thingy.

Anonymous said...

Freedom of speech legally is that the federal government cannot curb the speech of citizens.

As an ideal or cultural tradition it goes or is suppose to go deeper. Not that the Left gives a shit.

I would be happy to give an obstructionist (state sponsored or free lancer) one or more of the following: cold shoulder, box their ears, or brick their computer.

I've seen comment threads on stories with and without trolls. As I have stated before the comment thread on a new story about the Sandy Hook Massacre was so much more productive at 2000 than before. It is like the assholes punched out their time card or went to bed.

Anonymous said...

Senator Blumenthal, a really, really brave hombre! NOT!

"Blumenthal received


draft deferments

during the Vietnam War,[16] obtaining first educational deferments, and then deferments based on his occupation.[17] With part-time service in the reserves or National Guard generally regarded as an alternative for those wishing to avoid serving in Vietnam,[18] in April 1970 Blumenthal enlisted in the United States Marine Corps Reserve.[19] He served in units in Washington, D.C., and Connecticut from 1970 to 1976"

Blumenthal is no doubt assuming he had no skin in the game as the government will house him in some bunker somewhere.

Anonymous said...

I personally would prefer those people ( the ones you reference) have the right to speak out, at the very least they point themselves out publicly and not secretly operate. Whether or not they're buffoons ( which I think is true) is not really for me to decide, but rather the people themselves should.

Anonymous said...

Another fighting typewriter!

RussInSoCal said...

Where is our (former) cyber security chief, Christopher Krebs?

You know, the guy who found zero fraud in the election and ran the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) up until last month. Until he was fired.

Where is he now? He should be hauled in front a judge and forced to explain his complicity in this mess.

Anonymous said...

Christopher Krebs NEEDS to be brought before Congress to testify under oath.

Dominion used Solarwind's software. Dominion voting machines were hooked up to the internet. People have signed affidavits stating this.

Solarwind software is the software company whose product was hacked.

Any decent Naval O6, who has commanded a ship, could make Krebs look like total crap. After asking Krebs to cite what he based his comments election statement on and Krebs coming up with nothing, they could ask Krebs if it was based on partisan posturing.

Krebs is as smart and honest as Steve Schmidt who worked for John McCain and finally had an honest moment and switched parties after working undercover for years.

Anonymous said...

The usual answer as to why a war started is that one side, the other or both sides miscalculated.

Which begs the question as to why there was a miscalculation.

My prediction is that within 3 to 5 years the U.S will be at war with either Russia or China. It is based simply on the fact that Democrats know what they want and they are going to get it come Hell or high water. These people are not sane, but they have a will to power and they will be in charge no matter how much or how blatantly they have to cheat.

People, who have to cheat as much as the Democrats, will not deal successfully or honestly with the Russians or Chinese.

Democrats can deal with the leverage the Chinese have over Biden or Swalwell by tossing them under the bus. It is expected that Biden will be tossed under the bus with in 6 to 12 months.

What if the Chinese dump the good on a few dozen or a few score Democrats in short order? It is easy enough to get rid of the old bat, Diane Feinstein. Mark Kelly will be harder. AOC is fuming and threatening to name names.

Just the mess of suborned Democrats is not the only problem. It is one of many.

By my calculation the Democrat-Media complex can cut transmission of news by 2/3rds, which is enough in the short term t get elected, but might not be enough for the Democrats to control the crowds one they rile them up or they get riled up on their own. At that point I think the Democrats will try to ride the dragon and that is when it happens.

fazman said...

Aussies are in total danger, from Korea, to Vietnam, to Iraq and Afghanistan, so yes we are always first in with the U.S and sometimes the only ones in.
COVID response nonsical?, my country has virtually irradicated it via lockdowns , 300,000 dead is no joke or fake.
No, a kinetic response is not warranted butshould they be identified then a cyber attack 2 fold is warranted.

Anonymous said...

COVID is real. It is also a joke.

Grand County, Colorado: 40% of COVID Deaths Were Actually
Victims of Gunshot Wounds

COVID is real enough, Not konwing anything abut a person over 65 beforehand, I know that approximately 5% will succumb to to COVID.

That is the worst of it. It is no reason to shut down the economy. It is reason to find a a vaccine pronto and that is what Trump did. No one else in the US could have done it. They are too hidebound. Jeb, Hillary, or the rest of those clowns could not have done it.

We owe our seniors vaccines and social distancing as needed before and after the vaccination program. That is if you are sick do not go to an old folks home even if everyone is vaccinated for COVID and influenza.

Got the daily 3 country death toll. 6 dead. 5 lived in nursing homes. All int he 70s and 80s. Typical day. You do not shut down an economy for that.

Several governors need to be brought up om charges of manslaughter and depraved heart murder. Many kids are dying of suicide, because the government shut down the schools all in the quest for power. We have a suicide spike, the govs own that.

I really think people do not have an honest idea about entropy and the human body. Yes, everyone is smarty enough to know. But we do not consider it for the same reason we do not live every moment knowing that we will die at some point.

At some point there is enough entropy in anyone person that systems cannot cope and it does not matter how many vaccines you get. You will die of congestive heart failure, cancer. respirator infection, diabetes or something.

What I think happened is that some people died around 32 months earlier than they normally would have. That is about it. Death rate this year will pretty much be like the death rate in 2019 or 2018.

Anonymous said...

"Before We talk of war let us first see the evidence."

Before we talk of election fraud let us first see the evidence.

Anonymous said...

Democrat, Russian or other, you are a cutie pie. You talk of evidence and here we see the Democrat denying people access to physical evidence.

BREAKING: Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Refuses to Comply With Subpoenas to Turn Over Dominion Voting Machines for Audit (VIDEO)

Some of the reason we will be going to war will have Russian fingerprints all over it. IT is a little like fingerprints all over it. Sure the Democrats made a mountain out of a molehill with the Russian Facebook ads. They did it for lying, conniving partisan purposes. Still the Russians are and were playing Jenga alongside the Democrats. It was all good fun until people go hurt.

I, myself, did not argue for a kinetic attack. I said things will likely end up kinetic. One just has to look at psychohistory.

It is all fun and games roiling the America body politic and making their Jenga stack come tumbling down. And if it is next to the Russian Jenga stack?

Without the measly $80,000 in Russian Facebook ads, which alot of it came after the election, where would the Democrats have gone? They would have gone somewhere, since they are a lying, thieving lot, but would it have been Russia! Russia! Russia! and would you be perturbed?

Anonymous said...

In the case of the "election" try opening your eyes, it might help ..... even you.

Anonymous said...

I agree on the trolls, but their sales pitches have so many inconsistencies that it's easy and quite fun to joust with them.

B.Poster said...

The evidence is plentiful. Look beyond the mainstream media narratives that don't even cover the evidence. As Anon says "open your eyes." You might learn something.

The only people who truly believe the election wasn't stolen from Trump are 1.) Democrat partisans, 2.) those inflicted with Trump derangement Syndrome, and 3.) those who aren't paying attention.

While there is a vast ocean of those who aren't paying attention, none of those are im positions of power. Essentially any world or corporate leader Biden deals with knows he's illegitimate even if they supported him

With evidence mounting they had to do something!! Invent a computer "hack" and blame your favorite boogeyman!! Fortunately people are catching on.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Poster,
I get about one out of twenty right.

Anonymous said...

"In the case of the "election" try opening your eyes, it might help ..... even you."

Which is why the Democrats are hiding the voting machines.

Didn't you mother tell you not to poke bears, sleeping dogs, etc...

There is no hope for you.