Sunday, January 3, 2021

Europe Is Ignoring President-Elect Biden's Pleas To Work Together Against China With Their Latest Chinese Trade Deal

Flags of European Union and China on display as European Commission officials and Chinese President Xi Jinping approve an investment pact between China and the European Union on December 30, 2020, in Brussels, Belgium. Photo: AFP/Dursun Aydemir/Anadolu Agency 

Alan Tonelson, National Interest: The European Union Is Bludgeoning Joe Biden on China 

The European talks with Beijing on the investment deal represented the first test of the Biden China strategy, and its failure couldn’t be more clear. 

President-elect Joe Biden says that, although he’s hoping for and expects some cooperation from Congressional Republicans once he assumes office, he’s also ready for a “punch in the mouth” from his political opponents. 

On Wednesday, though, he faced an at least equally important question about both political pugilism and about his vaunted foreign policy expertise: Has he been ready for a punch in the mouth from America’s allies? Because that’s what he got from the European Union when it announced that it’s reached what it, anyway, considers to be a major investment deal with China. 

WNU Editor: So much for Biden's promises and commitment to work with our European allies on issues like China. The EU has chosen to ignore him by accelerating their talks with China after Trump's election defeat, and reaching this deal within weeks .... EU-China trade agreement, step forward or tripwire? (Asia times). 

Bottom line. 

Europe are clearly signaling to everyone that they see Biden as a weak President when compared to President Trump, and they are confident that a Biden administration will do nothing to stop them. In my opinion the EU is right. 

The media is also downplaying this split between the incoming Biden administration and Europe .... EU-China deal may give Biden’s team more options (Asia Times). 

As to what is my take on the EU - China deal itself. I think this deal is a huge mistake for Europe, and it is being done because Brussels is desperate on how to address the current Covid-19 recession that is now getting worse. They are hoping that with this deal China will address the huge trade imbalances that they are now currently enjoying with Europe, and respond by opening their markets. Here is an easy prediction. Beijing will not change their their trade policies to accommodate the EU. Here is a good analysis on why .... The EU Is At Risk Of Becoming Subservient To China (Advancing time).


Anonymous said...

Biden is weak. He did not and has never won a presidential primary season. We all know that Beijing Biden did not win the South Carolina primary.

How Rep. James Clyburn, a South Carolina icon, helped Biden score his big comeback - USA Today

Clyburne did not help Beijing Biden win South Carolina.

Beijing Biden did not help Clyburne win South Carolina for Biden. Joe has no coattails. How could he help anyone other than James and Hunter?

No, Clyburn and his operation did it all by himself.

The rest of the primary season was won for Beijing Biden by the DNC and the COVID tactics used by the Democrat Party.

Beijing Biden did not make himself. He is a stuffed shirt, a marionette, a puppet.

His wife has to hold his hand often times and leads him off the stage. A trained seal is smarter than Beijing Biden.

Beijing Biden is weak.

Anonymous said...

"The EU has chosen to ignore him by accelerating their talks with China after Trump's election defeat"

I would posit that it has more to do with the UK no longer being at the EU table, to say no to China.

The EU is an irrelevant lost cause.

Anonymous said...

Biden is not yet the president
What has Trump accomplished thus far with our allies and China

Anonymous said...


1) Shifffucker, you obviously never played a wargame with such things like "supply points".

2) We have to purge the Democrat Party of CCP influence and sympathizers like Biden, Harris, Feinstain, Swalwell, Schiff and others.

Anonymous said...

"Biden is not yet the president"
So!?!? You're going to have a long long 4 yrs, this is fun!

Anonymous said...

"Supply points?"

God. I always get a laugh coming to these comments on WNU. It's full of bile and North Korean-type insults. I don't even know what a 'shifffucker' is but I'd imagine the person saying it doesn't really have a clue either.

Hardly any intelligent conversation unfolds on these comments.

Anonymous said...


If you want to understand supply points rad up on some of the games that AL Nofi or Dunnigan design. I'll give the usual caveat. A game by definition is a model and models can never be 100% accurate. All models fail, but some models are useful.

I was making an analogy from one organization to another organization. There are other names and similar concepts in game design.

Try playing Battle of the Bulge by Avalon Hill Games. Play the German side to see what I mean.

A similar concept is one where a command HQ can only give out so many orders. Seems stupid, But Nofi and Dunnigan have done a lot of study. As a player you have a birds eye view and you think it is stupid. that you can order only 35% or 60% of your units into action The others just sit hand hold if they can. But Nofi and Dunnigan are trying to model reality as best they can and there are valid reason for such a game mechanic.

The Democrats know exactly what they are doing with their harassment. If they win, they win. If they lose they win, because they have tied up or slowed down the other party. There is no downside for them except that they have not yet won everything.

I used supply point instead of operational orders, because I have forgotten the exact name they used (but I remember the concept, which I though stupid at 1st) and have not taken time to go back through back issues at this time.