Monday, January 25, 2021

Europe Remains In Lockdown Mode

Europe Stays in Lockdown Mode 

In early 2021, COVID-19 restrictions remain in place across Europe. Yet, reluctance to go into a full-fledged lockdown has some countries apply a hodgepodge of restrictions just short of the real deal. 

Spain and France, where a second wave of infections spread from mid-July, led the way by imposing lockdowns as early as October. France has since come out of lockdown and switched to an early national curfew supplemented by restaurant closures - a tactic which is currently also applied in Belgium and Luxembourg. 

Spain has stuck to its national curfew and localized lockdown system stubbornly despite case numbers rising swiftly again in what has been called a third wave of infections. Italy, where cases started rising quickly in October, is under the same regiment, while adding early restaurant closures at 6 p.m. into the mix. 

More national curfews have been implemented in less-affected parts of Eastern and South Eastern Europe, for example in Hungary, Romania, Turkey and Albania. 

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WNU Editor: What bothers me is that there is no indication from anyone on when will all of these lock-down measures and curfews end. 


bn said...

The only way to end this is if the Vac. are way buy very way successful in protecting us from getting sick

If we have Hosp. with cap over 90% full, there is only 1 option that is a full lockdown

EU is just the worst spot cause of no borders and each country doing dif things from the rest. To stop the virus Airports and Borders need to be Well protected and checked

kidd said...

2021 the fall of man u fools

Anonymous said...

Why be worried? You have shown any knowledge of risk management to date. One method is to accept the risk. It is always a cost benefit analysis.

"Leaders: have made such an assessment it for their nations but for themselves. They have determined that benefits of more power for them is worth hurting the population and economies if the economic is not so bad that they can't pawn it off on someone else and capitalize on that also.

I love radio networks, They are such whores. Most of them know how to march in formation. Five since inauguration and no mote death counts on the hour. It is like old people are no longer dying of COVID anymore.

Anonymous said...

Europe hated Trump and held him in contempt. Yet America has a huge supply of Pfizer vaccine and the numbers getting vaccinated hit 1.6 million per day just as he left office. He was smart to bet big on many different vaccines, Europe didn’t, even with Moderna, a European company. For being so dumb President Trump looks brilliant compared to Merkel or Macron.