Saturday, January 23, 2021

British Prime Minister Says UK Covid Variant Could Be More Deadly


The U.K.'s top scientific adviser urged caution: "I want to stress that there is a lot of uncertainty." 

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson suggested Friday that the coronavirus variant discovered in the U.K. may be deadlier than other versions of the virus, though public health officials stressed that there is much uncertainty around this conclusion. 

"In addition to spreading more quickly," Johnson said during a news conference, "it also now appears that there is some evidence that the new variant that was first identified in London … may be associated with a higher degree of mortality." 

Read more .... 

 More News On Reports That The British Prime Minister Is Saying The UK Covid Variant Could Be More Deadly 

Update: WHO is calling for calm .... WHO Calls for ‘Calm’ After Boris Johnson Claims 'British' Covid-19 Strain is More Deadly (Sputnik)


Anonymous said...

You know what's next, right?
All property will be found as covid contaminated.
Your property value will tank. Who would want to buy property that might have had someone with covid in it? A dirty car? A flat?
You will own nothing!
And you'll like it.

Total enslavement upon us.

Death to tyrants!

Anonymous said...

Daily mail? why use a tabloid as a source.

Anonymous said...

Very few newspapers or magazines are not tabloids. Daily Mail uses more pictures than the tabloids such as the NTY and Washington Post

n. A newspaper of small format giving the news in condensed form, usually with illustrated, often sensational material.

Sensational is not necessarily bad. I think Sensation is not necessarily bad unless a sensationally written story overshadows other stories to edge them out altogether or not give them their pro0pre due.

But NYT and WaPo can omit stories and overshadow other stores without being sensational., Does that make them good?